All the democrats have to do to win

Yes we can.

Yes he will be a continuation of the Bush policies which have wrecked havoc on our country.
Continue the war and continue the tax cuts which are why The economy is so F'ed up.

You dont get it this is what I said.
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because when you cut taxes and spend like paris hilton on crack on things like wars which make us a a country less safe you end up with .... well........ an economy likw we currently have especially when you also refuse to regulate commerce in any sane way.
because when you cut taxes and spend like paris hilton on crack on things like wars which make us a a country less safe you end up with .... well........ an economy likw we currently have especially when you also refuse to regulate commerce in any sane way.

again you have not shown how the cutting taxes has hurt anything. I can say if we hadn't cut taxes the economy would be in much condition than it is now.

You have not shown any argument.

No," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin. He was the chief economist for Bush's Council of Economic Advisers in 2001 and 2002, then the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office until late last year.

Holtz-Eakin said other factors were behind the surge in tax revenues. One is that revenues rise as the population and the economy grow. Revenues would have risen in the post-2001 economic recovery with or without tax reductions, just as they did in the '90s.

Treasury Secretary John Snow conceded Tuesday that the much-touted tax cuts for capital gains and dividend income don't drive today's strong economy.

Asked by Knight Ridder if the tax reductions paid for themselves, Snow acknowledged that they don't. He also acknowledged that economic growth and stock market gains were strong in the late 1990s, when the capital-gains tax stood at 20 percent and dividend income was taxed at rates as high as 38.6 percent.

No," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin. He was the chief economist for Bush's Council of Economic Advisers in 2001 and 2002, then the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office until late last year.

Holtz-Eakin said other factors were behind the surge in tax revenues. One is that revenues rise as the population and the economy grow. Revenues would have risen in the post-2001 economic recovery with or without tax reductions, just as they did in the '90s.

Treasury Secretary John Snow conceded Tuesday that the much-touted tax cuts for capital gains and dividend income don't drive today's strong economy.

Asked by Knight Ridder if the tax reductions paid for themselves, Snow acknowledged that they don't. He also acknowledged that economic growth and stock market gains were strong in the late 1990s, when the capital-gains tax stood at 20 percent and dividend income was taxed at rates as high as 38.6 percent.

Ok, and how does that show the tax cuts hurt the economy?
well cawak, when you couple them with trillions of dollars in spending which harms your country then you get...well what we now have.
Don't expect an answer on that one. If we hadn't been granted a little bit more of our money to spend, this economy would be much worse right now.
Yes because the answer to every bad thing is "go shopping"! That is what we were told after September 11 GO SHOPPING! After the war started up and money was being spent we were told not to worry, GO SHOPPING. And now as the economy takes a down turn, and some people are going to lose their jobs, we are told , "Here is some tax refund, take that money and go shopping!" Although I did also hear Bush tout the checks as being able to help people pay their mortgage. He just didn't say for one more partial payment. So yes by all means give us more money so we can GO SHOPPING!. (note: if you imagine the voice of spounge bob sqarepants saying GO SHOPPING! you will get the true depth of how crazy all this really is)
well cawak, when you couple them with trillions of dollars in spending which harms your country then you get...well what we now have.

No Desh, like I said you can state that without the tax cuts the economy would be in much worse shape.

I know in your political view more money in the hands of the producers is a bad thing and more money in the hands of the government is a good thing. But it does not hurt the economy to have businesses and people keeping more of their own money.
the rtesults speak for themselfs.

Im sure you think tax cuts which dont pay for themselves is a great idea when you spend trillions on a worse than useless war but I think you will find very few people to agree.