Alleged Victim of Incest Excommunicated by Catholic Church


Staff member
Brazil girl, alleged incest victim, aborts twins

The Associated Press
Wednesday, March 4, 2009; 2:13 PM

RIO DE JANEIRO -- A 9-year-old girl who was carrying twins, allegedly after being raped by her stepfather, underwent an abortion Wednesday despite complaints from Brazil's Roman Catholic church.

Police said the stepfather has been jailed since last week.

Abortion is illegal in Brazil, but judges can make exceptions if the mother's life is in danger or the fetus has no chance of survival.

Fatima Maia, director of the public university hospital where the abortion was performed, said the 15-week-old pregnancy posed a serious risk to the 80-pound (36-kilogram) girl.

"She is very small. Her uterus doesn't have the ability to hold one, let alone two children," Maia told the Jornal do Brasil newspaper.

More at link...
Yeah, I read about this. It's fucked up. The idea that a nine year-old incest-rape victim must give birth to twin is insane.
Coming from the Catholic Church the only surprise is that they didn't add that the girl was "asking for it".

Thankfully the stepfather who raped her, and her disabled sister, did not have to suffer the ignominy of excommunication as well. Praise the Lord.
Coming from the Catholic Church the only surprise is that they didn't add that the girl was "asking for it".

Thankfully the stepfather who raped her, and her disabled sister, did not have to suffer the ignominy of excommunication as well. Praise the Lord.

Funny that the step-father is not excommunicated.
Coming from the Catholic Church the only surprise is that they didn't add that the girl was "asking for it".

Thankfully the stepfather who raped her, and her disabled sister, did not have to suffer the ignominy of excommunication as well. Praise the Lord.

There was a similiar situation to this in the Philippines a few years back and they handled it quite well. They executed the freak that raped his daughter. The Pope wasn't to pleased about that either but he couldn't excomunicate a whole nation.
Coming from the Catholic Church the only surprise is that they didn't add that the girl was "asking for it".

Thankfully the stepfather who raped her, and her disabled sister, did not have to suffer the ignominy of excommunication as well. Praise the Lord.

I wouldn't be sarcastic if I was you Charver. I've heard people in here discussing that you'd be a good candidate for a retroactive abortion! :p
There was a similiar situation to this in the Philippines a few years back and they handled it quite well. They executed the freak that raped his daughter. The Pope wasn't to pleased about that either but he couldn't excomunicate a whole nation.

Its called Interdict...
Seriously, excommunicated? WTF? Seriously?

I can't get over this. Every time I see it I'm stunned. If anybody should be excommunicated it should be the 'father' who did this to her.

Every time I read this it just gets me angry all over again.

Let me give the Catholic Church some advice.

It's "Let the little children come to me."

NOT, "Victimize all the children for me."
Seriously, excommunicated? WTF? Seriously?

I can't get over this. Every time I see it I'm stunned. If anybody should be excommunicated it should be the 'father' who did this to her.

Every time I read this it just gets me angry all over again.

Let me give the Catholic Church some advice.

It's "Let the little children come to me."

NOT, "Victimize all the children for me."

Pretty sick. I mean this was a 9 year old girl. You know this would be outrageous if she had been an adult woman but excomunicating a 9 year old girl who can't even make an informed decision? This is disgusting.
Pretty sick. I mean this was a 9 year old girl. You know this would be outrageous if she had been an adult woman but excomunicating a 9 year old girl who can't even make an informed decision? This is disgusting.

When your moral principles tell you that a 9 year old rape victim carrying the twins of her rapist ought to be excommunicated it's time to get some new moral principles.
When your moral principles tell you that a 9 year old rape victim carrying the twins of her rapist ought to be excommunicated it's time to get some new moral principles.

This just flabergasts me. I can see them excomunicating the rapist or the doctors that performed the abortion but a 9 year old girl?
When I saw who the morons were posting inthe thread I thought I'd better do some research for myself....and of course the morons got it wrong...

RIO DE JANEIRO — A Roman Catholic archbishop says the abortion of twins carried by a 9-year-old girl who allegedly was raped by her stepfather means excommunication for the girl’s mother and her doctors.

Despite the nature of the case, the church had to hold its line against abortion, Archbishop Jose Cardoso Sobrinho said in an interview aired last week by Globo television.

“The law of God is higher than any human laws,” he said Thursday. “When a human law — that is, a law enacted by human legislators — is against the law of God, that law has no value. The adults who approved, who carried out this abortion have incurred excommunication.”

So it seems the nine year old was not the one excommunicated...
When I saw who the morons were posting inthe thread I thought I'd better do some research for myself....and of course the morons got it wrong...

RIO DE JANEIRO — A Roman Catholic archbishop says the abortion of twins carried by a 9-year-old girl who allegedly was raped by her stepfather means excommunication for the girl’s mother and her doctors.

Despite the nature of the case, the church had to hold its line against abortion, Archbishop Jose Cardoso Sobrinho said in an interview aired last week by Globo television.

“The law of God is higher than any human laws,” he said Thursday. “When a human law — that is, a law enacted by human legislators — is against the law of God, that law has no value. The adults who approved, who carried out this abortion have incurred excommunication.”

So it seems the nine year old was not the one excommunicated...

Not much better. So the mother who didn't force her 9 year old daughter to carry twins to term, should be excommunicated?

So the doctor who saved this 80 pound little girl from serious risk, should be excommunicated?

Sounds just as bad to me. I mean, if we went around protecting children from harm, who knows where that would lead.
Not much better. So the mother who didn't force her 9 year old daughter to carry twins to term, should be excommunicated?

So the doctor who saved this 80 pound little girl from serious risk, should be excommunicated?

Sounds just as bad to me. I mean, if we went around protecting children from harm, who knows where that would lead.

Not better , not worse....just ACCURATE....
Do they excommunicate everyone who gets an abortion? Why was she singled out if not? Surely there are plenty of American Catholics who get abortions. Do Catholics really make no exceptions whatsoever? Even under the most unreasonable pro-life abortion law, if abortion after even rape itself is prohibited, the life of the mother may be taken into account. A 9-year olds life is always at risk under when they're pregnant.
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There was a similiar situation to this in the Philippines a few years back and they handled it quite well. They executed the freak that raped his daughter. The Pope wasn't to pleased about that either but he couldn't excomunicate a whole nation.

If I were pope I would excommunicate every nation that performed executions.
Do they excommunicate everyone who gets an abortion? Why was she singled out if not? Surely there are plenty of American Catholics who get abortions.

That is a good question. Perhaps they make a distinction between 'active' Catholics and 'nominal' Catholics. Most Catholics in Brazil are practicing - they attend mass every Sunday, etc. They take their religion seriously. Most Catholics in the United States do not, and accordingly the RCC can't really keep tabs on them. Just a thought. Either way, they are within their rights as a private religious organization. But it's still fucked up.

On a side note, some of the naughtiest girls I've met are Catholics. ;)

If I were pope I would excommunicate every nation that performed executions.

I'm pretty sure the Pope is anti-death penalty. Which is ironic considering his church killed millions of innocent people throughout the centuries...