Am I the only one...?

Bush has lots of money, not enough to buy history on a grand scale, but enough to influence it. History is written by those with money. Thats what Presidental libraries are all about... Securing the presidents place in history in the way they want it secured.

History is written by historians. Every President has money so they can put whatever they want in their libraries. That doesn't write history.
Dude, there are rich Democrats and there are rich Republicans. There are poor Democrats and there are poor Republicans.

I think you are missing my point. Bush is unfit to be president, regardless if you are a Republican or Democrat and few people saw it like I did. Now the vast majority know it. Why was I one of the few able to see that?

If Roger Clinton, (Bills half brother) were to run for president, I would stand up and say, THIS GUY IS NOT QUALIFIED. He would be a mess as president because he clearly does not have the temperment or qualifications. That is what it was like when Bush ran, regardless of his politics, he was/is grossly UNQUALIFIED and lacks the temperment and intelegence.
Yet...You will get there.

Of course 5 million ain't what it used to be either.

It aint what people belive it to be, but if I had that much in the bank, I would work part time and spend MUCH MUCH more time with my kids.
Depends a lot on your required lifestyle Jarod.

With my money and my lifestyle I am set for the expected 20 years or so left in my life.

I only still work because it is easy money and to keep an agreement I made.
Depends a lot on your required lifestyle Jarod.

With my money and my lifestyle I am set for the expected 20 years or so left in my life.

I have young kids who I want to put through private school and college, that would be my major expense. I currently rent a home for very cheep so thats not a bad expense.
I know I was one of the few back then, but am I the only one now who belives Bush is/was an exceptionally bad president, to the point of an embarrisment.

This goes beyond politics... I can see how a reasonable person can support McCain, Clinton, Obama, Dole, Bush, Sr., Regan, even Nixon prior to Watergate... But I have always wondered how a resonable person could support Bush, Jr.

Am I alone?

Your avatar picture says it all.

It's manlove.