America can take a page From Germany

I remember being a kid and learning about slavery

I was PROUD my nation decided to end it

I never felt guilty

It’s idiocy to think that
How Do German Children Learn About the Holocaust?

In Germany, children learn about the darkest chapter in the country’s history at a young age.

The contrast between places that teach children about their past and the fight over teaching about racism in the U.S..

The left won't teach about the holocaust because they hate Jews.

They support the complete destruction of Israel.
Do Russian children learn about the evils of Lenin and Stalin? How about Chinese kids learning about the evils of Mao? Do Japanese children learn about their nation's atrocities in WW 2?

Using a cherry-picked example to bash the US is a meaningless and futile exercise in hatred of the US and little more.
How the Nazis Were Inspired by Jim Crow
To craft legal discrimination, the Third Reich studied the United States.

In 1935, Nazi Germany passed two radically discriminatory pieces of legislation: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. Together, these were known as the Nuremberg Laws, and they laid the legal groundwork for the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust and World War II.

When the Nazis set out to legally disenfranchise and discriminate against Jewish citizens, they weren’t just coming up with ideas out of thin air. They closely studied the laws of another country. According to James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, that country was the United States.

“America in the early 20th century was the leading racist jurisdiction in the world,” says Whitman, who is a professor at Yale Law School. “Nazi lawyers, as a result, were interested in, looked very closely at, [and] were ultimately influenced by American race law.”
Stupid fuckin shiksa goyim ( "abomination", "impure," or "object of loathing"), We Jews vote overwhelmingly Democrat and are liberals

And many of you thought Hitler wasn't a threat either.

That's why they didn't leave Germany.

Not a very good track record there.
I read a number of reviews of the book--no, I'm not going to buy it just to shut this thread down-- and I come away with a suspicion, a strong suspicion, that this book is just academic quackery. It is clear from the reviews that it is well sourced and documented. What I see however, from those reviews is that it's likely cherry picked, and the author deliberately spins things to make his case. That is, it is a case of a conclusion in search of a thesis.

It is the sort of academic quackery presented here by academics wanting to show that much of academic research is quackery.

The author being an academic is in the position of publish or perish and publishing stuff, even badly done stuff, that fits the expected radical Leftist academic narrative makes it easier to stay in your cushy university job.
How American Racism Influenced Hitler

in “Mein Kampf,” Hitler praises America as the one state that has made progress toward a primarily racial conception of citizenship, by “excluding certain races from naturalization.” Whitman writes that the discussion of such influences is almost taboo, because the crimes of the Third Reich are commonly defined as “the nefandum, the unspeakable descent into what we often call ‘radical evil.’
Do Russian children learn about the evils of Lenin and Stalin? How about Chinese kids learning about the evils of Mao? Do Japanese children learn about their nation's atrocities in WW 2?

Using a cherry-picked example to bash the US is a meaningless and futile exercise in hatred of the US and little more.

Dear fucking idiot

America is a democracy

Fuck you very much
Oh and BTW the Japanese do teach their kids about the dark parts of their history

What Japanese history lessons leave out


Japan's struggle with history
As the nation marks the 72nd anniversary of its surrender at the end of World War II, there are still many here who insist that Japan acted honorably throughout the conflict. Julian Ryall reports from Tokyo

Try again you drug addled retard.