America is a christian nation?

Very true.... The various religious groups didn't get along.. whether Quakers, Dutch Reformed, Anabaptists.. whatever. Not very Christian IMO.

Well, fair play, the Society of Friends (Quakers) never ever hanged anybody.
Well, fair play, the Society of Friends (Quakers) never ever hanged anybody.

In the early 1600 nobody would trade with them or come to their common defense. Every group shunned everyother group and the Catholics and Jews hadn't shown up yet.
America is a eurocentric predatory capitalist society that managed to use christianity to justify its genocide and slavery upon which this nation was built and founded. If that's what we're calling a christian nation, so be it. Others may see through it though.
America was never officially a Christian nation, if that's what dipshit libs man by America isn't a Christian nation. But, America was a Christian nation through the middle of the 20th century, before the government started oppressing Christianity.

Fuck christianity, the oppression began in the Inquisition and never let up.
If America is a Christian Nation, then America is a theocracy,

which means that America is just like Saudi Arabia.

Our Evangelical Right is the best argument possible in favor of genocide.

While genocide may not be an actual option, we'd clearly be a far superior nation without them.
If America is a Christian Nation, then America is a theocracy,

which means that America is just like Saudi Arabia.

Our Evangelical Right is the best argument possible in favor of genocide.

While genocide may not be an actual option, we'd clearly be a far superior nation without them.

Evangelicals are very special.. They think Jesus will not return until all Jews move to Israel.. 2/3rds will convert to Christianity and the rest will die.. Then the temple will be rebuilt and Jesus will return.. Its bad theology... but it make for lots of Christian Zionists.
What really makes my country different is that my country has no monolithic opinion about anything.

No matter what happens in America, half of the people completely hate it and half the people love it.

There is no solidarity in America. The word "American" refers only to a nationality and not to an ethnicity. Their is no American ethnicity. We're like an oversized version of the old Yugoslavia where people with absolutely nothing in common try to share a government.

We pretend to celebrated cultural and ethnic diversity, but ideological diversity is what makes us dysfunctional.

Europeans started amping up the genocide of native Americans around 1500, but the actual American Experiment was a product of the late 18th century when our constitution and actual nation were drawn. That experiment has proven to be a complete failure.

America does not profit from our ever-continuing war profiteering. A handful of American oligarchs do. But a huge number of Americans who do not profit are as guilty as the ones who do.

We hate each other so much that half of us vote in direct opposition to our own financial interests in order to advance people who support our hatreds and our fears. This is America in the Third Millennium.

I don't care that you don't like our genetically altered food and our shopping addiction, World. You're concentrating on the wrong things to dislike. Americans are not spoiled. Americans are fucking stupid.

It's so goddamned obvious to those few of us who are not stupid, but we react in different ways. I, for example, always took more pride in my Italian ethnicity than my American nationality because during my lifetime, America has managed to embarrass itself even worse than Italy has--which is saying something.

At least Italy can make good sports cars, sunglasses, and shoes.

Americans can't make jack shit except for armaments which we'll sell to anybody with the money to pay for it, even if the money other governments spend on it takes food off their own people's tables. No problem for us. Even poor Americans are fat. That genetically altered food is the other thing that we can make, and it's pretty cheap by global standards. I even like much of it.

I'm seventy-two years old. My life is about yesterdays, not tomorrows. I should be calmly going along with the flow and not worrying about anything, but that's never been my nature. Instead, I take fourteen prescription drugs to stay alive and to stay angry about the most wasted potential in the history of humanity--America.

And fuck HBO for dropping boxing, by the way. Am I supposed to buy it just for Bill Maher and John Oliver? They're both on fucking sabbatical.
What really makes my country different is that my country has no monolithic opinion about anything.

No matter what happens in America, half of the people completely hate it and half the people love it.

There is no solidarity in America. The word "American" refers only to a nationality and not to an ethnicity. Their is no American ethnicity. We're like an oversized version of the old Yugoslavia where people with absolutely nothing in common try to share a government.

We pretend to celebrated cultural and ethnic diversity, but ideological diversity is what makes us dysfunctional.

Europeans started amping up the genocide of native Americans around 1500, but the actual American Experiment was a product of the late 18th century when our constitution and actual nation were drawn. That experiment has proven to be a complete failure.

America does not profit from our ever-continuing war profiteering. A handful of American oligarchs do. But a huge number of Americans who do not profit are as guilty as the ones who do.

We hate each other so much that half of us vote in direct opposition to our own financial interests in order to advance people who support our hatreds and our fears. This is America in the Third Millennium.

I don't care that you don't like our genetically altered food and our shopping addiction, World. You're concentrating on the wrong things to dislike. Americans are not spoiled. Americans are fucking stupid.

It's so goddamned obvious to those few of us who are not stupid, but we react in different ways. I, for example, always took more pride in my Italian ethnicity than my American nationality because during my lifetime, America has managed to embarrass itself even worse than Italy has--which is saying something.

At least Italy can make good sports cars, sunglasses, and shoes.

Americans can't make jack shit except for armaments which we'll sell to anybody with the money to pay for it, even if the money other governments spend on it takes food off their own people's tables. No problem for us. Even poor Americans are fat. That genetically altered food is the other thing that we can make, and it's pretty cheap by global standards. I even like much of it.

I'm seventy-two years old. My life is about yesterdays, not tomorrows. I should be calmly going along with the flow and not worrying about anything, but that's never been my nature. Instead, I take fourteen prescription drugs to stay alive and to stay angry about the most wasted potential in the history of humanity--America.

And fuck HBO for dropping boxing, by the way. Am I supposed to buy it just for Bill Maher and John Oliver? They're both on fucking sabbatical.

No country is monolithic.. Put 4 Arabs in a room and you'll get 5 opinions.. same with Jews.

None of them are food stamps, government housing, Obamacare, or anything else you left wing bleeding hearts continue to claim are supported by the Constitution. Why the hypocrisy from you?