America Number 1!

Apparently Darla just discovered the phenomenon of hospitals being bankrupted by people who don't pay their bills. Many have closed their doors when they can no longer pay their doctors, pay for electricity, buy medical supplies etc. This is especially common in southwestern border-state areas with high concentrations of illegal aliens. The hospitals treat them as they treat everyone else... and then shut their doors permanently.

But never fear. If Hillary or Obama is elected, soon we will have Socialized Medicine like they have in Canada and England. Then EVERYBODY will have to wait months for necessary treatments, even if they can pay a MILLION dollars up front.

And as for elective procedures.... try waiting lines of years.

Yup, finally we'll have true equality: Health care will suck for everyone. Sounds like a great solution to me.

You're an idiot.
. Onecelar I respect your opinion but I have 8 relatives in Canada who are doctors (don't ask long story) who will speak to the stories(negative) we hear about their system.

Obama's plan is nothing like the Canadian system. Hillaries plan only resembles the Canadian system in that its mandatory.
. Onecelar I respect your opinion but I have 8 relatives in Canada who are doctors (don't ask long story) who will speak to the stories(negative) we hear about their system.

I guess they don't make enough money ?

as desh said no system is perfect. Even the RNC has problems.

I just think we can do lots better for medical care for the people of the USA.
. Onecelar I respect your opinion but I have 8 relatives in Canada who are doctors (don't ask long story) who will speak to the stories(negative) we hear about their system.

I bet you could talk to just about any american doctor, and hear horror stories about our system. No system is perfect. It can always be better. I have the impression that the french system kicks our ass.
One interesting trend. States are refusing to pay for medicare bills from hosiptals for treatment for conditions arising from medical mistakes. infections encountered under medical care, etc.
Now that is getting their attention, biting them in the pocket book becuase the treatment costs comes out of their pocket. well at least till the hospitals figure out how to work the system and get the money anyway.
And our system is perfect ?

Why dont they move here and practice then?
. Care to state who has claimed our system is perfect? Because one may say our system is better than someone else's does not mean our's is perfect. Notice I said long story about my relatives? They did come to the u.s. And had to leave.
Hey cypress if you are sharing your drugs with desh hook a cali brother up!

Heroin is the bomb dude.

Let me know when you're up on the central coast. My GF has a lot of cool ass girl friends.

I don't know if they date conservatives, but it's worth a shot :clink:
Heroin is the bomb dude.

Let me know when you're up on the central coast. My GF has a lot of cool ass girl friends.

I don't know if they date conservatives, but it's worth a shot :clink:

For an attractive girl I would be the least ideological person you've ever met. From age 10 on I grew up in Oakland which is right next to Berkley. I laugh at hippies but if I need people to think I'm one I can pull it off in a heartbeat. Your gal will be like 'Cypress, where did you get such a progressive friend?' I would score you points bro.

Edit: I'll get high on life and Jack & Coke. No heroin for me sir.
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. Onecelar I respect your opinion but I have 8 relatives in Canada who are doctors (don't ask long story) who will speak to the stories(negative) we hear about their system.

Depends on the province because that's how the system operates. But they do need to look at allowing a second tier driven by cash or insurance.
There will be nationalized healthcare by the time the majority of boomers are retired guaranteed. They pretty much run the show in this country anyways unless the X and Y's can come together and actualy vote.

Lets just hope its not a buerocratic cluster fuck and instead is a well thought out and cost vetted plan. So far I like the openness of obama's plan to bring all stake holders to the table and get everyone on board.
This will be a MAJOR increase in our government size and there is no way in hell I would support something done form the top down behind closed doors. We have to do this together.

[ame=""]YouTube - Barack Obama on Health Care Reform[/ame]
For an attractive girl I would be the least ideological person you've ever met. From age 10 on I grew up in Oakland which is right next to Berkley. I laugh at hippies but if I need people to think I'm one I can pull it off in a heartbeat. Your gal will be like 'Cypress, where did you get such a progressive friend?' I would score you points bro.

Edit: I'll get high on life and Jack & Coke. No heroin for me sir.

Dude, I'm digging the incognito "progressive" thang. But, why stop with making it an act? Just leave the dark side, man!

Hey man, you haven't lived till you've hit up some heroin. :p
Yep chap I think we oldsters are going to organize and threaten to cut of inheritances to x and y if they do not support nationalized health care. we do control most of the money after all....