America: The Drug Pushers


Verified User
You have probably heard that there is a war on drugs here in the U.S. But as I pointed out in my thread, "My struggle against stupidity," (In others of course) for just about everything you think you know, the opposite is almost certainly the case. There is no war on drugs here in the U.S. If there was, it wouldn't be going on! Any war on drugs that you think you see is just meaningless window dressing. The reason we have a drug problem here in the U.S. is because our government is making money off it!

Don't believe me? Well there was a movie made once called "Air America" that spoke of the U.S. importing drugs into the U.S. during the Vietnam War to help some ally war lord. And it is almost certainly true. Also, in around 1962, a large amount of heroin was seized. Estimated to be worth around 10 to 12 million dollars. (Who knows what it would be worth these days) It is said that it is estimated that it was stolen from some police evidence room sometime before 1970. So what would that kind of evidence be doing hanging around a police station for that long. Shouldn't those who originally had been found with it been prosecuted long before then? Now if somebody like the CIA wanted those drugs back, no doubt they had the ability to do so. No doubt things like that are still going on. And I doubt if they could all be the work of crooked cops. Just as with Laos, no doubt the CIA has been importing drugs to help out some foreign ally war lord. Now of course the government itself doesn't actually distribute those drugs. To do so, they no doubt needed the help of an ally like the Mafia.

Do you think all this is unlikely? Keep in mind that this country prospered from nearly the beginning by selling drugs. The drug was tobacco. At one time it was so valuable that it was accepted as currency.
Drug regulation should include warning labels and nothing else.
We didn't restrict drug use until the early 20thg century
and it didn't seem to be that much of a problem,
other than the false advertising aspect.

Junkies overdosing helps cull the population of some of its least desirable elements.
The restrictions on drug use created a multi-billion dollar crime industry that made
prohibition era bootlegging look like parlor game fad in comparison.
It would be unlikely that the government could pull off an illegal drug trade.

Our governments is split in half and if one side got some evidence of the other authorizing this they would not hesitate to turn them in for political gain.
You have probably heard that there is a war on drugs here in the U.S. But as I pointed out in my thread, "My struggle against stupidity," (In others of course) for just about everything you think you know, the opposite is almost certainly the case. There is no war on drugs here in the U.S. If there was, it wouldn't be going on! Any war on drugs that you think you see is just meaningless window dressing. The reason we have a drug problem here in the U.S. is because our government is making money off it!

Don't believe me? Well there was a movie made once called "Air America" that spoke of the U.S. importing drugs into the U.S. during the Vietnam War to help some ally war lord. And it is almost certainly true. Also, in around 1962, a large amount of heroin was seized. Estimated to be worth around 10 to 12 million dollars. (Who knows what it would be worth these days) It is said that it is estimated that it was stolen from some police evidence room sometime before 1970. So what would that kind of evidence be doing hanging around a police station for that long. Shouldn't those who originally had been found with it been prosecuted long before then? Now if somebody like the CIA wanted those drugs back, no doubt they had the ability to do so. No doubt things like that are still going on. And I doubt if they could all be the work of crooked cops. Just as with Laos, no doubt the CIA has been importing drugs to help out some foreign ally war lord. Now of course the government itself doesn't actually distribute those drugs. To do so, they no doubt needed the help of an ally like the Mafia.

Do you think all this is unlikely? Keep in mind that this country prospered from nearly the beginning by selling drugs. The drug was tobacco. At one time it was so valuable that it was accepted as currency.

Well, here is something you should read on your quest to become less stupid!

It is estimated that more than 140,000 people (approximately 97,000 men and 43,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth-leading preventable cause of death in the United States behind tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs.

Good Luck! And I wish you the very best!
You have probably heard that there is a war on drugs here in the U.S. But as I pointed out in my thread, "My struggle against stupidity," (In others of course) for just about everything you think you know, the opposite is almost certainly the case. There is no war on drugs here in the U.S. If there was, it wouldn't be going on! Any war on drugs that you think you see is just meaningless window dressing. The reason we have a drug problem here in the U.S. is because our government is making money off it!

Don't believe me? Well there was a movie made once called "Air America" that spoke of the U.S. importing drugs into the U.S. during the Vietnam War to help some ally war lord. And it is almost certainly true. Also, in around 1962, a large amount of heroin was seized. Estimated to be worth around 10 to 12 million dollars. (Who knows what it would be worth these days) It is said that it is estimated that it was stolen from some police evidence room sometime before 1970. So what would that kind of evidence be doing hanging around a police station for that long. Shouldn't those who originally had been found with it been prosecuted long before then? Now if somebody like the CIA wanted those drugs back, no doubt they had the ability to do so. No doubt things like that are still going on. And I doubt if they could all be the work of crooked cops. Just as with Laos, no doubt the CIA has been importing drugs to help out some foreign ally war lord. Now of course the government itself doesn't actually distribute those drugs. To do so, they no doubt needed the help of an ally like the Mafia.

Do you think all this is unlikely? Keep in mind that this country prospered from nearly the beginning by selling drugs. The drug was tobacco. At one time it was so valuable that it was accepted as currency.
Wow, grasshopper.

Your Kung Fu sucks.
Well, here is something you should read on your quest to become less stupid!

It is estimated that more than 140,000 people (approximately 97,000 men and 43,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth-leading preventable cause of death in the United States behind tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs.

Good Luck! And I wish you the very best!
"No Doubt" ;)
Drug regulation should include warning labels and nothing else.
We didn't restrict drug use until the early 20thg century
and it didn't seem to be that much of a problem,
other than the false advertising aspect.

Junkies overdosing helps cull the population of some of its least desirable elements.
The restrictions on drug use created a multi-billion dollar crime industry that made
prohibition era bootlegging look like parlor game fad in comparison.

Our government treats people like shit! So overdoses aren't culling out the least desirable. It is culling out those treated like shit and take drugs to compensate. Though maybe to a capitalist society like ours that thrives on slavery, those are the least desirable people. Those who in actuality are the most desirable.
It would be unlikely that the government could pull off an illegal drug trade.

Our governments is split in half and if one side got some evidence of the other authorizing this they would not hesitate to turn them in for political gain.

Well obviously, they did and still do pull it off. Take the Iran-Contra thing. No doubt drugs were involved in supporting out ally down there. Next, some problems are kept so secret that trying to reveal them would likely get you killed. They could even make it look like a natural death.
Well, here is something you should read on your quest to become less stupid!

It is estimated that more than 140,000 people (approximately 97,000 men and 43,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth-leading preventable cause of death in the United States behind tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs.

Good Luck! And I wish you the very best!

Alcohol is one thing. All of the other drugs are a different matter. Alcohol at least is regulated. Drugs are just profit for crime syndicates.
Wow, grasshopper.

Your Kung Fu sucks.

You want certainty in an atmosphere of censorship, secrecy and lies? That isn't likely to happen. But you can make a judgement on the preponderance of evidence that is ALMOST CERTAINLY right.
You want certainty in an atmosphere of censorship, secrecy and lies? That isn't likely to happen. But you can make a judgement on the preponderance of evidence that is ALMOST CERTAINLY right.

This is nothing new. These claims about the government controlling drugs have been around for years. Where do we find the preponderance of the evidence? In movies?
Our government treats people like shit! So overdoses aren't culling out the least desirable. It is culling out those treated like shit and take drugs to compensate. Though maybe to a capitalist society like ours that thrives on slavery, those are the least desirable people. Those who in actuality are the most desirable.

I recognize your egalitarian tendencies but don't share them.
Agree with your remarks on American capitalism, however.
You have probably heard that there is a war on drugs here in the U.S. But as I pointed out in my thread, "My struggle against stupidity," (In others of course) for just about everything you think you know, the opposite is almost certainly the case. There is no war on drugs here in the U.S. If there was, it wouldn't be going on! Any war on drugs that you think you see is just meaningless window dressing. The reason we have a drug problem here in the U.S. is because our government is making money off it!

Don't believe me? Well there was a movie made once called "Air America" that spoke of the U.S. importing drugs into the U.S. during the Vietnam War to help some ally war lord. And it is almost certainly true. Also, in around 1962, a large amount of heroin was seized. Estimated to be worth around 10 to 12 million dollars. (Who knows what it would be worth these days) It is said that it is estimated that it was stolen from some police evidence room sometime before 1970. So what would that kind of evidence be doing hanging around a police station for that long. Shouldn't those who originally had been found with it been prosecuted long before then? Now if somebody like the CIA wanted those drugs back, no doubt they had the ability to do so. No doubt things like that are still going on. And I doubt if they could all be the work of crooked cops. Just as with Laos, no doubt the CIA has been importing drugs to help out some foreign ally war lord. Now of course the government itself doesn't actually distribute those drugs. To do so, they no doubt needed the help of an ally like the Mafia.

Do you think all this is unlikely? Keep in mind that this country prospered from nearly the beginning by selling drugs. The drug was tobacco. At one time it was so valuable that it was accepted as currency.
Easy fix: Legalize all drugs. Regulate them, tax them and let the stupid poison themselves.

It's wrong to kill innocent people, but if the stupid remove themselves from the American gene pool, all the better.
This is nothing new. These claims about the government controlling drugs have been around for years. Where do we find the preponderance of the evidence? In movies?

As I said in my thread, if there was an actual WAR against drugs in the U.S., we wouldn't have a drug problem. So if the government isn't against it in a meaningful way, chances are it is because they are profiting from it in some way.
As I said in my thread, if there was an actual WAR against drugs in the U.S., we wouldn't have a drug problem. So if the government isn't against it in a meaningful way, chances are it is because they are profiting from it in some way.

IConspiracy Theorists

Why didn't Trump reveal the Truth? Bush? Any of the Republican Presidents since those days? Democratic Presidents? Or do you think it's all Kabuki Theater and they are all in on it?
Easy fix: Legalize all drugs. Regulate them, tax them and let the stupid poison themselves.

It's wrong to kill innocent people, but if the stupid remove themselves from the American gene pool, all the better.

I did a thread along those lines. I got no replies. Also, during prohibition, The U.S. killed an estimated 10,000 Americans with poisoned alcohol. Was that just removing the stupid from the gene pool?
I did a thread along those lines. I got no replies. Also, during prohibition, The U.S. killed an estimated 10,000 Americans with poisoned alcohol. Was that just removing the stupid from the gene pool?

The "US" didn't kill anyone just like the US isn't killing people with fentanyl. Dumbasses are taking it all by themselves.

Why do you care if a drug-addicted dumbass kills themselves with poison? Isn't that their choice? Their unalienable right?
The "US" didn't kill anyone just like the US isn't killing people with fentanyl. Dumbasses are taking it all by themselves.

Why do you care if a drug-addicted dumbass kills themselves with poison? Isn't that their choice? Their unalienable right?

Many don’t know their drugs are poisoned