Americans are not stupid



New idea. Everyone takes an IQ test, and if you score below 120, you are permanently stripped of voting rights. Or thrown out of the nation. Can't really decide.
This is the crowd now know as The Chaser on tv here. You might remember a report about the bloke dressed up as Osama bin Laden who got through the cordon at APEC in Sydney? Anyway they used to do this schtick, still do it from time to time. I have to wonder how many people they speak to so that they can get five minutes of people who aren't well informed.
I hate when they seek out the stupidest people and then put them on the air. It drives me insane.

It probably took him 8 hours of work to get that 2 minute segment, cutting out all the people who could answer the questions.
I hate when they seek out the stupidest people and then put them on the air. It drives me insane.

It probably took him 8 hours of work to get that 2 minute segment, cutting out all the people who could answer the questions.

I know, they could have just rolled up to the Republican Convention and saved themselves at least 7 hours and fifty-eight minutes of wasted filming.
Americans are not stupid? Hmmmm

Have you ever worked in a job that required you deal with the public? Granted, there are a lot of smart people in this country. But there are plenty of idiots too.
Lots of idiots out there Sol, lots of idiots.

And all are not in upper management.

Not enough upper management positions to hold em all.
hey i have an idea. lets tax smarter workers more. Brilliant.

Naah the current plan of taxing the dumber ones more works best, They don't realize what is happening and don't whine as much.
They can be easially convinced they are getting tax cuts while paying more.
Distorted or not, that is exactly what much of the rest of thre world thinks about Americans ..

... and that was very funny. :)

A properly administered IQ address will read an average of 100. I say we have an entrance exam for this site that requires you to register above average intelligence, same for voting. ;)
A properly administered IQ address will read an average of 100. I say we have an entrance exam for this site that requires you to register above average intelligence, same for voting. ;)

I never took an IQ test so I don’t know what my score would be. I’d have to find that out before I could decide whether or not this was fair. I don’t want to end up blocked along with Superfreak!
I never took an IQ test so I don’t know what my score would be. I’d have to find that out before I could decide whether or not this was fair. I don’t want to end up blocked along with Superfreak!

It's pretty tough to do poorly on an IQ test. That's been my experience.

PS. The ones you can take for free online don't count. They're not timed, and are therefore not administered in a way consistent with the guidelines of APA.