Americans are used to belonging to a Church they do not belive in.


Well-known member
How many church goers do you know who do not belive in or live by all of the tenants of that church?
I personally believe that Ghandi will spend all of eternity burning in Hell for failing to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
THis is why Foxnews is the only web cite with this story promenently displayed.
THis is why Foxnews is the only web cite with this story promenently displayed.

Pretty dishonestly, too. The whole gist of their headline & sub-head is "Obama denies he was at sermon last July," when in fact, when you open the article, there is hard proof that he was in Miami on that day.

It's the ol' "man denies beating wife" slant...
I personally believe that Ghandi will spend all of eternity burning in Hell for failing to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
The church I went to as a child had a pastor that told me Mother Theresa would because she worshiped idols...
How many church goers do you know who do not belive in or live by all of the tenants of that church?

I seriously doubt that any church goers live by all of any church's tenants. Including the pastor. Oh there might be somewhere less that .01% that truely do.
The church I went to as a child had a pastor that told me Mother Theresa would because she worshiped idols...

A lot of my neighbors went to that church.

Having been born into the church that Hagee despises so, I'll say honestly that I've never heard a priest in a church I've belong to put another religion down. In fact, I've heard them over and over again reminding the parishioners that Islam is not what the 'few' make it out to be. For some reason though, people roll their eyes, but don't walk out. Go figure.
A lot of my neighbors went to that church.

Having been born into the church that Hagee despises so, I'll say honestly that I've never heard a priest in a church I've belong to put another religion down. In fact, I've heard them over and over again reminding the parishioners that Islam is not what the 'few' make it out to be. For some reason though, people roll their eyes, but don't walk out. Go figure.
If my mother hadn't believed in what he preached we would not have gone. That is the truth.
If my mother hadn't believed in what he preached we would not have gone. That is the truth.

Perhaps I missed something? Won't be the first time, I thought you were saying your mom's church was preaching against another religion, (like Catholic?) Are you saying it was a Catholic Church?
The pentecostal church I was forced to attend as a child said pretty much all other chruches were going to hell but them.
Methodists and Catholic for drinking. Catholics also for gambling and idolitry. Hmm I forget why the baptists were going to burn, Dancing maybe. but they were certain they were the only ones who had it all figured out. This was the denomination of Jimmy swaggert and James Baker :)
Perhaps I missed something? Won't be the first time, I thought you were saying your mom's church was preaching against another religion, (like Catholic?) Are you saying it was a Catholic Church?
No, I am saying that if she didn't like what he said about the Catholics, we wouldn't have stayed at the church.
I seriously doubt that any church goers live by all of any church's tenants. Including the pastor. Oh there might be somewhere less that .01% that truely do.

That is my point as to why this pastorgate thing they are trying to pin on Obama is silly!
That is my point as to why this pastorgate thing they are trying to pin on Obama is silly!
No, it isn't. In the US today racism is pretty much unforgivable. If it is seen that he was willing to overlook that, it will hurt him even if people are not perfect to their beliefs.

People know that this "is a sin" yet still do things, that is not the same thing as what is hurting Obama.
The pentecostal church I was forced to attend as a child said pretty much all other chruches were going to hell but them.
Methodists and Catholic for drinking. Catholics also for gambling and idolitry. Hmm I forget why the baptists were going to burn, Dancing maybe. but they were certain they were the only ones who had it all figured out. This was the denomination of Jimmy swaggert and James Baker :)

Pentecostal. Nice! Were they snake-handlers?