Americans' Credit Card DEBT smashes record Highs thanks to White Lib boomer Dem gov't., - hits young especially hard

I am in this thread- just as I am in every thread- TO TELL THE TRUTH!

And the truth is, inflation is not going to come down until the FED reduces it's RATE OF INTEREST- and until Diesel Fuel is back into production levels prior to the Covid Shutdowns, and the price of Diesel fuel returns to the price prior to the Covid Shutdown!

Everything shipped is shipped mostly using Diesel Oil- Container ships- Trains, and TRUCKS!
Diesel fuel started going up back years ago when we has gas shortages , they took some Diesel producing refineries and turned them into gas producers and haven't built enough new ones as of yet.
Have a nice day
Stop projecting your poor choices in saving for your retirement
am I some how different from other people, I am doing the best I have ever done since I retired, and that was back in 2004.
My house is paid off, bills all paid, money in the bank and I have been putting more in my savings then I ever have.
I guess making good financial decisions helped.
Have a nice day
Something stinks of BIG DOG SHIT- in this thread!

Everyone please wipe your feet!
Dogshit is an idiot. The trump virus put millions of people out of work. Many started using credit cards to pay for necessities. That was when interest rates were very low. Unless trump changed Obama era regulations that made it illegal for CC companies to increase interest rates on existing balances, many people with CC balances are fine.

Dogshit often posts outdated nonsense as proof of his lies.

Of course, Appalachia is a bit behind the rest of the world.
Americans' Credit Card DEBT smashes record Highs thanks to White Lib boomer Dem gov't., - hits young especially hard

At least WHITE LIBS actually purchase and pay for things they want, unlike your fellow NFT Trumpers who just steal everything that isn't nailed down.


Look atcha boys, Dumbdog.

Bet these are some of your NFT neighbors.


Just more NFT Trumpers Making America Great Again.
I am in this thread- just as I am in every thread- TO TELL THE TRUTH!

And the truth is, inflation is not going to come down until the FED reduces it's RATE OF INTEREST- and until Diesel Fuel is back into production levels prior to the Covid Shutdowns, and the price of Diesel fuel returns to the price prior to the Covid Shutdown!

Everything shipped is shipped mostly using Diesel Oil- Container ships- Trains, and TRUCKS!
Those are the standard issues related to inflation. What we now have is a combination of factors including record price gouging by many corporations.

The high interest rates are meant to get people to stop spending money that they don't have, which includes CC spending.

The OP is a moron who understands very little about complex issues. A common issue when inbreeding is rampant within a family.
Dogshit is an idiot. The trump virus put millions of people out of work. Many started using credit cards to pay for necessities. That was when interest rates were very low. Unless trump changed Obama era regulations that made it illegal for CC companies to increase interest rates on existing balances, many people with CC balances are fine.

Dogshit often posts outdated nonsense as proof of his lies.

Of course, Appalachia is a bit behind the rest of the world.
Yes BIGOTDOG is beyond all help- he suffers from a lifelong OBSESSIVE COMPULSION DISORDER that espouses his hatred for minorities, liberals, and DEMOCRATS!

He is incapable of having any kind of a civil or intelligent conversation about anything because of his Mental Illness and personality disorders!

He has already flown way too far above the Cuckoo's Nest to ever come back down to EARTH now!

TRUMP led many people down this sad and despicable path! TRUMP created a force- a huge vacuum- that sucked in every hateful lost soul, sociopath, and ugly AMERICAN like him!


OH WELL! What a shame- Another lost soul bites the dust!

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Diesel fuel started going up back years ago when we has gas shortages , they took some Diesel producing refineries and turned them into gas producers and haven't built enough new ones as of yet.
Have a nice day
Yes, one refinery burned down, and it was never replaced- because it is a way for the BIG OIL MAGNATES to protest Environmental Policies and POLITICAL POSTURING purposes!

BIG OIL likes REPUBLICANS who do not care about the environment- and allows the BIG OIL to DESTROY the EARTH- THE OCEAN- AND THE AIR WE BREATH- for all they care!


and also the fact that during COVID and for a few years later we have had a supply chain mess, and when things are in demand and there are few of them prices go up, some times way up.
well they did and a lot of the supply chain problems have been worked out and supply is mostly back to what it was Before COVID but prices haven't gone down.
and if you look at the profits these large companies are making, RECORD PROFITS it is nothing but raping the people of the USA .
and the people on the right are too busy blaming Biden and the Dems to even look at these facts and what is going on.
I am not anti-profit but when the prices are higher then they need to be to make a FAIR profit and these companies are raking in RECORD profits year after year something has to be done.
Have a nice day
Yes BIGOTDOG is beyond all help- he suffers from a lifelong OBSESSIVE COMPULSION DISORDER that espouses his hatred for minorities, liberals, and DEMOCRATS!

He is incapable of having any kind of a civil or intelligent conversation about anything because of his Mental Illness and personality disorders!

He has already flown way too far above the Cuckoo's Nest to ever come back down to EARTH now!

TRUMP led many people down this sad and despicable path! TRUMP created a force- a huge vacuum- that sucked in every hateful lost soul, sociopath, and ugly AMERICAN like him!


OH WELL! What a shame- Another lost soul bites the dust!

I go way back on numerous boards with Dogshit. He was always clueless.

Intelligent if he wants to be, but nothing more than a troll.
and also the fact that during COVID and for a few years later we have had a supply chain mess, and when things are in demand and there are few of them prices go up, some times way up.
well they did and a lot of the supply chain problems have been worked out and supply is mostly back to what it was Before COVID but prices haven't gone down.
and if you look at the profits these large companies are making, RECORD PROFITS it is nothing but raping the people of the USA .
and the people on the right are too busy blaming Biden and the Dems to even look at these facts and what is going on.
I am not anti-profit but when the prices are higher then they need to be to make a FAIR profit and these companies are raking in RECORD profits year after year something has to be done.
Have a nice day
We should have learned the folly of depending on China for all manufacturing. Of course, inflation was well under way from the trump tax on America via tariffs.

Then Covid developed in part because trump fired dozens of scientists that Obama stationed in China in the hopes of avoiding another pandemic. His Obama envy caused him to undo everything that he could that had Obama's name on it.

When China shut down due to Covid, there were warehouses full of cheap Chinese crap that lasted for a while. Unfortunately, millions of people sat home and bought crap online.
Supply chains went dry, and then China hiked prices on each shipping container that left the country. Our ports were backed up as well.

It takes years to undo the damage from the trump virus. Wall St, having gotten its ass kicked in the energy market during Covid, refused to fund the startup of the fracking industry again. They kept fuel prices high in the name of ROI.

As you suggest, there is no reason for the high prices right now. CEOs are bragging in shareholder meetings about the 'strength' of pricing. Rape, as it were.
The debt rise is fueled by shylocks cajoling people into buying stuff that they don't need. That's capitalism.
The production of the stuff that they don't need fuels the rise in world temperatures that we call global warming --which is responsible for climate change. This is fucking up the entire planet. By extrapolation- shylocks are fucking up the entire planet.
We could probably save the world if everybody refused to pay the shylocks their pound of flesh.
You are onto something real. We are a planet of consumers and "Let's keep up with the Jones and buy myself an IPhone 15 PRO for only $1.000.00" society! "I can buy a car from my phone now! WOW"! "We have become the "Call in for a take-out pizza- Have DoorDash deliver it" society now. ALWAYS JUST ONE PHONE CALL AWAY from owning anything you could ever want in this world- and a whole lot of expensive things you could certainly do without- like AR-15's, marijuana GUMMY BEARS, Camo Pants and matiching Ted Nugent T-Shirt, A NEW CHEVY SIVERADO- jacked up so high, you can walk under it and play with the Gas tank, and 3,000 calorie meals!

So then, they can't keep up, because they end up in red ink, and it's because they showed no restraint and overundulged or overspent themselves.

And of course they are going to say, "This inflation is killing me" and "My gasoline is too high- WHO can I blame now for this"?
Inflation is not always a bad thing, just think- EVERYTHING YOU OWN RIGHT NOW- THAT'S WORTH HAVING- IS WORTH A WHOLE LOT MORE MONEY!

Yes! Shylocks my friend! And there is no political monopoly with Shylocks, as they come in all colors, and from all backgrounds, and political affiliations!

Good observation!
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You are the one gibbering about how Capitalism is a problem because people use their credit cards to buy things.
Only in your White lib fantasies. White libs lack reading comprehension and see things that aren't there.

Quote where I said that ... bitchass nazi lying leftwing lunatic.
"credit card debt hit a new record during the three-month period from January to March, smashing a previous high of $1.13 trillion"

"credit card debt has exploded. From 2021 to the end of 2023, credit balances jumped 47% – the steepest three-year climb on record."

This is why the economy is stalling. Businesses and banks are realizing that this will have to be unwound, sooner or later.

Yet another crash.
I am in this thread- just as I am in every thread- TO TELL THE TRUTH!
You don't tell the truth, Lizard. Indeed, you rarely even know what you're talking about.
And the truth is, inflation is not going to come down until the FED reduces it's RATE OF INTEREST-
Inflation isn't interest rate, Lizard.
and until Diesel Fuel is back into production levels prior to the Covid Shutdowns, and the price of Diesel fuel returns to the price prior to the Covid Shutdown!

Everything shipped is shipped mostly using Diesel Oil- Container ships- Trains, and TRUCKS!
Shipping costs are causing a lot of problems, but that is not the topic of this thread.