America’s white majority is aging out

Why is this a good thing?

Because it is that snowflake cohort that is responsible for most of the problems in our country.

They have enjoyed privilege and advantage for over 100 years and simply because in the last couple decades some of that is shifting to women and PoC, they want to burn all of the US down as Bannon and others admit. They want to defund law enforcement, gut the military, destroy the DoJ and so on and so on. Why? Because they are losing exclusive control of everything and need to share benefits.

Good riddance to their control. Society will only be better off for it.
The 1970s were a very violent decade. The 80’s had the most murders of any decade and 1991 was the highest year for murders in the country. Post that, violent crime rate has dropped (no matter how much people talk about mass shootings) in comparison to that earlier time frame.

Saying as white people age that violence goes up is not born out by the data.
You should also notice that as the white population ages out violence goes up.

Third world nation status here we come.

But hey, let's keep the borders open.

By 2050 terms like "white", "black" and other racial terms will be as passé as "negro" and "cracker".

Well, at least among educated, civilized Americans. Dumbasses will always exist until they can be identified and neutralized in the womb. After all, what parents want their child to grow up as a fucking moron?

The future will be blended. Government will be the last to catch usual. The sign they have caught up will be removing "race" demographics from government forms.

Nonetheless, nations which are primarily ethnically homogeneous
will always be far more socially progressive than we
because they'll always have far more solidarity than we.

It's nobody's fault among those of us who are here now.
That's just the nation that was left to us.

Recognizing this is the difference between "woke" Pollyannas and realists.
We shouldn't let what we want to happen influence our judgement as to what's going to continue happening.
Daniel de Visé
Mon, August 7, 2023

Generation Z will be the last generation of Americans with a white majority, according to census data. The nation’s so-called majority minority arrived with Generation Alpha, those born since about 2010.

Generational data from the 2020 census shows the upward march of racial diversity by age group. Non-Hispanic white people make up 77 percent of the over age 75 population, 67 percent of the age 55-64 population, 55 percent of the 35-44 cohort, and barely half of the 18-24 age group. America’s children are only 47 percent non-Hispanic white, according to an analysis released this week by William Frey, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

In the decades to come, that wave of diversity will wash across the generations, yielding an America with no single racial group that can claim a numerical majority.

By 2045, according to census projections, non-Hispanic white people will fall below 50 percent as a share of the American population. By 2050, non-Hispanic white people will represent less than 40 percent of the under-18 population.

MAGA will always have a lock on the 20-something NeoNazi demographic.
Nonetheless, nations which are primarily ethnically homogeneous
will always be far more socially progressive than we
because they'll always have far more solidarity than we.

It's nobody's fault among those of us who are here now.
That's just the nation that was left to us.

Recognizing this is the difference between "woke" Pollyannas and realists.
We shouldn't let what we want to happen influence our judgement as to what's going to continue happening.
I'd love to see your data proving that national segregation is the way to go.
I'd love to see your data proving that national segregation is the way to go.

I have neither the energy nor interest to prove anything, Oom.

It's not the way to go, and for us, it's not an option.

Partition is different than segregation.

Partition is people who are alike voluntarily staking out their own boundaries of habitation.

We're a diverse nation and have to live with that reality better than we're doing now.
We'll never be a homogeneous nation--that ship has sailed.
We must learn to live with our reality.

However, it's also true that we'll never have either the social progressiveness or the domestic tranquility of a predominantly homogeneous nation.
Being a "true believer," I would imagine, makes this hard to accept.
Because it is that snowflake cohort that is responsible for most of the problems in our country.

They have enjoyed privilege and advantage for over 100 years and simply because in the last couple decades some of that is shifting to women and PoC, they want to burn all of the US down as Bannon and others admit. They want to defund law enforcement, gut the military, destroy the DoJ and so on and so on. Why? Because they are losing exclusive control of everything and need to share benefits.

Good riddance to their control. Society will only be better off for it.

Crime? No.
Unemployment? No.
Productivity? No.
Invention and new products? Yes.
Rising welfare costs? No.

The Black population is responsible for a good portion of the problems in the US, and that's a demonstrable fact. I'll give you that the radical Left is a problem (defund police, gut the military, etc.) but that isn't one tied to race but rather politics.
Crime? No.
Unemployment? No.
Productivity? No.
Invention and new products? Yes.
Rising welfare costs? No.

The Black population is responsible for a good portion of the problems in the US, and that's a demonstrable fact. I'll give you that the radical Left is a problem (defund police, gut the military, etc.) but that isn't one tied to race but rather politics.

The black population has been systematically repressed since the end of slavery with one tactic after another, so it is rich, that those who repress them blame them for problems. That would be like the US blaming Iraqi's for the anarchy across the country right after the US invaded and then left.


It is that those issue are finally starting to get fixed and PoC and Women are starting to pull themselves up and out and gain power and a share of the resources that they want to stop and set back. All the moves, from the SC ending AA while leaving in place legacy admissions and money admissions, to moves across the country by republi'cans' are one last push recognizing if PoC and Women are not stopped now and set back, that window will be lost. That is what MAGA means. Go back in time to the good ole days which was when only white men held all the power.
The black population has been systematically repressed since the end of slavery with one tactic after another, so it is rich, that those who repress them blame them for problems. That would be like the US blaming Iraqi's for the anarchy across the country right after the US invaded and then left.


It is that those issue are finally starting to get fixed and PoC and Women are starting to pull themselves up and out and gain power and a share of the resources that they want to stop and set back. All the moves, from the SC ending AA while leaving in place legacy admissions and money admissions, to moves across the country by republi'cans' are one last push recognizing if PoC and Women are not stopped now and set back, that window will be lost. That is what MAGA means. Go back in time to the good ole days which was when only white men held all the power.

Carl von Clausewitz wrote "War is the continuation of policy with other means." In this case, "Blaming the victims is racism by other means".

This is a continuation of the same strategy put forth by David Duke decades ago: stop wearing KKK hoods and screaming "NIGGER!". Put on a business suit and calmly talk about "white heritage".

Blaming oppressed people for their oppression is simply part of the Duke strategy.
The black population has been systematically repressed since the end of slavery with one tactic after another, so it is rich, that those who repress them blame them for problems. That would be like the US blaming Iraqi's for the anarchy across the country right after the US invaded and then left.


It is that those issue are finally starting to get fixed and PoC and Women are starting to pull themselves up and out and gain power and a share of the resources that they want to stop and set back. All the moves, from the SC ending AA while leaving in place legacy admissions and money admissions, to moves across the country by republi'cans' are one last push recognizing if PoC and Women are not stopped now and set back, that window will be lost. That is what MAGA means. Go back in time to the good ole days which was when only white men held all the power.

Asians were systematically repressed, as were Native Americans through much of US history. They don't go out and commit crimes at triple the rate of other racial groups. You are making excuses for their behavior. Mexico to the tip of S. America was inundated with Spanish culture for centuries. That's what drug every nation in that part of the world down. Haiti revolted against the French ending slavery, but the now freed slaves running their own country could never rise above poverty and dictators.
Sub-Saharan Africa is another example.

It isn't race, but culture, that makes for success or failure. African culture is a failure. It's that simple, and so long as in the US Blacks maintain their own separate culture they will fail because their culture to date is largely one of failure. Asians and Hispanics succeed because of their culture and adapting to the prevalent US culture.

Wipe out that culture, and the US fails, not becomes stronger.
Asians were systematically repressed, as were Native Americans through much of US history. They don't go out and commit crimes at triple the rate of other racial groups. You are making excuses for their behavior. Mexico to the tip of S. America was inundated with Spanish culture for centuries. That's what drug every nation in that part of the world down. Haiti revolted against the French ending slavery, but the now freed slaves running their own country could never rise above poverty and dictators.
Sub-Saharan Africa is another example.

It isn't race, but culture, that makes for success or failure. African culture is a failure. It's that simple, and so long as in the US Blacks maintain their own separate culture they will fail because their culture to date is largely one of failure. Asians and Hispanics succeed because of their culture and adapting to the prevalent US culture.

Wipe out that culture, and the US fails, not becomes stronger.

the big difference being that PoC have CONTINUED to be repressed. Natives are just mostly checked out and suffering from depression and suicide as the rat race culture was never one they had. Asians got out from under the thumb and succeeded.

You are making excuses for the white culture and how it creates failure and is still try to. Even as we type this DeSantis is trying to, once again wipe out black culture and deny it. The SC is trying to ensure generational advantages for whites for decades to come. And all you see and say is 'it is PoC fault'. FLOL.

Take your foot off their throat and stop trying to set them back, each time they start competing. It is the same old story over and over as those who got initial massive advantage, tell others who were beat down, so that the whites could get more and advantage, that it is their fault and they just need to get over it. Even as they push them back down, under it.
the big difference being that PoC have CONTINUED to be repressed. Natives are just mostly checked out and suffering from depression and suicide as the rat race culture was never one they had. Asians got out from under the thumb and succeeded.

Today, that's not true. Natives created most of those problems from having a poor culture that allows it to cultivate. For example, here in Arizona, the Salt River Pima tribe runs a number of casinos. Every tribal member starting at 16 gets a cut of the profits from that twice a year. Virtually all of the teens take their glob of cash out and buy a new vehicle, drugs, and booze, drop out of school and burn through it as fast as they can. They then wander back to school when the money runs out until the next check arrives.
Tribal leaders try to keep their culture separate from the rest of US culture. It's a self-imposed apartheid. That's the number one cause of Native problems today.

You are making excuses for the white culture and how it creates failure and is still try to. Even as we type this DeSantis is trying to, once again wipe out black culture and deny it. The SC is trying to ensure generational advantages for whites for decades to come. And all you see and say is 'it is PoC fault'. FLOL.

No, I'm not. I saying there are superior and inferior ideas and cultures. All cultures are not equal. Those that are inferior, whoever's they are, should change in ways for the better. Arguing to the contrary is to deny reality as you are doing.

Take your foot off their throat and stop trying to set them back, each time they start competing. It is the same old story over and over as those who got initial massive advantage, tell others who were beat down, so that the whites could get more and advantage, that it is their fault and they just need to get over it. Even as they push them back down, under it.

Okay, take S. Africa or Zimbabwe. Both had White minority rule overturned and local Black culture became the new norm. Nothing there holding the new Black majority rule to anything. Yet, in both countries, the culture and society took a major turn for the worse. Whites didn't impose that on them. Blacks imposed it on themselves and the Whites that remained. Zimbabwe took a hard turn politically to the Left too, and that had disastrous results. That nation was a net exporter of food prior to Black rule. Today, Zimbabwe can't produce enough food to feed their own population.

So, rather than the vague generalities, and empty platitudes you offer, reality shows that there are different cultures and not all are equal or worthy of adoption. You substitute race for culture as if the two were interchangeable. That's not true either. The whole radical Leftist concept of diversity is a delusion that ignores reality in favor of racism.
Today, that's not true. Natives created most of those problems from having a poor culture that allows it to cultivate. For example, here in Arizona, the Salt River Pima tribe runs a number of casinos. Every tribal member starting at 16 gets a cut of the profits from that twice a year. Virtually all of the teens take their glob of cash out and buy a new vehicle, drugs, and booze, drop out of school and burn through it as fast as they can. They then wander back to school when the money runs out until the next check arrives.
Tribal leaders try to keep their culture separate from the rest of US culture. It's a self-imposed apartheid. That's the number one cause of Native problems today.

You are making excuses for the white culture and how it creates failure and is still try to. Even as we type this DeSantis is trying to, once again wipe out black culture and deny it. The SC is trying to ensure generational advantages for whites for decades to come. And all you see and say is 'it is PoC fault'. FLOL.

No, I'm not. I saying there are superior and inferior ideas and cultures. All cultures are not equal. Those that are inferior, whoever's they are, should change in ways for the better. Arguing to the contrary is to deny reality as you are doing.

Okay, take S. Africa or Zimbabwe. Both had White minority rule overturned and local Black culture became the new norm. Nothing there holding the new Black majority rule to anything. Yet, in both countries, the culture and society took a major turn for the worse. Whites didn't impose that on them. Blacks imposed it on themselves and the Whites that remained. Zimbabwe took a hard turn politically to the Left too, and that had disastrous results. That nation was a net exporter of food prior to Black rule. Today, Zimbabwe can't produce enough food to feed their own population.

So, rather than the vague generalities, and empty platitudes you offer, reality shows that there are different cultures and not all are equal or worthy of adoption. You substitute race for culture as if the two were interchangeable. That's not true either. The whole radical Leftist concept of diversity is a delusion that ignores reality in favor of racism.
Nice racist rant, Terry. You take the worst examples and make them the average example. Why don't you mention the Qanon dumbfucks at Trump's coup as examples of "white culture"? Appalachian drug addicts? Meth heads in Missouri? Aryan assholes and biker gangs?
Nice racist rant, Terry. You take the worst examples and make them the average example. Why don't you mention the Qanon dumbfucks at Trump's coup as examples of "white culture"? Appalachian drug addicts? Meth heads in Missouri? Aryan assholes and biker gangs?

You need to go back and figure out what racism is. What is causing America's drug problem? What in culture is the cause? I never stated that White (aka classical European liberalism and enlightenment) culture was perfect, far from it. But it certainly has done better and far more than any other culture has. Your No True Scotsman fallacy doesn't fly.
