An American Appears on Tape with al-Zawahiri


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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- A new videotape has surfaced featuring Osama bin Laden's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and an American member of al Qaeda wanted by the FBI, according to a counterterrorism expert.

The tape, called "Invitation to Islam," runs 48 minutes, expert Laura Mansfield said. Al-Zawahiri speaks for about 4 minutes on the tape, and the American narrates the rest.

Californian Adam Gadahn, wearing a white robe and turban, introduces the message by calling on Westerners to convert. (Watch Gadahn accuse President Bush of not caring about U.S. troops -- 5:42)

Gadahn says that even Americans working with President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are invited to embrace Islam, but they should hurry.

more at link...
Once again Muslims tell us we must convert or die. And still some don't believe them.
Just last week two reporters were forced to convert to Islam to stay alive. And no one seems to talk about it. Why is that?
Why don't we talk about the fact that Sharia Law states that if they "convert" back they'll face the death penalty?
Clearly, no one on this thread is familiar with the Koran, or the fatwas of several Imam's, that underlie al qaeda's ideology.

The "conversion" to islam is just politics. They don't give a shit if any one converts. Its simply done to justify acts of aggresion on the west. Under their interpreation of the koran, attacks on civilians and nations can only ethically be done under islamic law, if the enemy is given the opportunity to covert.

Knowing that they won't convert, it gives bin ladin - under islamic law - the ethical and religious authority to kill. They don't care if no one converts. Under their warped religious sensibilities, it just gives him the moral authority to justify his killings. In short, its just a "box" OBL has to check off on a list on things he has to do.

Its similar to giving WMD as an excuse to violate international law to invade and occupy a country. Its tangential and somewhat irrelevant to the whole exercise. It just imparts some sort of ethical and legal authority to claim its a "moral" and "just" war.
I don't blame the reporters for conversion, but they shouldn't have kissed up to the Palis after they were released while running as fast as they could to get out of Gaza. If the people are so wonderful, stay there.
But it is pretty clear from the Muslims.... they have made it as plain as they can.... you must submit to them or die.........why is that so hard for some to understand?
I don't blame the reporters for conversion, but they shouldn't have kissed up to the Palis after they were released while running as fast as they could to get out of Gaza. If the people are so wonderful, stay there.

Well I don't 'blame' them either, however it does demonstrate how many no longer have a core to them. Trust me, the jihadis do.

As for me, while by no means a super religious, evangelical type of person, I could NOT deny my beliefs. I just couldn't.
But note that all the news reports say they were unharmed. I would consider that I was harmed if someone held me against my will for a couple of weeks and made me convert to Islam. But thats just me! LOL
But note that all the news reports say they were unharmed. I would consider that I was harmed if someone held me against my will for a couple of weeks and made me convert to Islam. But thats just me! LOL

On that we do agree. I just wish the US media wasn't trying to outaljeezera, al jazeera can handle it's own! They do a very good job. I wonder just what it will take for the politicians, media, and citizenry to recognize that there is a major problem confronting us? The kidnapping and forced conversions were only another symptom of a much larger problem.
America takes a long time to realize dangers. Wars become unpopular quickly when immediate perfection is not acheived, and other options, including going back to what got us attacked to begin with become sexy to the public...

I just wish we'd really look in to getting off the international dependence teat and getting some form of renewable energy going on...
Robert Spencer Responds

I think this interesting enough to post the whole thing, after all he was one of the 'named'. There are links at site:
September 03, 2006
"To Americans and the rest of Christendom we say, either repent...or...suffer the consequences in this world and the next..."

Michelle Malkin has transcribed a bit of Adam Gadahn's convert to Islam-or-die message to America (and to Daniel Pipes, Michael Scheuer, Steve Emerson and me in particular). Please note that in extending this "invitation" to Islam coupled with a threat of violence, Gadahn is following the example of the Muslim prophet Muhammad -- an example also followed recently by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Gadahn calls Muhammad "the chief and master of Adam's children, and the embodiment of high morals and good character."

"Islam is the only religion acceptable to God and came with the revealed book, the Koran, which abrogates all previous revelations, like the Torah and Evangel... God recognizes no separation between religion and state..."

Gadahn here also makes an expression of the Islamic supremacism that usurps even the religious traditions of Jews and Christians. In line with the Qur'an (3:67), Gadahn says, "Abraham was neither a Jew or a Christian, but was a Muslim hanif." (A "hanif" is a pre-Islamic monotheist.) In other words, Judaism and Christianity as practiced today have no legitimacy, but are merely renegade corruptions of the true religion, Islam.

A little later he asks, "Who in his right mind would want to legislate himself to death, like you have done to yourselves?" I think he has a point there -- one which applies to legislation sponsored by the ACLU, CAIR and others to restrict our ability to defend ourselves from the likes of Adam Gadahn.

"To Americans and the rest of Christendom we say, either repent (your) misguided ways and enter into the light of truth or keep your poison to yourself and suffer the consequences in this world and the next..."

"If the Zionist crusader missionaries of hate and counter-Islam consultants like Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, Michael Scheuer, Steven Emerson, and yes, even the crusader-in-chief George W. Bush were to abandon their unbelief and repent and enter into the light of Islam and turn their swords against the enemies of God, it would be accepted of them and they would be our brothers in Islam. And we send a special invitation to all of you fighting Bush's crusader pipe dream in Afghanistan, Iraq, and wherever else W. has sent you to die."

"Why not surrender to the truth? Escape from the unbelieving army and join the winning side. As for those who have expressed their respect and admiration for Islam, and acknowledged that it is the truth and demonstrated the support and sympathy for the Muslims and their causes like George Galloway, Robert Fisk, and countless others, I say to them, isn't it time you stopped sitting on the fence and came over to the side of truth? ...Abandon unbelief and accept the truth."

Thank you for the invitation, Adam, and for your thoughtfulness in extending to me in particular a personal call. But I'm afraid I must decline. While I appreciate that I would be your "brother in Islam" if I became a Muslim and turned my "sword against the enemies" of Allah, I cannot and will not give in to violent intimidation, come what may, and I do not want to live in a society that bows to such intimidation.

I believe that societies that respect the equality of rights before the law of all people, including women and religious minorities, as well as the freedom of conscience, are superior to those that do not. I hope that such societies will be able to summon the will to resist you and your "invitation" in all its implications before it is too late.

Meanwhile, Adam, I have a preliminary invitation of my own for you: I invite you to accept the Bill of Rights, and enter into the brotherhood of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. My invitation does not focus on my religion, although I invite you to that also, but rather on a framework within which people of differing faiths can live in peace, harmony, and mutual respect -- provided that none of the groups involved cherishes supremacist ambitions to subjugate the others.
Posted by Robert at September 3, 2006 08:20 AM
Just confirms what I have said before. Islam is an evil system that is out to subjigate the world. The shit is going to hit the fan real soon. These guys want to start an apocoliptic war. they do not care who or how many die.

the belief in islam is that before heaven is created on earth the entire world must be convertyed to islam and that will bring about the return of the 12th imam. he will then establish a new world. what happens to the old one doesn't matter to them. Nukes, poison, biohazards, none of that makes any difference to them. The deaths of millions of their own means nothing. They would nuke Israel in a heart beat if they could, do you think they care what happens to the pals there as well. The pals would just be martyrs for the cause.

There is no talking to them. In this tape they are giving an ultimatum. Convert or die.