An American Appears on Tape with al-Zawahiri

these assholes represent the vast majority of Islam as accurately as Operation Rescue represents Christianity
Just confirms what I have said before. Islam is an evil system that is out to subjigate the world. The shit is going to hit the fan real soon. These guys want to start an apocoliptic war. they do not care who or how many die.

the belief in islam is that before heaven is created on earth the entire world must be convertyed to islam and that will bring about the return of the 12th imam. he will then establish a new world. what happens to the old one doesn't matter to them. Nukes, poison, biohazards, none of that makes any difference to them. The deaths of millions of their own means nothing. They would nuke Israel in a heart beat if they could, do you think they care what happens to the pals there as well. The pals would just be martyrs for the cause.

There is no talking to them. In this tape they are giving an ultimatum. Convert or die.

Just confirms what I have said before. Islam is an evil system that is out to subjigate the world. The shit is going to hit the fan real soon. These guys want to start an apocoliptic war. they do not care who or how many die.

Yup, the war on islam crap again.

And there were republicans on this board, who constantly tell me that nobody in the republican party is calling it a war on islam.