"An Armed Society Is a Polite Society..."


Verified User
"If only one of the teachers had a gun..."

One did. She owned several, in fact. Her son used them to kill her, her colleagues, and 20 children.

...so you'll pardon me if my respect for the "Responsible Gun Ownership" argument has taken a long walk off a short pier.

I know I know I know I know, you own an AK-47 or an AR-15 and the world didn't end...because you're responsible, right?

Is everyone you know responsible? Everyone with even fleeting access to your "Arsenal of Freedom"? Is everyone who might rob your home responsible?


You don't need an assault weapon. You really really really don't.

You're going to defend yourself against a government that has nuclear weapons, stealth bombers, drones, SEALs and the United States fa-chrissakes Marine Corps with your piddly-ass AR-15? Good luck with that; send me a note from the front.

Grow up.

You don't need it. You want it. End of file.

Your right to bear whatever fantastically lethal thing you set your cap to is infringing upon everyone else's right not to die in another God damned bloodbath.

You don't need it.

You want it.

There's a difference.

And that's the beginning of real reform, if you decide to accept it.

Make the very Christian decision that you will, in fact, be your brother's and sister's keeper.

You don't need an AR-15 or an AK-47.

You just want it.

Other people want them, too. See: Newtown.

Exert a little self-control over your desires. Your ability to responsibly enjoy an AR-15 is NO LONGER argument enough to defend their wide, wild availability.

This is not rocket science. This is basic humanity, and enlightened self-interest.

The old saying goes, "An armed society is a polite society."

Well, we've been an armed society - 300 million guns and counting - for a long while now.

I'm sure everyone will be very polite at the 20 funerals for those 20 kids.

Mission accomplished.


If proliferation of guns makes us safe, how come so many people who are themselves armed get shot?
You've bragged about owning guns before ken. You stated that its not just Republicans who own guns and good luck to those who want to come after Democrats because they think they are p*ssies and don't have guns.

Funny how you change your tune now.
And after suggesting that failing solution they move on to "home schooling is the answer" as if it is....LMAO, so fucking sad it's funny!!
If yet more guns is what will keep us safe then why do other countries NOT have this problem?

Thats a fair question desh......why don't you think about that.....
whats different in this country?
what do we have that the others don't have?
why are we different.....

do guns actually make people shoot one another ?
do knives actually make people stab one another ?
does money make people rob one another?

84,767 reported rapes in the US in 2010.....why is that ?

why are we different....
There is only about 2,000 difference between the yearly kill rate of vehicle deaths and gun deaths in this country...
I've seen the numbers and our problem in this regard is so much larger than any other country that it's no comparison, none.

Did you see the attack in Norway? There were more than twice as many children killed there than in our worst event, in a country the size of an average state over here.
Did you see the attack in Norway? There were more than twice as many children killed there than in our worst event, in a country the size of an average state over here.

Wasn't that a Christian conservative murdering liberals?
Did you see the attack in Norway? There were more than twice as many children killed there than in our worst event, in a country the size of an average state over here.

Please be serious...are you really going to go down this winding path in an effort to avoid the numbers?
Originally Posted by evince If yet more guns is what will keep us safe then why do other countries NOT have this problem?

Thats a fair question desh......why don't you think about that.....
whats different in this country?
what do we have that the others don't have?
why are we different.....

do guns actually make people shoot one another ?
do knives actually make people stab one another ?
does money make people rob one another?

84,767 reported rapes in the US in 2010.....why is that ?

why are we different....

Is the question a little too hard for you lefties.....can't just google and do a cut and paste....?...Can't Maher or the MSNBC pinheads help you ?

Desh wants to know.....