An inside look at an ultra-Orthodox wedding in Israel


Men and women separate, bride's head entirely covered when she enters the men's section, some sort of tradition where the rabbi leads the bride on a leash, black-clad women leading bride with her head and face hidden... no pictures of the women dressed up, dancing and enjoying themselves. And some people here think Muslims have no respect for women.


Fascinating photos from a traditional Orthodox Jewish wedding showcase the religion's unique and ultra-Orthodox traditions. The wedding was a huge spectacle with the groom being a grandson of a famous rabbi. Thousands lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the the newlyweds.

Orthodox Jews, who are known to be extremely conservative, had female and male guests separated by a gauze curtain and the bride wore a full-face veil.

Click through the slideshow above to take a look inside the ceremony.|main5|dl6|sec1_lnk2&pLid=-1973281345
I would say she is not dressed like conservative muslims from head to toe with only a slit for the eyes in all black.

How do you know that is a leash?
I would say she is not dressed like conservative muslims from head to toe with only a slit for the eyes in all black.

How do you know that is a leash?

Do you know the "leash" thing by any other name? I'm open to hearing about the meaning of all these traditions. I've been to a Jewish wedding and this custom wasn't part of it.

The point is that customs and traditions in ultra-Orthodox ME religions seem to be fairly similar. Where I live Orthodox Jewish women have dress restrictions with the exception of face coverings. Also they are segregated for worship and the man has the dominant role in the marriage.

"In the streets of Orthodox Jewish Williamsburg you will see men walking around in very unique Hasidic Jewish clothing. All will be wearing long black garbs, black hats and long beards. All men and boys will also have curls by their side. The women will be dressed according to their Jewish Tradition. A custom called Tzniyus (modest). No part of their body will be exposed except from their palm and face. They will only wear skirts or dresses, for pants are forbidden. Married women will either wear a wig or Tichel (head-scarf) to cover their hair."

This isn't a criticism of the religion. I am pointing out to the Muslim haters that there are a lot of cultural and religious similarities between the Orthodox sects of both Islam and Judaism.
The photographer Oded Balilty Refers to it as a "long sash"

The mitzvah tantz (mitzvah-dance) is the Hasidic custom of the men dancing with the bride on her wedding night, after the wedding feast. The bride stands perfectly still, holding one end of a long sash while rabbis, the groom’s father, her own father or her grandfather holds the other end and dances with her.

It is a way for the men in the ceremony to "dance" with the bride without touching her, although she never moves.
Hasidics are absolutely insane.
Do you know the "leash" thing by any other name? I'm open to hearing about the meaning of all these traditions. I've been to a Jewish wedding and this custom wasn't part of it.

The point is that customs and traditions in ultra-Orthodox ME religions seem to be fairly similar. Where I live Orthodox Jewish women have dress restrictions with the exception of face coverings. Also they are segregated for worship and the man has the dominant role in the marriage.

"In the streets of Orthodox Jewish Williamsburg you will see men walking around in very unique Hasidic Jewish clothing. All will be wearing long black garbs, black hats and long beards. All men and boys will also have curls by their side. The women will be dressed according to their Jewish Tradition. A custom called Tzniyus (modest). No part of their body will be exposed except from their palm and face. They will only wear skirts or dresses, for pants are forbidden. Married women will either wear a wig or Tichel (head-scarf) to cover their hair."

This isn't a criticism of the religion. I am pointing out to the Muslim haters that there are a lot of cultural and religious similarities between the Orthodox sects of both Islam and Judaism.

One huge difference, of course, is the penchant for bomb-making found in orthodox Islam...
How come when Americans set off bombs it's not called Christian terrorism?

maybe because some Americans aren't I certainly know you haven't hesitated to say Christian's setting off bombs are Christian terrorists......even when you haven't even bothered to check if they were Christians.........
maybe because some Americans aren't I certainly know you haven't hesitated to say Christian's setting off bombs are Christian terrorists......even when you haven't even bothered to check if they were Christians.........

If the authorities don't identify their religion how do you expect me to get that info?
One huge difference, of course, is the penchant for bomb-making found in orthodox Islam...

Also in neoZionist Judaism. Here's a State Department list of proscribed ' Jewish ' terror groups;

From Presidential Executive Order 13224: "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, Or Support Terrorism." (Sept. 2001)

Kach; Kahane; Kahane Chai; Kahane Lives
American Friends Of The United Yeshiva
American Friends Of Yeshivat Rav Meir
Committee For The Safety Of The Roads
Dikuy Bogdim
Forefront Of The Idea
Friends Of The Jewish Idea Yeshiva
Jewish Idea Yeshiva
Jewish Legion
Judea Police
Judean Congress
Kahane Tzadak
Kfar Tapuah Fund
Meir's Youth
New Kach Movement (New York chapter)
No'ar Meir
Repression Of Traitors
State Of Judea
Sword Of David
The Committee Against Racism And Discrimination (CARD)
The Hatikva Jewish Identity Center
The International Kahane Movement
The Jewish Idea Yeshiva
The Judean Legion
The Judean Voice; The Voice of Judea
The Qomemiyut Movement
The Rabbi Meir David Kahane Memorial Fund
The Way Of The Torah
The Yeshiva Of The Jewish Idea
Yeshivat Harav Meir

Just because the Zionist-owned media doesn't report it doesn't mean that Palestine isn't awash with neoZionist terrorists.