An oppertunity for Republicans...


Well-known member
This hurricane during the RNC is achually an oppertunity.

An oppertunity for McCain to illistrate how different he is from Bush. If McCain plays this correctly he will show how he would have handled Katrina differently than Bush did.

McCain can show his ability to get on the ground and solve problems... Like Bush was unable to do.

It gives Obama the same chance, but McCain has more to prove.
McCain chartered a plane so that those who wanted to returned from the LA and Mississippi delegates could return home.
This hurricane during the RNC is achually an oppertunity.

An oppertunity for McCain to illistrate how different he is from Bush. If McCain plays this correctly he will show how he would have handled Katrina differently than Bush did.

McCain can show his ability to get on the ground and solve problems... Like Bush was unable to do.

It gives Obama the same chance, but McCain has more to prove.

This is happening on Bush's watch, MCCain and Obama can do nothing but have photo ops. Bet Bush fucks this one up too.
You people are fucking sick in the head.

I have to agree with Epi here.

This storm is barrelling down on the gulf coast and could seriously fuck up a lotta or people's lives.

Who gets photo ops and who gets to gather votes is not the issue.
I have to agree with Epi here.

This storm is barrelling down on the gulf coast and could seriously fuck up a lotta or people's lives.

Who gets photo ops and who gets to gather votes is not the issue.

But it's okay. I can go tell my friend from New Orleans that it's no big deal her family might lose their home since McCain's poll numbers might go down. This is why I fucking hate politics sometimes.

Hitler had nothing on you cats.
This isn't a debate, I was merely stating a fact. Hitler had more of a conscience than most of the posters have shown here today.
The entire political hay making currently engaged by democratic liberals over a threat to lives and property makes me glad I left when I did. No way would I allow myself to be associated with the inhuman, insensitive, fuck-the-people-as-long-as-it-makes-republicans-look-bad bullshit being spewed these days.

You assholes are far more despicable than those you despise because you are the practicing fuck-the-people-if-it-does-our-party-good exercises while being the ones loudest in degrading the republicans for supposedly having that attitude.

Katrina damaged (by thankfully not too bad) my sister's house down there. Her husband (my brother-in-law) was in Afghanistan. And while the government (both democratic led local and republican led federal) sat around with their thumbs up their asses, she got help from volunteers that poured into the area, MOST of whom were members of conservative Christian groups.

And what were the average democratic liberals doing? Sitting on their collective thumbs with their feet dangling, bitching about the lack of government help.
The entire political hay making currently engaged by democratic liberals over a threat to lives and property makes me glad I left when I did. No way would I allow myself to be associated with the inhuman, insensitive, fuck-the-people-as-long-as-it-makes-republicans-look-bad bullshit being spewed these days.

You assholes are far more despicable than those you despise because you are the practicing fuck-the-people-if-it-does-our-party-good exercises while being the ones loudest in degrading the republicans for supposedly having that attitude.

Katrina damaged (by thankfully not too bad) my sister's house down there. Her husband (my brother-in-law) was in Afghanistan. And while the government (both democratic led local and republican led federal) sat around with their thumbs up their asses, she got help from volunteers that poured into the area, MOST of whom were members of conservative Christian groups.

And what were the average democratic liberals doing? Sitting on their collective thumbs with their feet dangling, bitching about the lack of government help.

I'd join an aid group if I weren't busy getting hit by the hurricane.
I'd join an aid group if I weren't busy getting hit by the hurricane.

If you get hit there will be plenty of opportunities to help. Help yourself, help your neighbors, or even help the aid workers.
I have to agree with Epi here.

This storm is barrelling down on the gulf coast and could seriously fuck up a lotta or people's lives.

Who gets photo ops and who gets to gather votes is not the issue.

More false outrage here. This is a political discussion web cite. Discussing the political ramafacations on this web cite will have no help or harm to the people of NO.

What fucking false outrage!
The entire political hay making currently engaged by democratic liberals over a threat to lives and property makes me glad I left when I did. No way would I allow myself to be associated with the inhuman, insensitive, fuck-the-people-as-long-as-it-makes-republicans-look-bad bullshit being spewed these days.

You assholes are far more despicable than those you despise because you are the practicing fuck-the-people-if-it-does-our-party-good exercises while being the ones loudest in degrading the republicans for supposedly having that attitude.

Katrina damaged (by thankfully not too bad) my sister's house down there. Her husband (my brother-in-law) was in Afghanistan. And while the government (both democratic led local and republican led federal) sat around with their thumbs up their asses, she got help from volunteers that poured into the area, MOST of whom were members of conservative Christian groups.

And what were the average democratic liberals doing? Sitting on their collective thumbs with their feet dangling, bitching about the lack of government help.

Show me an example of any elected offical engaging in political hay making?