An oppertunity for Republicans...

More false outrage here. This is a political discussion web cite. Discussing the political ramafacations on this web cite will have no help or harm to the people of NO.

What fucking false outrage!

False outrage? How in the hell can you make ANY judgement on whether our outrage is genuine or false?

Both Epi and I have close connections to New Orleans. Its not some news story or spot on the map. Its a place where people we care about call home.

Yes, this is a political website. But plenty of discussions on here have nothing to do with politics.

Methinks thou dost protest too much. Our outrage is genuine and well placed.
I have friends in NO and I haven't heard from them and I am worried!
They have more fish to fry than I, so I will have to have faith that they are safe.
I have friends in NO and I haven't heard from them and I am worried!
They have more fish to fry than I, so I will have to have faith that they are safe.

I hope your friends are safe & sound, froggie. Hopefully they bailed out. In fact, they may be in my part of the world. Lots of folks have made it well into north Alabama.
This hurricane during the RNC is achually an oppertunity.

An oppertunity for McCain to illistrate how different he is from Bush. If McCain plays this correctly he will show how he would have handled Katrina differently than Bush did.

McCain can show his ability to get on the ground and solve problems... Like Bush was unable to do.

It gives Obama the same chance, but McCain has more to prove.

So as a senator from NM how is he supposed to do this ?

he does not commmand Fatherland security or any national guard troops.

I guess he could introduce a bill.

But he will most likely run around trying to capitalize on any devastation in a political manner.

He could volunteer in any releif effort the same as any us citizen I suppose but I doubt any of that happening except for a few photo ops.

since Obamaman is not form lLA and is also a Senatorm, he is in the same boat.
Show me an example of any elected offical engaging in political hay making?
So it must come from an elected official to be poltical hay making? The way political commentators talk (like that asshole Moore) is not political and has no place? Or, for that matter, bileous brain dead twits on political BBS. People lke you are suggesting that one or another political party has opportunity to gain political points. It does not have to come from a politician to be a despicable notion.

Those a real people being affected by this disaster. Real people will lose their homes, real people will be in danger, real people will need help. It is a time for Americans to help out other Americans. It is not a time for one party or another to USE the situation to gain political points.

Therefore, the suggestion that it is "an opportunity, be they republicans or democrats, is contemptible and despicable.
So it must come from an elected official to be poltical hay making? The way political commentators talk (like that asshole Moore) is not political and has no place? Or, for that matter, bileous brain dead twits on political BBS. People lke you are suggesting that one or another political party has opportunity to gain political points. It does not have to come from a politician to be a despicable notion.

Those a real people being affected by this disaster. Real people will lose their homes, real people will be in danger, real people will need help. It is a time for Americans to help out other Americans. It is not a time for one party or another to USE the situation to gain political points.

Therefore, the suggestion that it is "an opportunity, be they republicans or democrats, is contemptible and despicable.

This is an opportunity for americans to help fellow americans. It is an opportunity for people to take care of their neighbors.

To ask about elected officials is not the point. Well said, GoodLuck.
Why is it that when someone expresses outrage that fits another person's politics, it is applauded.

But when it doesn't, its fake?
More false outrage here. This is a political discussion web cite. Discussing the political ramafacations on this web cite will have no help or harm to the people of NO.

What fucking false outrage!

I am not outraged. We are all political junkies and so it should not be hard to see how that can color one's views of all things. But come on, who really gives a crap about how this impacts the campaigns. I am sure the campaigns do, but...

Most of us became interested in politics because of its impact on humanity. If we are not careful we can turn that on its head by focusing on how human suffering impacts politics. And you posted several threads on it, before I said anything.