And he takes the lead!

How terribly exciting this must be for you.

I guess you were pulling for "Mr. Excitement," Evan Bayh...

Now Lorax.... don't be getting all pissy just because your messiah isn't walking on water yet. Give him a chance to regain his lead, which he will do on Thursday as a result of his speech before his adoring lemmings.
Yeah, but going in they were tied, actually he was up by 1. I don't think I've ever seen them drop a couple during a convention.

True. But at this point... what exactly has been the message from the convention???? Nothing. Except of course Hillary's incredibly brilliant "No Way, No How, No McCain".... wow, I wonder how long it took some genius to write that gem.
True. But at this point... what exactly has been the message from the convention???? Nothing. Except of course Hillary's incredibly brilliant "No Way, No How, No McCain".... wow, I wonder how long it took some genius to write that gem.

She actually took it for an expert college football analyst who said "No way, no how will USC lose this year"
True. But at this point... what exactly has been the message from the convention???? Nothing. Except of course Hillary's incredibly brilliant "No Way, No How, No McCain".... wow, I wonder how long it took some genius to write that gem.
I've become tired of the anecdotal, "I'll never forget the scabbed-over, homeless, blind, former college professor, dying of crippling scab-picking disorder, who adopted 70 cajillion foreign kids with small pox and debilitating forms of suntan, who approached me and said, 'I'm going to give you my $0.75, it's all I have, because you support making automobile insurance a right for all humans, not just those who own vehicles and drive and have the money to pay for it!'"

There's nothing more hokey than those inane anecdotes.
Agreed. Predictions for tonight....

Bill Clinton will

1) mention his imaginary surplus at least 10 times.

2) Forget to mention that the Enron/Worldcom/Global Crossing etc... fraud occured while he was in office

3) Forget to mention that the economic downturn began in March of 2000 (not that the downturn was his fault).... in turn he will blame Bush for the downturn

4) act as though he had anything to do with the internet/tech/telecom/biotech boom that occured in the 90's

5) forget to mention that his signing the bills that dismantled Glass Steagall were a large part of the financial mess we have now. But I am sure he will blame Bush for it.

6) let his ego take control and take at least one underhanded swipe at Obama.
"forget to mention that his signing the bills that dismantled Glass Steagall were a large part of the financial mess we have now"


You can never restrain your inner hack.
True. But at this point... what exactly has been the message from the convention???? Nothing. Except of course Hillary's incredibly brilliant "No Way, No How, No McCain".... wow, I wonder how long it took some genius to write that gem.
That wasn't the best line and you know it. The one about it being fitting that they are going to be in the twin cities next week because you it is hard to tell McCain and Bush apart was the best line.
"forget to mention that his signing the bills that dismantled Glass Steagall were a large part of the financial mess we have now"


You can never restrain your inner hack.

So pointing out the obvious is somehow equivalent to "my inner hack"???

The dismantling of Glass Steagall most definitely was a large part of the problem. The Fair lending act of 95 was as well. Both parties are responsible... my opinion is that Billy will try to act as though the problems occured under Bush and that things were all glorius under his reign.
That wasn't the best line and you know it. The one about it being fitting that they are going to be in the twin cities next week because you it is hard to tell McCain and Bush apart was the best line.

That was actually pretty funny. I did not listen to her speech, nor have I had the time to read the transcript yet. That line I chose just happened to be replayed on CNBC this morning. So I simply commented on the line that I did hear.

So bugger off

Bill will say
"If I were still in the white house, I'd so much pussy.
I would smash ass at such an record-shattering pace that it would lead to televised Senate hearings. See that hot girl? I would tap it. That blonde? I'd would crush it. The curly-headed one? My Convention pass just fucked the shit out of her convention pass. Doggystyle.
‘Man, do you know what I would do if I were still in the WH?’
Man Hillary looks like 55-year old women with tank ass and titties that look like Zip-loc bags full of water.

21 year-old girls now are hotter than 21 year-old girls were when I was in the WH
Uh huh. I'd could bag them all."