And he takes the lead!

Agreed. Predictions for tonight....

Bill Clinton will

1) mention his imaginary surplus at least 10 times.

2) Forget to mention that the Enron/Worldcom/Global Crossing etc... fraud occured while he was in office

3) Forget to mention that the economic downturn began in March of 2000 (not that the downturn was his fault).... in turn he will blame Bush for the downturn

4) act as though he had anything to do with the internet/tech/telecom/biotech boom that occured in the 90's

5) forget to mention that his signing the bills that dismantled Glass Steagall were a large part of the financial mess we have now. But I am sure he will blame Bush for it.

6) let his ego take control and take at least one underhanded swipe at Obama.

"They took us from record surpluses to an exploding debt; from over 22 million new jobs to just 5 million; from increasing working families' incomes to nearly $7,500 a year to a decline of more than $2,000 a year; from almost 8 million Americans lifted out of poverty to more than 5.5 million driven into poverty; and millions more losing their health insurance."

Well, I got the first five correct. Billy played nice and didn't take a swipe at Obama. He simply lied about his impression of Obama to the American people. But we are all used to him lying to us.

1) Mentioned his imaginary surplus and acted as though the debt didn't rise every single year of his Presidency. Blamed Bush for the downturn, even though the downturn began in March of 2000.... almost a full year before Bush took office.

2) Yep, no mention of all the fraud that occured when he was President and the contribution to the lost jobs and downturn in the market that occured as a result of that.

3) Yep... pretended the downturn was a result of Bush.

4) Acted like he had anything to do with the new jobs being created during the tech/internet/telecom/biotech boom of the 1990s and pretended that it was Bush's fault when the bubble burst.... despite the fact that the bubble burst when he was in office.

5) Yep, no mention of the FACT that the bills he signed taking apart Glass Steagall coupled with the Fair Lending Act he signed made a significant contribution to the current mess we are seeing in the housing market and the subsequent echo into the credit card market.
What a retarded pat on the back that was.

Can we count on Bush to mention all of his failures next week, Superfreak?

And yes, the downturn began in 2000, but Bush has been a woeful economic steward. His admin has been characterized by sluggish growth at best, and the fundamentals of the economy 7+ years into it are abysmal.

You're a buffoon.
I predict that when Bush speaks next week he:

1) Won't talk about how we didn't find any WMD's in Iraq
2) Won't mention his lie about Curveball & bio-weapons labs in the 2003 State of the Union
3) Won't talk about the conclusions of a bipartisan Senate report indicating that he & the rest of his admin manipulated intelligence to make a dishonest case for war
4) Won't talk about how he botched Katrina
5) Won't mention Gonzalez, Abramoff or Phillip Cooney, or talk about how his admin has sung the virtues of deficit spending.

If that's how it plays out, I'm brilliant!
There were no surpluses, other than projected.

Seriously, when we borrow more money to pay the bills we are not in a surplus and every year Clinton was in office we borrowed more money.
What a retarded pat on the back that was.

Can we count on Bush to mention all of his failures next week, Superfreak?

And yes, the downturn began in 2000, but Bush has been a woeful economic steward. His admin has been characterized by sluggish growth at best, and the fundamentals of the economy 7+ years into it are abysmal.

You're a buffoon.

The point my dear spaz was that he blamed Bush during his speech for failures created under HIS administration. If Bush were to blame Dems for his not finding WMDs in Iraq then you would have a friggin point.

Once again he trotted out his complete LIE about the US having surplusses. We never did. Every single fiscal year since 1960 the idiots in DC have raised our nations debt. EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Yet Clowntoon and the left wingnuts continue to pretend that there was a surplus that Bush somehow squandered. There NEVER was an ACTUAL surplus. Your debt does NOT go up when you have an ACTUAL surplus.

But I know, you want to continue to pretend there was because it makes you feel better.

That said, I agree with you that Bush has been pretty much abysmal with drunken liberal (aka Kennedy) type spending.
I predict that when Bush speaks next week he:

1) Won't talk about how we didn't find any WMD's in Iraq
2) Won't mention his lie about Curveball & bio-weapons labs in the 2003 State of the Union
3) Won't talk about the conclusions of a bipartisan Senate report indicating that he & the rest of his admin manipulated intelligence to make a dishonest case for war
4) Won't talk about how he botched Katrina
5) Won't mention Gonzalez, Abramoff or Phillip Cooney, or talk about how his admin has sung the virtues of deficit spending.

If that's how it plays out, I'm brilliant!

Again, it is not just about bringing up failures... it is about placing blame for the failures on the "other" party for shit that YOU did or at least played a big part in bringing about.

Notice I did not mention shit like "lying under oath to the American people" or the ignorant "OMG! he got a blowjob and didn't mention it". Those things are obvious that he wouldn't bring up because he had no one else to blame but himself.

But he did try to pretend that this economic mess was Bush's creation when he is also culpable due to the bills I mentioned.

He did try to bring up his imaginary surplusses and pretend that Bush somehow squandered them.

He did comment on lost jobs and declining wages, yet failed to mention the fraud and hype of the late 90's led to a good portion of that. Failed to mention that there will always be peaks in a business cycle and when we roll over those peaks into a recession, wages will indeed decline and jobs will be lost. Yes, this is typical partisan bullshit and will likely continue tonight and next week as well. But it doesn't change the fact that the egomaniac was trying more to protect his legacy than he was supporting the One.
The point my dear spaz was that he blamed Bush during his speech for failures created under HIS administration. If Bush were to blame Dems for his not finding WMDs in Iraq then you would have a friggin point.

Once again he trotted out his complete LIE about the US having surplusses. We never did. Every single fiscal year since 1960 the idiots in DC have raised our nations debt. EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Yet Clowntoon and the left wingnuts continue to pretend that there was a surplus that Bush somehow squandered. There NEVER was an ACTUAL surplus. Your debt does NOT go up when you have an ACTUAL surplus.

But I know, you want to continue to pretend there was because it makes you feel better.

That said, I agree with you that Bush has been pretty much abysmal with drunken liberal (aka Kennedy) type spending.

The debt went practically nowhere in the "fake surplus". Barely raising the debt is a lot better than raising it by half a trillion like clockwork.
The debt went practically nowhere in the "fake surplus". Barely raising the debt is a lot better than raising it by half a trillion like clockwork.
However, "barely raising it" is NOT A SURPLUS. I agree it is better than what is being done now, and a large reason why I won't vote for McCain or Obama is their plans for the nation only increase the debt and do nothing to make an actual surplus.
The debt went practically nowhere in the "fake surplus". Barely raising the debt is a lot better than raising it by half a trillion like clockwork.

1) I agree completely that it is a hell of a lot better. I did not say it was worse. In 2000, Clinton and the Rep Congress increased debt by a mere $19 billion. That was a very good effort.

2) But a debt increase of $19 billion, while small, is STILL an increase in debt and not this imaginary surplus Clinton and other Dems want to continue to pretend existed.

As for my "the One" comments. I am quite certain I will cease using that as soon as I quit hearing the McSame chant from the left.