Andrew Sullivan on The Speech


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The Speech
18 Mar 2008 11:32 am

Alas, I cannot give a more considered response right now as I have to get on the road. But I do want to say that this searing, nuanced, gut-wrenching, loyal, and deeply, deeply Christian speech is the most honest speech on race in America in my adult lifetime. It is a speech we have all been waiting for for a generation. Its ability to embrace both the legitimate fears and resentments of whites and the understandable anger and dashed hopes of many blacks was, in my view, unique in recent American history.

And it was a reflection of faith - deep, hopeful, transcending faith in the promises of the Gospels. And it was about America - its unique promise, its historic purpose, and our duty to take up the burden to perfect this union - today, in our time, in our way.

I have never felt more convinced that this man's candidacy - not this man, his candidacy - and what he can bring us to achieve - is an historic opportunity. This was a testing; and he did not merely pass it by uttering safe bromides. He addressed the intimate, painful love he has for an imperfect and sometimes embittered man. And how that love enables him to see that man's faults and pain as well as his promise. This is what my faith is about. It is what the Gospels are about. This is a candidate who does not merely speak as a Christian. He acts like a Christian.

Bill Clinton once said that everything bad in America can be rectified by what is good in America. He was right - and Obama takes that to a new level. And does it with the deepest darkest wound in this country's history.

I love this country. I don't remember loving it or hoping more from it than today.

Andrew Michael Sullivan (born August 10, 1963) is English, a self-described libertarian conservative author and political commentator.

Sullivan is known for his unusual personal-political identity (HIV-positive, gay, self-described conservative often at odds with other conservatives, practicing Roman Catholic, and a non-U.S. citizen who focuses on American political life). He has said that he would like to become a US citizen but is barred because of his HIV-positive status

Sullivan is a libertarian-inclined conservative who has argued that the Republican Party has abandoned true conservative principles.[6] After supporting George W. Bush in the 2000 Presidential election, he endorsed Senator John Kerry for President in 2004. In 2006, he supported the Democratic Party's takeover of Congress. His political philosophy includes a broad range of traditional conservative positions: He favors a flat tax, limited government, privatization of social security, and a strong military, and he opposes welfare state programs such as socialized medicine. However, on a number of controversial public issues—for instance, same-sex marriage and the death penalty—he takes a position typically shared by those on the left of the U.S. political spectrum. His position on abortion is more nuanced; saying that he personally finds it immoral and favors overturning Roe v. Wade, but he can accept legalized abortions in the first trimester. Sullivan has endorsed Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic Nomination in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election. If Obama wins the nomination, Sullivan says he will wait and see whether to endorse Obama or Senator John McCain.

I agree that Barack gave a powerful speech. He always does. He is talented in that regard and no other candidate has his gift for words. I am not sure that I am as moved as many others claim to be. To be honest, I will probably have to listen to the speech several more times to fully grasp the message.

Is Barack or anyone truly big enough to tackle the issue of race at this time? After hearing the sermons of Pastor Wright, I wonder if anyone can build a bridge over this divide. I don't think many Americans who have loved this country and fought for it are ready to reconcile wth the derogatory views Pastor Wright and his followers entertain. I grew up in a small trailer with five siblings, my parents, and my grandmother. Neither of my parents had finished H.S. We were financially poor. My parents were democrats and christians, but they never taught us or let anyone else teach us to hate our country or blame our neighbor for our situation. They preached education and hard work.

I am proud of this country and I thank my lucky stars that I was born here. Has life ever been fair? No, but the lack of fairness doesn't know racial boundries. America is still a beacon for immigrants of all ethnic backgrounds because of the American Dream. I don't understand how any sermon or speech containing negative statements about America can be uplifting. I'm sure someone reading this will explain it to me from their perspective.

Barack was kind of backed into this corner. Barack is a talented speaker and if he has chosen this as his major issue, he will have to lay out a serious plan to accomplish it. If he can, the "Economy Issue" should be a piece of cake! Personally, I'd tackle the economy.
I agree that Barack gave a powerful speech. He always does. He is talented in that regard and no other candidate has his gift for words. I am not sure that I am as moved as many others claim to be. To be honest, I will probably have to listen to the speech several more times to fully grasp the message.

Is Barack or anyone truly big enough to tackle the issue of race at this time? After hearing the sermons of Pastor Wright, I wonder if anyone can build a bridge over this divide. I don't think many Americans who have loved this country and fought for it are ready to reconcile wth the derogatory views Pastor Wright and his followers entertain. I grew up in a small trailer with five siblings, my parents, and my grandmother. Neither of my parents had finished H.S. We were financially poor. My parents were democrats and christians, but they never taught us or let anyone else teach us to hate our country or blame our neighbor for our situation. They preached education and hard work.

I am proud of this country and I thank my lucky stars that I was born here. Has life ever been fair? No, but the lack of fairness doesn't know racial boundries. America is still a beacon for immigrants of all ethnic backgrounds because of the American Dream. I don't understand how any sermon or speech containing negative statements about America can be uplifting. I'm sure someone reading this will explain it to me from their perspective.

Barack was kind of backed into this corner. Barack is a talented speaker and if he has chosen this as his major issue, he will have to lay out a serious plan to accomplish it. If he can, the "Economy Issue" should be a piece of cake! Personally, I'd tackle the economy.
I think that this divide will largely heal itself when those people who are this way go the way of all humans. There is no young person to take their place. We'll be able to finally move forward. While I will never hope for the end of lives, I will hope for the beginning of a new vision.
Sullivan is hardly an ultra right winger. Don't give me this bullshit about sullivan liking obama's comments and then say "Seeee even CONSERVATIVES think it was AWESOME!"

you retards are so freaking enamored with this guy I'm starting to think it's dangerous. If he loses it will be better than christmas for me.
It was one of the most amazing speeches i've heard in my lifetime. I love everything he says. The way he inspires people and has unified us all is truly remarkable. I can't wait to hear what he says next, I just know it's going to be great as usual!
Sullivan is hardly an ultra right winger. Don't give me this bullshit about sullivan liking obama's comments and then say "Seeee even CONSERVATIVES think it was AWESOME!"

you retards are so freaking enamored with this guy I'm starting to think it's dangerous. If he loses it will be better than christmas for me.
Sullivan is hardly an ultra right winger. Don't give me this bullshit about sullivan liking obama's comments and then say "Seeee even CONSERVATIVES think it was AWESOME!"

you retards are so freaking enamored with this guy I'm starting to think it's dangerous. If he loses it will be better than christmas for me.
This is something I already knew but thanks for being honest. I knew that to be a TRUE conservative or be considered a TRUE conservative you have to be an ULTRA right winger or you just aren't conservative ENOUGH. Sullivan is a true libertarian conservative. I know he doesn't goosestep in time to Reagan's Morning in America speech but that doesn't make him a liberal, unless of course you are the modern american queer hating, blastocyst loving right winger.
Look, I liked the speech too. The first half was good. However it will not be enough to overcome 20 years of actions, and the excuse that it was America's fault that this guy is all mad won't fly with many people.
Look, I liked the speech too. The first half was good. However it will not be enough to overcome 20 years of actions, and the excuse that it was America's fault that this guy is all mad won't fly with many people.
So are you going to have the same quallifications for your republican buddies that get endorsed my rightwing ministers that blamed america for 9-11 because of gays and women and abortion and declining morals? That was a rhetorical question, you really don't need to answer.
Look, I liked the speech too. The first half was good. However it will not be enough to overcome 20 years of actions, and the excuse that it was America's fault that this guy is all mad won't fly with many people.

I disagree. That speech was directed straight at primary voters & superdelegates, and those are people that it will resonate with on the Dem side. He sewed up the nomination, yesterday.

As for the general, the people I have heard that have had the most false outrage over it are Republicans who won't be voting for Obama, anyway. That isn't scientific, and I could be wrong, but I just don't think it hurts him come November.
So are you going to have the same quallifications for your republican buddies that get endorsed my rightwing ministers that blamed america for 9-11 because of gays and women and abortion and declining morals? That was a rhetorical question, you really don't need to answer.

Kind of as I answered earlier they are two different scenarios. One is when a politician panders to a whack job to get votes. The other is a 20 year personal relationship and being involved within the campaign.
So are you going to have the same quallifications for your republican buddies that get endorsed my rightwing ministers that blamed america for 9-11 because of gays and women and abortion and declining morals? That was a rhetorical question, you really don't need to answer.
There is a difference between an endorsement and membership, and if you don't realize this you are definitely a worshiper. And I did, at the time, speak against Hagee's endorsement. It is inane to compare an endorsement, like Farrakhan's, to a membership in the church. One is over in seconds the other was over 20 years worth...
Kind of as I answered earlier they are two different scenarios. One is when a politician panders to a whack job to get votes. The other is a 20 year personal relationship and being involved within the campaign.
Pat Robertson has had a personal relationship with the republican party for LONGER than 20 years. My bet is that the majority of his congregation is Republican. Go ahead and split hairs anyway you like. Hate is ok when it is directed at the left. There was NO outcry from the Right when HE said that terrorism against the US was gods punishment, nor was there any anger at Falwell.
There is a difference between an endorsement and membership, and if you don't realize this you are definitely a worshiper. And I did, at the time, speak against Hagee's endorsement. It is inane to compare an endorsement, like Farrakhan's, to a membership in the church. One is over in seconds the other was over 20 years worth...

Obama also caught a lot more criticism for Farakhan than McCain did for Hagee...
There is a difference between an endorsement and membership, and if you don't realize this you are definitely a worshiper. And I did, at the time, speak against Hagee's endorsement. It is inane to compare an endorsement, like Farrakhan's, to a membership in the church. One is over in seconds the other was over 20 years worth...

And it's insane to compare an endorsement like Farrakhan's that is not sought out and is rejected from actively courting the endorsement of people like Hagee and Rod Parsley.

And refusing to denounce a personal friend for saying things that you disagree with notwithstanding the negative impact it will have on your campaign is whole hell of a lot more honorable than courting the endorsement of hate-mongers like Hagee and Parsley notwithstanding their objectionable views simply for political advantage.
Pat Robertson has had a personal relationship with the republican party for LONGER than 20 years. My bet is that the majority of his congregation is Republican. Go ahead and split hairs anyway you like. Hate is ok when it is directed at the left. There was NO outcry from the Right when HE said that terrorism against the US was gods punishment, nor was there any anger at Falwell.

Yes, there was. This is BS.
And it's insane to compare an endorsement like Farrakhan's that is not sought out and is rejected from actively courting the endorsement of people like Hagee and Rod Parsley.

And refusing to denounce a personal friend for saying things that you disagree with notwithstanding the negative impact it will have on your campaign is whole hell of a lot more honorable than courting the endorsement of hate-mongers like Hagee and Parsley notwithstanding their objectionable views simply for political advantage.
I agree, actively courting an endorsement from somebody bad is bad, but the reality is actively supporting their church with membership is also bad.

Saying they do it too isn't going to make it any different, and people tend to often look for the 'lesser' of evils when voting.
I agree, actively courting an endorsement from somebody bad is bad, but the reality is actively supporting their church with membership is also bad.

Saying they do it too isn't going to make it any different, and people tend to often look for the 'lesser' of evils when voting.

And it's best when people don't hear about the other evil at all because for some reason it's no big deal, like we have here with McCain and Hagee and Parsley.