Andrew Sullivan on The Speech

This is something I already knew but thanks for being honest. I knew that to be a TRUE conservative or be considered a TRUE conservative you have to be an ULTRA right winger or you just aren't conservative ENOUGH. Sullivan is a true libertarian conservative. I know he doesn't goosestep in time to Reagan's Morning in America speech but that doesn't make him a liberal, unless of course you are the modern american queer hating, blastocyst loving right winger.

no conservative would vote for John Kerry. (Which Andrew did in 04'), PERIOD.
Pat Robertson has had a personal relationship with the republican party for LONGER than 20 years. My bet is that the majority of his congregation is Republican. Go ahead and split hairs anyway you like. Hate is ok when it is directed at the left. There was NO outcry from the Right when HE said that terrorism against the US was gods punishment, nor was there any anger at Falwell.

so is the right wrong for supporting someone like robertson or are both sides wrong?
So when it affects US foreign policy then the Repubs speak up. Wow that is conviction damo.
So, when I am able to show that Robertson was lambasted by the Right you pretend that I didn't make my point?

Your are spouting BS because you want to believe so badly you will do anything to convince yourself.
This is something I already knew but thanks for being honest. I knew that to be a TRUE conservative or be considered a TRUE conservative you have to be an ULTRA right winger or you just aren't conservative ENOUGH. Sullivan is a true libertarian conservative. I know he doesn't goosestep in time to Reagan's Morning in America speech but that doesn't make him a liberal, unless of course you are the modern american queer hating, blastocyst loving right winger.

lastly almost ALL americans will SAY that they don't support big government, lots of americans SAY they like low taxes, but at the end of the day doesn't mean they follow that.
So, when I am able to show that Robertson was lambasted by the Right you pretend that I didn't make my point?

Your are spouting BS because you want to believe so badly you will do anything to convince yourself.
Lambasted by the right when if affects foreign policy. YOu get a partial win there but not full points.
Lambasted by the right when if affects foreign policy. YOu get a partial win there but not full points.
They slaughtered him over the anti-American crap and how terrorists attacks were gawd's punishment too. It is selective amnesia to pretend otherwise.
They slaughtered him over the anti-American crap and how terrorists attacks were gawd's punishment too. It is selective amnesia to pretend otherwise.

Who gives a flying shit? Was George bush called to task for his words? Because he sure got on his knees for his support. Did George Bush have to give a speech about it? Did it become the national story for a week? Did anyone in the end really give a flying fuck about it? Anymore than they do about what McCain’s preacher might or might not be saying? Or about what John Hagee said about Catholics while McCain was so pleased to have his endorsement on his forehead?

Get fucking real and stop whining and acting like the rules aren’t different for the black guy. You’re full of shit and you look it. What’s more, you know it.
Notice that Robertson did not say he was wrong about god causing the stroke just that his statement was inapporpriate and insensivive....
Who gives a flying shit? Was George bush called to task for his words? Because he sure got on his knees for his support. Did George Bush have to give a speech about it? Did it become the national story for a week? Did anyone in the end really give a flying fuck about it? Anymore than they do about what McCain’s preacher might or might not be saying? Or about what John Hagee said about Catholics while McCain was so pleased to have his endorsement on his forehead?

Get fucking real and stop whining and acting like the rules aren’t different for the black guy. You’re full of shit and you look it. What’s more, you know it.
Clearly the person who pretended that it didn't happen "gives a poop", enough of one he mistakenly tried to compare it.

And yes, it became the national story of the week. Man, you people really do have selective amnesia on this. Each time the retard comes out with another "it's gawd's punishment" statement it is all over the fricking news. It happened with Katrina, it happened with 9/11, it happened with Chavez, even though that wasn't one of "those" statements. The guy gets more news time than he deserves considering he lost credibility with the Rs long ago.
Wow I was so wrong. Check out the fiery denounciation by President Bush:

First, it was gratifying to learn that the White House immediately issued a statement calling Falwell's remarks "inappropriate" with a clear advisory that the "The President does not share those views."

Wow Chastised he was. Sorry I missed that one. Nothing says condemn like a clear advisory.
You are just playing silly because it is embarrassing to be wrong. I've known that feeling. Just face it, these people are definitely chastised for those inane remarks the dichotomy you built up doesn't exist.
Clearly the person who pretended that it didn't happen "gives a poop", enough of one he mistakenly tried to compare it.

And yes, it became the national story of the week. Man, you people really do have selective amnesia on this. Each time the retard comes out with another "it's gawd's punishment" statement it is all over the fricking news. It happened with Katrina, it happened with 9/11, it happened with Chavez, even though that wasn't one of "those" statements. The guy gets more news time than he deserves considering he lost credibility with the Rs long ago.

Oh Damo you are so full of shit if you are even pretending it was anything like this. Stop, you are embarrassing yourself here.
If Obama had said that Wrights comments were inappropriate and he "does not share those views" this would still be a burning contraversy. Because he did say that and it was not enough. The Republican party has had a decades long relationship with Robertson. They have invited him to speak at their convention and he will get invites in the future, though probably not this year since it would bring up the hipocracy of the party. But he WILL speak again at the convention and you and I BOTH know it. If you don't subscribe to those views why would you let him speak at your convention, base be damned?
Wow I was so wrong. Check out the fiery denounciation by President Bush:

First, it was gratifying to learn that the White House immediately issued a statement calling Falwell's remarks "inappropriate" with a clear advisory that the "The President does not share those views."

Wow Chastised he was. Sorry I missed that one. Nothing says condemn like a clear advisory.

I am quite sure you will enjoy that one.... :)
Published: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000

During this election cycle he actually went to Regent University and spoke. Guess Robertson is not so much the agent of intollerence anymore? Thank god Falwell died or he would have his nose buried up Jerry's ass to the shoulders ass well.

Oh Damo you are so full of shit if you are even pretending it was anything like this. Stop, you are embarrassing yourself here.
People who run out of words and have to resort to cursing are usually the ones who have embarrassed themselves. The reality is, the worship is getting thick here and anybody who says anything at all about Obama better be dancing and praying because otherwise they are Satanists has got to end.
People who run out of words and have to resort to cursing are usually the ones who have embarrassed themselves. The reality is, the worship is getting thick here and anybody who says anything at all about Obama better be dancing and praying because otherwise they are Satanists has got to end.

Nah I just curse as a matter of course. You haven't even heard anything. Sorry if I offended your sensibilities. Did you want a tampon?