Announcment about my new name for liberals

All you need, to know it was a bad deal.

Also, you and Mayor Alfred E. Newman appear to be the only two leftists that think killing Gen Suleimani wasn't inherently a bad thing, in-and-of itself.

I am sure they were very pleased to get $140 billion to spend on more tickets and centrifuges.
Congratulations Grind. I can see you’ve learned well from reading Trumps book on how to win fools and influence idiots.

Might I though point out that, as a person who loves America so much that I’ve actually read it’s history as written by actual historians and not from Album covers coated in Cheeto dust, that you just want to consider a thing or two.

The problem with your “liberals hate Uhmerika” rhetoric, other than its proven ability to attract mouth breathers, is that Conservatives have a horrible track record of utter incompetence when it comes foreign affairs and national defense.

Take wars for example. All the wars we’ve won this nation was led by liberals, radicals, revolutionaries or liberal internationalist. Where as both wars we’ve lost, Vietnam and the Immoral War on Iraq, we’re lost by conservatives. One who resigned in disgrace. You can also include the ultra conservative Jefferson Davis of the confederacy in there, as another conservative bumbler, as he lost to Lincoln and the Radical Republicans during our Civil War.

So as a patriot who loves their nation, and has little use for conservative idiots who will conscientiously keep that train rolling while completely sublimating the fact that they train is headed over the cliff, I have to laugh at your rhetoric for the cognitively impaired.

Now there is a time and place for conservatism but historically speaking foreign affairs and national defense ain’t been one of conservativisms bright spot. From Tory’s, to Slave Owning Planters, to Isolationist, to John Birchers, to modern Neoconservatives, it’s been one train wreck after another for American conservatives.

So Conservative Leaders, in times of crises, appear to be good at two things, wrapping themselves in the flag and fucking up.

So given Conservatives legendary track record of being total fuck ups in times of crises why should anyone but mouth breathers and the cognitively impaired give you any credibility?

Even though I totally disagreed with the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the truly idiotic decision to disband the Iraqi army. It was Obama who truly fucked up with his decision to pull out the military and allow the emergence of ISIS. No doubt you'll talk about SOFA blah blah but the fact is that the deaths of hundred of thousands is due to his naivety. If that wasn't bad enough he completely fucked Libya and Syria, how convenient of you to forget that!
Even though I totally disagreed with the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the truly idiotic decision to disband the Iraqi army. It was Obama who truly fucked up with his decision to pull out the military and allow the emergence of ISIS. No doubt you'll talk about SOFA blah blah but the fact is that the deaths of hundred of thousands is due to his naivety. If that wasn't bad enough he completely fucked Libya and Syria, how convenient of you to forget that!
Unhuh....then how comes the vast majority of foreign policy experts pin that on Shrub with idiotic ideas like De-Bathification and others, that split Iraq into ungovernable tribal interest, that created a power vacuum which destabilized an already unstable region into utter chaos? The Bush neocons completely screwed the pooch by invading Iraq in the first place then completely failed to provide stable governance.

That was ultimately the cause of the rise of ISIS and Chickenhawks rationalizating their historical incompetence on those who came after is pretty laughable. In other words you can’t blame either Obama or Trump for what Bush broke.
I will give Reagan credit on National defense. His increase in military spending and operations, and professionalization of our Armed services at the end stage of the Cold War, set the stage for the current Global Pax Americana, the world enjoys today. The advances in Globalization would not have been possible without it though that has created its own set of problems.

That’s one of the few bright spots of Conservative foreign policy accomplishments in an other words very bleak history.
I will give Reagan credit on National defense. His increase in military spending and operations, and professionalization of our Armed services at the end stage of the Cold War, set the stage for the current Global Pax Americana, the world enjoys today. The advances in Globalization would not have been possible without it though that has created its own set of problems.

That’s one of the few bright spots of Conservative foreign policy accomplishments in an other words very bleak history.

Americas standing in the world has dropped to a all time low,as the world hates and fears that we have a immature madman without any ability to be a competent President.