Another Confused Liberal


Junior Member
The democratic canidate for Governor of Cali says he will pull the troops out of Iraq. Is he confused as to what a governor does and what the President does? LOL
The dems in Calif think they run the country so this is not surprising.

its no wonder Arnold is doing well.
You guys apparently don't understand the state national guard system. The governor of each states national guard has the power to withdraw troops from a mission.

Poor tody, my main man, you're going to have to go back to civics and learn some basic things about the organizational structure of the states and federal governments and their respective responsibilites and such. You might talk to Dixie too about all that "States Rights" stuff, he could have told you right away that the National Guard is the responsibility of the governor of the states in which they are stationed.

During peacetime each state National Guard answers to the leadership in the 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia. During national emergencies, however, the President reserves the right to mobilize the National Guard, putting them in federal duty status. While federalized, the units answer to the Combatant Commander of the theatre in which they are operating and, ultimately, to the President.

And according to the War Powers Act, the President has the right to Federalize the Guard when he is authorized by that Act to use Military Force....

So, in other words... toby was right, the Governor of California cannot recall troops from Iraq, even the ones from the California National Guard as they are Federalized during "Wartime"....

I thank you...
please provide the link that shows that Bush has indeed federalized the California National Guard - that right you say that he MAY exercise. If you can show that, then maybe you have something
No, according to the War Powers Act the vote gave him that authority. That isn't very "fuzzy". When the congress voted, using that act, they gave him the authority.

And Maineman, by ordering them overseas they were Federalized they are now under the command of the Highest officer of that theater and according to their own site next step up is the President...

We can pretend otherwise, but the Governor of California cannot recall his NG while they are in Iraq under the War Powers Act.

And according to the War Powers Act, the President has the right to Federalize the Guard when he is authorized by that Act to use Military Force....

So, in other words... toby was right, the Governor of California cannot recall troops from Iraq, even the ones from the California National Guard as they are Federalized during "Wartime"....

I thank you...

The governer of Wyoming (or some other western state) has already withdrawn his.
Hmmm... Maybe he hasn't yet, but it gives him the authority to, the War Powers act gives him that athority over the NG.
Okay, according to everything that I find the Governor of Montana "wants" that to happen, but cannot do it without an equal emergency in his state.
Has not several of the coalition of the willing pulled their troops out ? Or are scheduled to soon. Why can't those 300,000 trained Iraqi troops handle it ?
And, even according to the Dem Candidate for Governor in California, all he can do is implore Bush to remove his NG toops...

In a move to bolster his appeal among Democrats, state Treasurer Phil Angelides said Saturday night that on his first day as governor, he would call on President Bush to withdraw California's National Guard troops from the war in Iraq.
So, I'll trust Angelides knowledge on the subject and go with his judgement. He cannot himself remove those NG Troops from Iraq.