Another Confused Liberal

Has not several of the coalition of the willing pulled their troops out ? Or are scheduled to soon. Why can't those 300,000 trained Iraqi troops handle it ?
I still haven't been able to figure that one out...
I still haven't been able to figure that one out...

I was reading an online article on Time about our troops were supposed to have a joint cleanup operation and the Iraq troops did not even show up ???
I think they are just sucking up our money and weapons and have no intention of policing the country in the proper way. I saw the Iraqi PM interviewed on PBS yeaterday and he was sure dancing on the subject :)
I would suggest that being temporarily under operational control of the US Army is not synonymous with "federalized"
when a national guard unit goes to an army base to train in peacetime, they are under the operational control of the base commander, for example, but not strictly "federalized".
I would suggest that being temporarily under operational control of the US Army is not synonymous with "federalized"
I would suggest that if it were possible there are many D Governors that would have removed NG troops by now and Angelides would simply have stated that he would recall them, not "call on Bush" to recall them.
I do suspect that once the feds latch onto them for overseas operations the feds have to release em back in any case. Not sure, did not have enough suction to get in the guard like some, was drafted :(

NO sure could have used their guard and equip though during / after Katrina....
I would suggest that if it were possible there are many D Governors that would have removed NG troops by now and Angelides would simply have stated that he would recall them, not "call on Bush" to recall them.

so...what you are saying is, you've got no link that indicates that the president has indeed exercised his right to federalize the california national guard?

that's what I thought.

you could have saved us a lot of time by just saying that in so many words.
Actually I meant to. However, the War Powers Act simply gives him the power to do so, troops that are sent to Iraq are Federalized and the Governors do not have the power to recall them...

As shown by what Angelides has promised. So, regardless of a link, reason dictates that the premise is sound.
I would suggest that if it were possible there are many D Governors that would have removed NG troops by now and Angelides would simply have stated that he would recall them, not "call on Bush" to recall them.

I sort of doubt that Damo. too many wussy politicos out there afraid of being called weak on defense and that kind of stuff. aka "no balls wussies" ;)
Actually I meant to. However, the War Powers Act simply gives him the power to do so, troops that are sent to Iraq are Federalized and the Governors do not have the power to recall them...

As shown by what Angelides has promised. So, regardless of a link, reason dictates that the premise is sound.

I still am not convinced the war opowers act was fully implemented...could well be wrong though:eek:
I sort of doubt that Damo. too many wussy politicos out there afraid of being called weak on defense and that kind of stuff. aka "no balls wussies" ;)
Nah, at this moment they would be hailed as heroes, States like Hawaii or California would have dancing in the streets...
Unless they shot around it somehow ? I dunno, you are most likely right, but I still have a suspicion that somehow he did not get the whole thing.
They left out specific provisions that would have allowed him to activate sedition laws (thank the little gods for that)...
They left out specific provisions that would have allowed him to activate sedition laws (thank the little gods for that)...

Darned straight, rove would have loved that. They sung that song enough anyway, just had no legal teeth I guess.