another day, another landslide obama poll released

dixie how can you like fogie mccain?? seriously. if he goes 8 years he'll be in depends at the end of his presidency.

I'm sure we can all remember reagans althimers setting in and him not making clear headed decisions.
Yep, sure do... I was wrong about it, and I posted a thread to admit I was wrong, did you miss it? Maybe it's because you mentally block out any time I admit I am wrong, so you can insist I never do?

I still don't buy the current polls, especially the bogus CBS poll which shows Obama up by 14... no way he is leading by that much. I say he may be leading by 3%, and McCain CAN make that up in 3 weeks. It is not going to be easy, but it is definitely possible.

Yeah, just like Clinton "barely" beat Bush....
If the polls were 10 points off in favor of McCain Obama would be 4 points ahead. It still wouldn't be a close race. This is like Mondal-Reagan.
i would just like to know where it all came from... i mean people say the economy, perhaps it is, but its just amazing to have seen barack come from a dead heat race to winning states like north dakota, north carolina and west virginia.

i personally always thought it should have been a landslide victory but he's ahead in states i couldn't even fathom he winning in.
Uh-huh. That's why you're talking about your bunker & you guns, and hinting ominously at some sort of violent revolution/civil war, where you hope my death will be "quick & painless."

"It really doesn't matter to me." Uh-huh. Psycho.

LOL... Well, I do have a bunker, fully stocked! And I do have guns, and plenty of ammo! I've not hinted at a damn thing, certainly not a 'civil war' or revolution, I only told you, when the economy completely collapses, and we are cast into Mad Max World, I hope your demise will be quick and painless. Seems like a 'humane' thought if you ask me.

But really... it doesn't matter to me! My bunker is secure, my guns are accurate, and I am set to defend myself and my family, when that time comes.
LOL... Well, I do have a bunker, fully stocked! And I do have guns, and plenty of ammo! I've not hinted at a damn thing, certainly not a 'civil war' or revolution, I only told you, when the economy completely collapses, and we are cast into Mad Max World, I hope your demise will be quick and painless. Seems like a 'humane' thought if you ask me.

But really... it doesn't matter to me! My bunker is secure, my guns are accurate, and I am set to defend myself and my family, when that time comes.

dixie with all due respect this seems to be a repeat of 92, when clinton won bush was way ahead in the polls, then "no new taxes" + recession= clinton win and he got us back to a surplus and good economic times. then bush won (which is debatable) and got us back to where bush I was. seems to me dems win when they need to fix what republicans do.
dixie how can you like fogie mccain?? seriously. if he goes 8 years he'll be in depends at the end of his presidency.

I'm sure we can all remember reagans althimers setting in and him not making clear headed decisions.

I would actually rather have Palin at the head of the ticket, so if McCain kicks it, I am cool with that. I'd rather have Palin in charge than Biden, when some idiot caps Obama. Don't you believe that is just as possible as McCain in depends?
i have serious reservations about palin, i don't think she's qualified, and i don't think she can speak. she can't even raise her own family w/ someone getting pregnant, and she's going to run the country?? i think she may have been good given more time, but mccain blew any chances of her being sucessful anytime soon.
i have serious reservations about palin, i don't think she's qualified, and i don't think she can speak. she can't even raise her own family w/ someone getting pregnant, and she's going to run the country?? i think she may have been good given more time, but mccain blew any chances of her being sucessful anytime soon.

She can speak, probably much better than anything we've heard so far. McCain has kept her gagged through this campaign, which has been a critical mistake, in my opinion. As for judgments on 'raising her family', this is not a criteria we've ever used to evaluate political leadership, can we possibly count the times a Kennedy has used poor judgment in personal matters? Was Gore disqualified when his son was busted for drugs? That is far worse than getting pregnant, in my opinion. I think Palin would make an excellent president or vice president, and I hope she will remain in the spotlight after this campaign, regardless of outcome, because I think she would bring a fresh perspective to politics as usual in Washington.
She can speak, probably much better than anything we've heard so far. McCain has kept her gagged through this campaign, which has been a critical mistake, in my opinion. As for judgments on 'raising her family', this is not a criteria we've ever used to evaluate political leadership, can we possibly count the times a Kennedy has used poor judgment in personal matters? Was Gore disqualified when his son was busted for drugs? That is far worse than getting pregnant, in my opinion. I think Palin would make an excellent president or vice president, and I hope she will remain in the spotlight after this campaign, regardless of outcome, because I think she would bring a fresh perspective to politics as usual in Washington.

Obviously, merely because she knows how to regurgitate neocon talking points. She gives a good neocon rimjob, therefore she should be president.
In 7+ years we've gone from Bush saving the known universe to being 1 bad election (in Dixie's view) from complete societal breakdown...

yeah I know. Really weird isn't it.

Those righties listened to uscitizen they should have.

Now even the righties agree with uscitizen.... Too bad they did not listen before they screwed the pooch.