Another public meltdown?


Well-known member
"INBOX: "President Donald J. Trump, man who lost 2020 election and can't get over it, will hold another public meltdown at his house, not in a swing state, on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 4:30PM""

From Twitter, account of James Singer
"INBOX: "President Donald J. Trump, man who lost 2020 election and can't get over it, will hold another public meltdown at his house, not in a swing state, on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 4:30PM""

From Twitter, account of James Singer
Hopefully it'll be as humorous as his "interview" on X with Musk where trump sounded like Sylvester the cat :)
Trump has a depressing and petty line in his talks. Poor, poor pitiful me. I have been prosecuted for my crimes. That is not fair. It is.
I won the election and got cheated. Nope, he lost and he did the cheating. Trump can give an hour-long rally speech and just bleat and cry. What policies is he offering? I guess Project 2025, makes that clear. That is why his rallies are whine feasts. He wants to hide from his project and plans.
I do not see him expanding his base with that childish crap.
"INBOX: "President Donald J. Trump, man who lost 2020 election and can't get over it, will hold another public meltdown at his house, not in a swing state, on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 4:30PM""

From Twitter, account of James Singer
Why is Trump afraid to leave his safe space? Did JD say something mean to him?
JD is pissed he agreed to be involved in this sinking ship.
He's one of the few MAGAt rats who ran toward a sinking ship, not away from it. He's clearly an opportunistic politician who runs to where he thinks he can better himself financially through politics. No doubt he's sucking up a lot of the money the MAGA sheeple are dumping into the campaign.

Expect that JD will be wearing new suits, driving a new car along with clothes and a car for his wife, all paid for through the Republican campaign slush fund, meaning MAGA sheeple donations. :thup:
I find it absolutely incredible how ANYBODY can support Donald Trump,

The Gestapo and I had these friends since I returned from the service and we started dating. This couple served as an usher and a bridesmaid at our wedding. The woman and the Gestapo were friends even before that.
[Remember, we've been married for nearly fifty-two years.]

These people have no political sophistication and didn't have our education. They were just fun folks with whom to socialize, and they're a few years older than we. We were guests at one another's homes routinely. We went out together. We saw many New Years come in together.

In 2016, these people told us that they couldn't abide Hillary Clinton are were planning to vote for Donald Trump.
We haven't spoken since. I do know that they're both still alive from other sources, but that's about it.
[I didn't love Hilary Clinton either, but I sure voted for her against a pigfucking orangutan.]

Donald Trump is an absolute abomination. How can ANYBODY support him? What must their core values be like?
How were they brought up? Can they distinguish in any way between dignity and vulgarity?

TOP and I, who would probably never correspond in real life given what you know from above, have had discourse on these forums.
On several occasions, she's made reference to Donald Trump hurting our feelings.

I couldn't understand that at all. How could this crude, classless vulgarian hurt our feelings?
He doesn't hurt my feelings. He turns my stomach. I reflexively ball my fists every time I see his ugly face on television.

It isn't subtle how this mutant is a living trash. Every attribute he possesses screams it.
But if, like myself, you vote for policies and not people,
his policies are as abhorrent as he is...and that's one fucking tough standard to meet.

The coolest broad, or person in general, that I've ever know in my life was my maternal grandmother, born in the late 1890s.
If it's humanly possible to be cooler than Frank Sinatra, she was the one to do it.
I had her until I was 47, a few months longer than I had her daughter, my mother, who was born in 1919.

If either one of those suddenly returned to life and ran for president as a Republican, I wouldn't vote for either.
[Happily, both are more likely to return to life than to become Republicans in death.]

But Donald Trump Is WAY beyond a Republican. He is, as I said, an absolute abomination.
Any person who could vote for him and be able to live with him or herself
is a person that I am completely incapable of understanding.
People like that don't exist in my world, and if they do, they're expelled from it forthwith.
I find it absolutely incredible how ANYBODY can support Donald Trump,

The Gestapo and I had these friends since I returned from the service and we started dating. This couple served as an usher and a bridesmaid at our wedding. The woman and the Gestapo were friends even before that.
[Remember, we've been married for nearly fifty-two years.]

These people have no political sophistication and didn't have our education. They were just fun folks with whom to socialize, and they're a few years older than we. We were guests at one another's homes routinely. We went out together. We saw many New Years come in together.

In 2016, these people told us that they couldn't abide Hillary Clinton are were planning to vote for Donald Trump.
We haven't spoken since. I do know that they're both still alive from other sources, but that's about it.
[I didn't love Hilary Clinton either, but I sure voted for her against a pigfucking orangutan.]

Donald Trump is an absolute abomination. How can ANYBODY support him? What must their core values be like?
How were they brought up? Can they distinguish in any way between dignity and vulgarity?

TOP and I, who would probably never correspond in real life given what you know from above, have had discourse on these forums.
On several occasions, she's made reference to Donald Trump hurting our feelings.

I couldn't understand that at all. How could this crude, classless vulgarian hurt our feelings?
He doesn't hurt my feelings. He turns my stomach. I reflexively ball my fists every time I see his ugly face on television.

It isn't subtle how this mutant is a living trash. Every attribute he possesses screams it.
But if, like myself, you vote for policies and not people,
his policies are as abhorrent as he is...and that's one fucking tough standard to meet.

The coolest broad, or person in general, that I've ever know in my life was my maternal grandmother, born in the late 1890s.
If it's humanly possible to be cooler than Frank Sinatra, she was the one to do it.
I had her until I was 47, a few months longer than I had her daughter, my mother, who was born in 1919.

If either one of those suddenly returned to life and ran for president as a Republican, I wouldn't vote for either.
[Happily, both are more likely to return to life than to become Republicans in death.]

But Donald Trump Is WAY beyond a Republican. He is, as I said, an absolute abomination.
Any person who could vote for him and be able to live with him or herself
is a person that I am completely incapable of understanding.
People like that don't exist in my world, and if they do, they're expelled from it forthwith.
If that's the way you feel i'm okay with that... I've always said that I respect your opinion because everyone is entitled to one... And I always Respect someone if they choose to expel me from their life... For whatever reason... But I'd bet if I was in Boston and I needed help with a dog and I called... you would...just saying....;)
If that's the way you feel i'm okay with that... I've always said that I respect your opinion because everyone is entitled to one... And I always Respect someone if they choose to expel me from their life... For whatever reason... But I'd bet if I was in Boston and I needed help with a dog and I called... you would...just saying....;)
Help with a dog? Of course I would.
And I would never get as angry with an internet correspondent
as I would with people in whom I trusted and confided for most of my adult life.
"INBOX: "President Donald J. Trump, man who lost 2020 election and can't get over it, will hold another public meltdown at his house, not in a swing state, on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 4:30PM""

From Twitter, account of James Singer
There was no election in 2020, Pretender.
Making shit up won't help you.
Trump has a depressing and petty line in his talks. Poor, poor pitiful me. I have been prosecuted for my crimes. That is not fair. It is.
I won the election and got cheated. Nope, he lost and he did the cheating.
Trump can give an hour-long rally speech and just bleat and cry. What policies is he offering? I guess Project 2025, makes that clear. That is why his rallies are whine feasts. He wants to hide from his project and plans.
I do not see him expanding his base with that childish crap.