Anthony Fauci Gets Death Threats After Marjorie Taylor Greene's Remarks

How is he responsible for millions dying when he literally helped them get a vaccine and they listened to right wing BS didn't vaccine and now are dead because of it? brother in law was multi vaccinated and died of COVID. Fauci help financed China GOF research which led to COVID. The fact that Fauci tried to hide COVID's origin proves his guilt.
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Between the two of them, they had quite a circle jerk going on during Fauci's interrogation!

Can't wait for SNL's upcoming skit on this played out!

And I thought that was TruthDetector and Expressway back there showing their IQ all this time- respectively!

Thanks for clearing that up for me!
The wackos from Code Pink would have beed much more entertaining.
He abuses us profoundly for years, then bringing no evidence cries victim....

How so very typical of the Failed Elite Class. brother in law was multi vaccinated and died of COVID. Fauci help financed China GOF research which led to COVID. The fact that Fauci tried to hide COVID's origin proves his guilt.
For a functioning society he and several hundred others would be in jail on long terms right now.

Buckle Up.

Anthony Fauci Gets Death Threats After Marjorie Taylor Greene's Remarks​

are you sure it wasn't after he revealed he'd financed the creation of the covid virus and lied about it?......cuz I think there were a lot of people who lost friends and family from that who may have threatened him any way........

why were insurrectionists allowed to attend a house panel interviewing Dr Fauci today?​

weren't those his body guards?......
Fauci thought he knew more than Congress so he went around the law against funding gain of function research. He did it by funding a 3rd party who he knew would give the money to China for gain of function research. Gain of function research created COVID which has killed millions world wide including over 2 million Americans. When Fauci realized COVID was a product of GOF from China he went straight to cover up mode. Fauci should be in jail. And families should be able to use him for damages.
Nope. Another fiction.