Anti-Obamacare blowhard blown away!


Clicked on the link, down at the bottom it says "The deadline to sign up for the Affordable Care Act is March 31, 2014."

Guess they did not get the memo that Obama has moved the goal posts again.

[h=1]Surprise! White House To Delay 'Firm' Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Past[/h]
Though the Obama administration repeatedly insisted that its March 31 enrollment deadline for Obamacare’s first year was “firm,” many observers predicted that the administration would combat lagging sales of health law-sponsored insurance plans by extending that deadline. Sure enough, on Tuesday night the White House indicated that it would be postponing that drop date in order to squeeze as many people as possible into the program.

Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post broke the story. Goldstein reports that the revised deadline “will apply to the federal exchanges operating in three dozen states” and extend for two to three weeks.

On the spectrum of things that the White House has pushed back or changed about Obamacare, this is a relative tweak. The original open enrollment period for the first year of Obamacare was set up to last for six months; instead it will last for 6.5 months. Unlike some of the clearly illegal extensions and delays that the White House has put forth, this one appears to be legal; the text of the Affordable Care Act doesn’t specify how long the open enrollment period should be, leaving that task to the regulators at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

CMS: ‘We don’t actually have the statutory authority’ to extend deadline

But that’s not what the Obama administration was saying until now. On March 11, Julie Bataille, the appropriately-surnamed spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said that “we have no plans to extend the open enrollment period. In fact, we don’t actually have the statutory authority to extend the open enrollment period in 2014.” On March 12, when Rep. Kevin Brady of the House Ways and Means Committee asked HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: “Are you going to delay the open enrollment beyond March 31st?” Sebelius replied, “No, sir.”

Clicked on the link, down at the bottom it says "The deadline to sign up for the Affordable Care Act is March 31, 2014."

Guess they did not get the memo that Obama has moved the goal posts again.

[h=1]Surprise! White House To Delay 'Firm' Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Past[/h]
Though the Obama administration repeatedly insisted that its March 31 enrollment deadline for Obamacare’s first year was “firm,” many observers predicted that the administration would combat lagging sales of health law-sponsored insurance plans by extending that deadline. Sure enough, on Tuesday night the White House indicated that it would be postponing that drop date in order to squeeze as many people as possible into the program.

Amy Goldstein of the Washington Post broke the story. Goldstein reports that the revised deadline “will apply to the federal exchanges operating in three dozen states” and extend for two to three weeks.

On the spectrum of things that the White House has pushed back or changed about Obamacare, this is a relative tweak. The original open enrollment period for the first year of Obamacare was set up to last for six months; instead it will last for 6.5 months. Unlike some of the clearly illegal extensions and delays that the White House has put forth, this one appears to be legal; the text of the Affordable Care Act doesn’t specify how long the open enrollment period should be, leaving that task to the regulators at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

CMS: ‘We don’t actually have the statutory authority’ to extend deadline

But that’s not what the Obama administration was saying until now. On March 11, Julie Bataille, the appropriately-surnamed spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said that “we have no plans to extend the open enrollment period. In fact, we don’t actually have the statutory authority to extend the open enrollment period in 2014.” On March 12, when Rep. Kevin Brady of the House Ways and Means Committee asked HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: “Are you going to delay the open enrollment beyond March 31st?” Sebelius replied, “No, sir.”

Hey chuckles, where's the information about all those Republican control states that have REFUSED to comply with the ACA mandate, and have INTERFERED WITH FEDERAL AIDS TO HELP GUIDE PEOPLE MANUALLY?

Grow the fuck up and get your head out of Limbaugh's ass, you nit!
If not for the extension, we'd be seeing threads about what a bastard POTUS is for penalizing people who didn't sign up.
And yet none of the anti-ACA folk that posted here have jack-doodle to say about the video. Wonder why? :awesome:

The video ignores the fact that America’s healthcare WAS the best in the world before the federal government got involved in it reducing the capitalistic incentives and private charitable actions of yesteryear that actually made the American system the ”BEST IN THE WORLD.”

The fact that Knoxville and other places in America have long waiting lines for the poor to get healthcare, isn’t because America is devoid of socialist healthcare, it’s because America has adopted socialist healthcare. Knoxville is simply an example of how Medicaid destroyed the once doctor and hospital free and low cost clinics that served the poor through doctor’s donations of their time and hospitals donating service centers and equipment. Medicaid virtually eliminated that incentive and placed a burden on doctors to comply with the tons of Medicaid regulations and paperwork.

The video also ignores the fact that Canada’s socialized healthcare system has waiting lines for not just the poor but everybody. So much so that the wealthy in Canada come to America for critical operations that otherwise might die without getting them in Canada because of the waiting list. That of course being an example of capitalism’s being the unequal sharing of the healthcare blessings and socialism’s being the equal sharing of the healthcare misery.

One also needs to ask how many of the good doctor’s better healthcare countries in the video would be able to support their “better” healthcare if they had to actually defend themselves militarily and pay for their own national defense instead of being subsidized by America’s Military Industrial Complex and the World Police Force thereof?

“If you like your healthcare and your doctor, you can keep them….period!” Obamacare is a fucking lie and a fraud that eventually will have to be bailed out by the American taxpayers just like the Wall Street Banks with the exception that taxpayers will never see a dime paid back. The insurance companies supported Obamacare. That alone should tell y’all fucking idiots something. The insurance companies already have their hand out to BIG Nanny Government for a government handout.

Oh yeah morons, don’t forget that the government Obamacare web sites are not ”SECURE SITES” thus they’re fertile grounds for web bandits. Good luck with that assholes!!!!!
Just for giggles, why is allowing this extension a bad thing?

Because United States Presidents cannot constitutionally make laws. Making the laws is the constitutional authority of ONLY" the Congress. But don't worry everybody should know by now that y'all fucking left-ass bastards don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution.
If not for the extension, we'd be seeing threads about what a bastard POTUS is for penalizing people who didn't sign up.

Actually without the extension you'd see an acknowledgment of some amount of constitutional decorum. The "bastard" President has no constitutional power to rewrite the law.
The video ignores the fact that America’s healthcare WAS the best in the world before the federal government got involved in it reducing the capitalistic incentives and private charitable actions of yesteryear that actually made the American system the ”BEST IN THE WORLD.”

The fact that Knoxville and other places in America have long waiting lines for the poor to get healthcare, isn’t because America is devoid of socialist healthcare, it’s because America has adopted socialist healthcare. Knoxville is simply an example of how Medicaid destroyed the once doctor and hospital free and low cost clinics that served the poor through doctor’s donations of their time and hospitals donating service centers and equipment. Medicaid virtually eliminated that incentive and placed a burden on doctors to comply with the tons of Medicaid regulations and paperwork.

The video also ignores the fact that Canada’s socialized healthcare system has waiting lines for not just the poor but everybody. So much so that the wealthy in Canada come to America for critical operations that otherwise might die without getting them in Canada because of the waiting list. That of course being an example of capitalism’s being the unequal sharing of the healthcare blessings and socialism’s being the equal sharing of the healthcare misery.

One also needs to ask how many of the good doctor’s better healthcare countries in the video would be able to support their “better” healthcare if they had to actually defend themselves militarily and pay for their own national defense instead of being subsidized by America’s Military Industrial Complex and the World Police Force thereof?

“If you like your healthcare and your doctor, you can keep them….period!” Obamacare is a fucking lie and a fraud that eventually will have to be bailed out by the American taxpayers just like the Wall Street Banks with the exception that taxpayers will never see a dime paid back. The insurance companies supported Obamacare. That alone should tell y’all fucking idiots something. The insurance companies already have their hand out to BIG Nanny Government for a government handout.

Oh yeah morons, don’t forget that the government Obamacare web sites are not ”SECURE SITES” thus they’re fertile grounds for web bandits. Good luck with that assholes!!!!!

What a fantastic collection of supposition and conjecture and just plain bullshit by this bogus Classic Liberal. All he does is just repeat long, tired and defeated neocon/teabagger BS...but like the man in the video, the second he's presented with reality, he just retreats into his own fantasy.
The video ignores the fact that America’s healthcare WAS the best in the world before the federal government got involved in it reducing the capitalistic incentives and private charitable actions of yesteryear that actually made the American system the ”BEST IN THE WORLD.”

The fact that Knoxville and other places in America have long waiting lines for the poor to get healthcare, isn’t because America is devoid of socialist healthcare, it’s because America has adopted socialist healthcare. Knoxville is simply an example of how Medicaid destroyed the once doctor and hospital free and low cost clinics that served the poor through doctor’s donations of their time and hospitals donating service centers and equipment. Medicaid virtually eliminated that incentive and placed a burden on doctors to comply with the tons of Medicaid regulations and paperwork.

The video also ignores the fact that Canada’s socialized healthcare system has waiting lines for not just the poor but everybody. So much so that the wealthy in Canada come to America for critical operations that otherwise might die without getting them in Canada because of the waiting list. That of course being an example of capitalism’s being the unequal sharing of the healthcare blessings and socialism’s being the equal sharing of the healthcare misery.

One also needs to ask how many of the good doctor’s better healthcare countries in the video would be able to support their “better” healthcare if they had to actually defend themselves militarily and pay for their own national defense instead of being subsidized by America’s Military Industrial Complex and the World Police Force thereof?

“If you like your healthcare and your doctor, you can keep them….period!” Obamacare is a fucking lie and a fraud that eventually will have to be bailed out by the American taxpayers just like the Wall Street Banks with the exception that taxpayers will never see a dime paid back. The insurance companies supported Obamacare. That alone should tell y’all fucking idiots something. The insurance companies already have their hand out to BIG Nanny Government for a government handout.

Oh yeah morons, don’t forget that the government Obamacare web sites are not ”SECURE SITES” thus they’re fertile grounds for web bandits. Good luck with that assholes!!!!!
The only 'Socialist' healthcare in the country is delivered by the V.A. You're going to have to refine your bullshit talking points, unless you want to continue to sound like an ass
Because United States Presidents cannot constitutionally make laws. Making the laws is the constitutional authority of ONLY" the Congress. But don't worry everybody should know by now that y'all fucking left-ass bastards don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution.
The deadline is not written into ACA, and therefore, you are wrong...once again

This is really all we need to know about your link, huh?

“Paul is right about the numbers when he said most people in Kentucky signing up for health care were enrolled in Medicaid. About 90,250 individuals have been enrolled in Medicaid while 33,290 have picked private insurance plans.”

“Clearly, a dependent with out-of-state parents applying for insurance isn’t a typical situation. Maybe one of the Pauls made a mistake on the paperwork. Or maybe the state marketplace made the mistake and directed Paul to the wrong coverage. We can’t really know for sure either way.”

Fact is, in Kentucky just like every other state, the majority of the people signing up for Obamacare are the ones government is placing into the extorted taxpayer’s redistribution of wealth program ”Medicaid.” Obamacare is just another hybridized socialist/capitalist/crony racket to extort the taxpayers and reward government’s insurance company cronies.
The deadline is not written into ACA, and therefore, you are wrong...once again

Then where did the Obama administration get the power to mandate the March 31, 2014 deadline for signing up in the first place? The administration's job is ONLY to implement and enforce the law AS WRITTEN, it has no constitutional power to add to or change the law without such actions of the CONGRESS.