ANWR: $0.75 Less Per Barrel in 2025

By the time it would hit the market, we should've transitioned to renewable energy in the first place.

1) Hopefully, in an ideal world, that would occur. But we should not assume that it definitely will. Because then if it doesn't, we aren't screwed.

2) Oil will be needed for many decades to come. Even if the US gets off of oil completely (again, unlikely in that short a span) oil will still be needed world wide. It is to our benefit to have the supply ready should it be needed. If it is not... fine... we shut down the wells.
8% is more money when the price is higher. Hence, Oil Companies are incented for the price to be high.

Not good logic AssHat.

Profit margins would go up if the price went higher and operating costs stay the same. To assume that operating costs and profit margins would grow together so perfectly is a tad bit ridiculous.
First of all, putting the government in charge of oil production would be just dandy.

After all, our federal government has proven itself time and again to be efficient, fair, and above corruption. Hasn't it?

Next, our gas prices are not that bad. In 1923, the gas prices (if you adjust for inflation) were $3.11 a gallon.

Yes, there has been a recent spike in gas prices. But we have been so spoiled by cheap gas for so long that we are calling these prices outrageous.

As far as the oil companies having high profits, that is a function of two things. First the cost of a barrel of crude oil has jumped. And secondly, our consumption has continued to grow, despite high prices. When the news reports a 2% reduction, they are reporting a 2% reduction is the growth of our consuption. When you drive down the interstate, do you see more small efficient cars or more big SUVs? In rush hour traffic, do you see lots of people in one car? Or do you see more cars with a single person in it?

And to whoever talked about corporations or businesses paying taxes, they don't. Only consumers pay taxes. If the government increases taxes on a business, they are actually taxing the people who buy the product or services. The business includes taxes as the cost of doing business and sets their prices accordingly.
In 1923 gas wasn't used as much and therefore there hadn't been nearly as much money in efficient production. To compare the two times is beyond nonsensical.