Any Other Moderates on This Forum?


Verified User
It seems to me that this Forum is made up of Left Wing Liberals and Right Wing Conservatives and not many, if any, Moderates like me. Let's see "a show of hands" as to who is whom? I "came out" and declared my Moderation Politically, full well knowing that there would be skeptics like Zappy and Howey, who I cyber lobotomized in the past, challenging my veracity, but it is what it is. All great Presidents governed from the center, not from the Left or Right, and I hope President Obama tries to do the same. PS, I am still pro-gun all the way...
You're as wacky as the day is long SJ... if you walked all day long toward the middle from whatever far field you are standing in, you still couldn't even see moderate.
“People that stand for nothing, fall for anything.”

Moderation is the mother of corruption.
By "moderate" you seem to mean "people who think exactly like you do". Sorry, not interested in your litmus test.
At least I can see things from both sides of the political road that I like, unlike many of these Forum Liberals and Forum Conservatives, who are too pig headed to see the light of day. I really need to start giving the orders around here, to solve the problems, and you need to start listening with less beeching, Tekky.
You're as wacky as the day is long SJ... if you walked all day long toward the middle from whatever far field you are standing in, you still couldn't even see moderate.
Retired in Tijuana, then you have been to the Blue Fox NightClub in TJ, havn't you Mane? I bet that I speak more Spanish than you do?
No. "You can't be neutral on a moving train"; and the awful conditions existing in this country won't be mitigated by us sitting idle as "moderates".
Is easy to be moderate when millions of innocent criminals are jailed.
Shit they might have to start looking at white people to jail, that's a moderating force for ya.
Define "moderate". When partisans use the term they want you to think that a moderate is a wishy washy fence stradler that has no convictions and compromises for compromise sake.

In a reality based world a moderate is a person who's views are not extreme, partisan, reactionary or radical. Given that definitions SJ's claim to be a moderate is pretty freaken funny.

You want to know who the moderates are? They're the persons getting shit from the extremes on both the left and the right.
Retired in Tijuana, then you have been to the Blue Fox NightClub in TJ, havn't you Mane? I bet that I speak more Spanish than you do?
I realize this might be hard for you to grasp, but there are actually a large number of towns in Mexico beyond Tijuana. Really. My wife and I live in one of those other towns... Far far away from Tijuana.

Our Spanish is not great, but we do have a Spanish teacher that comes to our home twice a week and tutors us... So we're gatting better.

And you're still not moderate.
No. "You can't be neutral on a moving train"; and the awful conditions existing in this country won't be mitigated by us sitting idle as "moderates".
Those awfull conditions?
Take a trip to a socialist nanny state.
We have it far better.
You would have the USA turned into Venezuela or Uganda if you had your way.
It seems to me that this Forum is made up of Left Wing Liberals and Right Wing Conservatives and not many, if any, Moderates like me. Let's see "a show of hands" as to who is whom? I "came out" and declared my Moderation Politically, full well knowing that there would be skeptics like Zappy and Howey, who I cyber lobotomized in the past, challenging my veracity, but it is what it is. All great Presidents governed from the center, not from the Left or Right, and I hope President Obama tries to do the same. PS, I am still pro-gun all the way...

The great thing to remember is that people who stand in the middle of the road - the classical Liberal position - always get run over. The last Liberal in my family was my gt-grandfather, and I don't think there have ever been any conservatives. Yours is a rather peculiar country and you divide your extreme-right politics up in a most extra-ordinary way.
there is only one position that makes sense.

the position which is standing with the actual facts.

Being in the middle reguardless of where the facts are is just plain stupid.
The facts are NOT always in the middle.

the right in this country has abandoned facts.

the current left has been given the easy task of just standing with the facts.

It as simple as that