Any Other Moderates on This Forum?

The facts are NOT always in the middle.

the right in this country has abandoned facts.

the current left has been given the easy task of just standing with the facts.

It as simple as that
Yes sister, and take joy in the fact that's why they lost 5 of the last 6 big elections.
Democrats are only slightly less corrupt
I realize this might be hard for you to grasp, but there are actually a large number of towns in Mexico beyond Tijuana. Really. My wife and I live in one of those other towns... Far far away from Tijuana.

Our Spanish is not great, but we do have a Spanish teacher that comes to our home twice a week and tutors us... So we're gatting better.

And you're still not moderate.
Let's see now, there is Rosarita Beach where Gringos technically cannot own property, but they used to be able to long term lease their beach front homes, and that may be ending, if it has not already ended. Then there is Ensenada, with the Bufadora(Blow Hole) and Hussongs Cantina. There is a Rodeo Drive area in Ensenada, that the Turists do not really know too much about. How about La Bahia hotel Bar? I have been to all of them. Que La Chingada Hombre? No Caca del Toro
Is easy to be moderate when millions of innocent criminals are jailed.
Shit they might have to start looking at white people to jail, that's a moderating force for ya.

Innocent criminals ?...Is that like Jumbo shrimp ?
The facts are NOT always in the middle.

the right in this country has abandoned facts.

the current left has been given the easy task of just standing with the facts.

It as simple as that have a misconception of what a moderate is because you're a partisan. A moderate is not someone who straddles a fence drawn right down the middle of the road.
No. "You can't be neutral on a moving train"; and the awful conditions existing in this country won't be mitigated by us sitting idle as "moderates".
Again, bullshit. You have a misconception of what a moderate is. People who spew this sort of nonsense do it to rationalize their own partisan, ideological or extreme beliefs regadless of where the facts lie.
Innocent criminals ?...Is that like Jumbo shrimp ?

I have to agree. A criminal is not innocent and an innocent is not a criminal. At least not in a "just" society.
That said, there have been plenty of innocent people convicted of crimes.

But, it is a oxymoron. Just like group called Military Intelligence. I can speak from personal experience on that one. :)
there is only one position that makes sense.

the position which is standing with the actual facts.

Being in the middle reguardless of where the facts are is just plain stupid.

But there is a huge system of class-hegemony that prevents us from understanding the facts, and an equally huge brainwashing system that prevents our even knowing most of them. Add to these the gibbering terror driven into the American spirit by McCarthy years ago and I think this theory is nuts. Most countries' politics are divided between mad greed and muddled goodwill, but in the 'States it seems to be mugs voting for either the greedy or the raving mad. I shall be told I don't understand because I don't live there, but I think the situation is rather the other way around! :)
But there is a huge system of class-hegemony that prevents us from understanding the facts, and an equally huge brainwashing system that prevents our even knowing most of them. Add to these the gibbering terror driven into the American spirit by McCarthy years ago and I think this theory is nuts. Most countries' politics are divided between mad greed and muddled goodwill, but in the 'States it seems to be mugs voting for either the greedy or the raving mad. I shall be told I don't understand because I don't live there, but I think the situation is rather the other way around! :)

Yes, I remember an article I read about our crumbling left - which is a view I can attest to. It's almost outright distressing to see a country such as ours in a position of particularism, with contrary views shut out.

And it's a position where our center-right Democrat loons have taken up the banner of leftism - because you can either choose them, Occupy's lifestyle anarchists, or the pitifully small Marxian/democratic socialist movement.

It's sad, but leaves a lot of room for young intellectuals to really make a difference in leftist politics.
there is only one position that makes sense.

the position which is standing with the actual facts.

Being in the middle reguardless of where the facts are is just plain stupid.

And that is clearly scientific socialism. There's much we disagree on, but it seems you've seen the light. ;)
It seems to me that this Forum is made up of Left Wing Liberals and Right Wing Conservatives and not many, if any, Moderates like me. Let's see "a show of hands" as to who is whom? I "came out" and declared my Moderation Politically, full well knowing that there would be skeptics like Zappy and Howey, who I cyber lobotomized in the past, challenging my veracity, but it is what it is. All great Presidents governed from the center, not from the Left or Right, and I hope President Obama tries to do the same. PS, I am still pro-gun all the way...

