Any predictions for the poll boost Harris gets after this week?

I wasn't talking about the protests...;)

No, you weren't. But I mentioned it because those were the only things that Dems were concerned about this week, and that conservatives were hoping would mess the whole week up.

Without that, it's a great convention so far. Your analysis seemed biased and uninformed.
No, you weren't. But I mentioned it because those were the only things that Dems were concerned about this week, and that conservatives were hoping would mess the whole week up.

Without that, it's a great convention so far. Your analysis seemed biased and uninformed.
Yes I was. Not so great at all... I guess you didn't watch
I think gone are the days of the double-digit boost, and maps like Reagan/Mondale. The country is so evenly split these days, and there just aren't as many indies now.

Trump, of course, got almost zero boost from his convention - which surprised me. I thought it was a well-orchestrated convention up until his speech - but he kind of blew it w/ his meandering, lengthy ramble-on that closed the event.

The polls slightly favor Harris today. I'm going to guess about a 2-3 point bump after this week across the board.
I'm guessing she'll exceed the margin of error over Trump. 5-7 point lead.
Well convention day one was horrible... Couldn't have been worse....
How far off can you possibly be? It was very enthusiastic. The attendees were having a great time. It was a huge success with great speeches and much emotion.
Your Trumpism has blinded you and made you a joke poster. You are 100 percent pro-Trump at all times. He makes embarrassing childish speeches and you hear greatness.
How far off can you possibly be? It was very enthusiastic. The attendees were having a great time. It was a huge success with great speeches and much emotion.
Your Trumpism has blinded you and made you a joke poster. You are 100 percent pro-Trump at all times. He makes embarrassing childish speeches and you hear greatness.
I hope, we need her to win by that much to avoid another 1/6.
The 1/6 thing will happen again, with Trump being even more direct about what he wants "to get our country back from those who stole the election". There will be some violence, but I doubt it will be a local event. Police departments around the nation would be on alert as well as state National Guards.

Unlike the MAGAts, while the police and the military tend to be right-winged, the vast majority of them fully understand the oath they took and will do their duty to uphold it. Any violent protestors coming at them with weapons will be taken down as quickly and efficiently as possible. No doubt the MAGAts will kill innocent Americans much like what the Palestinians did on October 7th. Regardless, they will be taken down or hunted down like the 1/6ers on the run are being hunted today by the FBI....and friends on Facebook. LOL

IMO, any of them captured alive and had previously taken an oath of office/enlistment, should be treated as seditionists by the military and handled accordingly. In cases of violence where innocent people were murdered, even if they didn't do it themselves, under Article 94, they would fall under the death penalty.

Although I vote for hanging the treasonous bastards, the US military, under Federal law, uses lethal injection.

A person found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct....

(a) That the accused created revolt, violence, or disturbance against lawful civil authority;
(b) That the accused acted in concert with another person or persons; and
(c) That the accused did so with the intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of that authority.

Methods of Execution
Lethal injection is the only method of execution currently used by the federal government and U.S. military. In November 2020, DOJ issued a new rule allowing federal executions to be carried out “in any manner consistent with [f]ederal law,” including electrocution, lethal gas, and firing squad. While 28 states use lethal injection as their primary method, some also have alternative methods including electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, and firing squad. In some states, inmates may choose the method of execution, depending on the circumstances
