Anybody read ‘Romney: A Reckoning’ ?

I think Mitt would have been a good president.

I saw the book came out, and I love to read, but have not picked it up. What did you think? I totally agree with you that I think he would have been a good President. From a resume perspective he had most everything I like. He started, and ran, a very successful business. He was a Governor and played an integral role in the Olympics in Utah. He had all the necessary leadership skills. Of course he's not the most outgoing personality which does play a role when running for the highest office. Even if you're rich you have to have the ability to either relate to more working class folks or at least make them think you can relate, and that wasn't his strong suit. He also wasn't a huge partisan/ideologue either which I think is a plus but not everyone shares that. But I'm with you, I think he would have been very good.

Did you learn anything new about him that surprised you?
I saw the book came out, and I love to read, but have not picked it up. What did you think?
Gave insight into Romney's actions. Made me respect him more.
I totally agree with you that I think he would have been a good President. From a resume perspective he had most everything I like. He started, and ran, a very successful business. He was a Governor and played an integral role in the Olympics in Utah. He had all the necessary leadership skills. Of course he's not the most outgoing personality which does play a role when running for the highest office. Even if you're rich you have to have the ability to either relate to more working class folks or at least make them think you can relate, and that wasn't his strong suit. He also wasn't a huge partisan/ideologue either which I think is a plus but not everyone shares that. But I'm with you, I think he would have been very good.
He's similar to a libertarian. Social liberal, fiscal conservative. That does not play well w/ either party/partisans.
Did you learn anything new about him that surprised you?
Not really. He's very principled which is a yuge negative these days in politics. Like me, he's basically politically homeless.
"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what ... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... and so my job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives," Mitt Romney during a fundraiser in 2012
You would. Seems you have an affinity for trust fund kids who have a subliminal disdain for anyone not of their economic caste or class. Why is a mystery to me.

Read the book.
That's all I can really say.
But it's likely beyond your reading comprehension level.