Anybody really believe the US economy is going to shit without this bailout?

I figure we will be down for at least 2 years but more likely 5, and perhaps 10. And will never fully regain our position.

good job republicans.

the bailout will just be dumping more money down the hole and make it harder to recover in the long run.
I figure we will be down for at least 2 years but more likely 5, and perhaps 10. And will never fully regain our position.

good job republicans.

the bailout will just be dumping more money down the hole and make it harder to recover in the long run.

The bailout would've turned a twenty year recession into a two year one.
Yes, let's follow the road of Japan and Hoover and do nothing, you America hating ignorant fucks.

Watergerber 70. Percent of taxpayers are against the bailout. You are an allowance collector. Fuck you keep your slimey hands off our money.
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The economy is definitely in trouble. Without the bailout we will be facing a full out depression as opposed to the deeper-than-normal recession that will follow the bail out.

But that does not mean opposing the bail out is a bad thing. We have needed a reset for a long time now. The longer we put it off, the worse it will be when it finally comes about. when looking long term, (ie: worrying about my grand kids) facing the consequences of no bailout now is far better than what we'll face if we manage to put it off another 30-40 years with bailouts and other patches.
Watergerber what is your biggest monthly bill.
Recessionistas if we are buying to much on credit why is stopping so bad. Lofl
It really takes a right-winger to call a failure a correction.

Geeech---I thought the failure was the socialism of "affordable housing for everybody"-(litterially forcing banks to do the loans)-loaning out 3 dollars to only 1 dollar that existed.

The fact is---this is just one example of all social programs that fail all over the world.

Note, the free market side of home loans does not need a tax payer bailout.

Americas failure are simply---people like you.

It is good--I think. Ya see--when the shit hits the fan--it is people like you that will suffer the most. It is individuals like me that will take care of oruselfs--like we always have done.

Here is where the faiure happened you left brained moron.

The fed tried to stomp out capatolism in the housing market, by offering loans that the free market knew were too risky and could not do safely. It (Fan and Fred) failed, and could not beat the free market over time. It is nothing new---ohh--may be to you it is.

Right now---if you don't still live with mommy and daddy---you better be good at what you do for a living, and not depend on a employeer. When liberal mommy and daddy start looking at you--then the oven--then you--then the oven--then you again,---your time has come. Die commie die--but go pick up some A-1 first.

Socialism of "affordable housing" is the cause--and the only sector that failed.

If Fanny or freddy did not try to unrealistically under bid the free market in a large socialistic scale--this failure would be just a smaller business that went out of business doing bad loans. But it is socialism at work---socialism you love---socialism that will take you down--socialism that may now take many of us down---but not me. I have always been a individual. Die commie die!---Die with your own leglislative pen!
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