Anyone here want to write something?


New member
Can you write a 11 pg research paper on 1960s-70s Russia and include work cited and citations. thanks. its due friday btw.
Sure, I will write it.

Do you want your grade to depend on what I know about 1960-70s Russia?
Russia 1960s & 1970S​

Russia is a big country. They don't speak english in Russia. They wear funny hats and drink lots of vodka. If they get mad they pound their shoe on the table.

The 1960s were a fun time. Hippies smoked dope and had lots of sex [1]. They didn't take baths or get haircuts. The music then was called "Rock & Roll".

In Russia in the 1960s they didn't get to have the 60s. They had Siberia and Gulags, so nobody had any fun.

The 1970s were partly more 60s in the USA. In Russia is was more Siberia, Gulags and shoe pounding. In the 1970s the music quit rolling and became "Rock".

Part of the 1970s music was called "Disco". People danced under mirror balls, men wore their shirts unbuttoned and had lots of gold chains. Russia copied this from us. But they couldn't get the music right because they were always rushin the beat.

The end.

[1] My brother Larry told me he smoked dope and had sex, and Larry was a hippy.
Russia 1960s & 1970S​

Russia is a big country. They don't speak english in Russia. They wear funny hats and drink lots of vodka. If they get mad they pound their shoe on the table.

The 1960s were a fun time. Hippies smoked dope and had lots of sex [1]. They didn't take baths or get haircuts. The music then was called "Rock & Roll".

In Russia in the 1960s they didn't get to have the 60s. They had Siberia and Gulags, so nobody had any fun.

The 1970s were partly more 60s in the USA. In Russia is was more Siberia, Gulags and shoe pounding. In the 1970s the music quit rolling and became "Rock".

Part of the 1970s music was called "Disco". People danced under mirror balls, men wore their shirts unbuttoned and had lots of gold chains. Russia copied this from us. But they couldn't get the music right because they were always rushin the beat.

The end.

[1] My brother Larry told me he smoked dope and had sex, and Larry was a hippy.

That's an A paper in my book.
If you gave me more notice I could have gotten you my english major friend who would have written it for money.
If he offered money I might manage something with pictures.

where did I put those crayons
You guys won't get an A, you forgot some really important things about Russia in the 60s...Here I did the research for you lazy college students.

1965, the Beatles
Q: "George, have you and the Beatles ever been to South America and Russia for a tour?"
Q: "Why not?"
JOHN: "The Russians don't like us."
GEORGE: "And we don't particularly want to go to Russia."
PAUL: "They burn us there."

My papar on Russia of the 1960 to 1970!

There was lines for toilet paper and bread. Some people had many kids.

Yeah. I can fill 11 pages with misspelled generalities. You can site this website..
In communist russia everyone was happy and free in the only democratic society the world had ever seen until the imperialist west, represented by Europe and America, spread their tyranny over the land like plague.
Russia 1960s & 1970S​

Russia is a big country. They don't speak english in Russia. They wear funny hats and drink lots of vodka. If they get mad they pound their shoe on the table.

The 1960s were a fun time. Hippies smoked dope and had lots of sex [1]. They didn't take baths or get haircuts. The music then was called "Rock & Roll".

In Russia in the 1960s they didn't get to have the 60s. They had Siberia and Gulags, so nobody had any fun.

The 1970s were partly more 60s in the USA. In Russia is was more Siberia, Gulags and shoe pounding. In the 1970s the music quit rolling and became "Rock".

Part of the 1970s music was called "Disco". People danced under mirror balls, men wore their shirts unbuttoned and had lots of gold chains. Russia copied this from us. But they couldn't get the music right because they were always rushin the beat.

The end.

[1] My brother Larry told me he smoked dope and had sex, and Larry was a hippy.

Aww that's it? I was hoping for something serious oh well.
Better hurry.

I could give you a 12 page paper on War Communism in the USSR from 1917-1925, but it isn't topical to your timeframe and they would never, ever believe it came from you.
Better hurry.

I could give you a 12 page paper on War Communism in the USSR from 1917-1925, but it isn't topical to your timeframe and they would never, ever believe it came from you.

No, my Microsoft word is down. I'm doomed to failure. It seems I wont be graduating with the class of 09' but I go to summer school and take English there. God I hate english class....
Better hurry.

I could give you a 12 page paper on War Communism in the USSR from 1917-1925, but it isn't topical to your timeframe and they would never, ever believe it came from you.

wait a sec i could alter the title of the paper and rewrite all the big words you use?
No i don't, she just thinks i does because the words sound better on the paper more than what i normally write.
Does this look plagarized

After the war the country was of course in a stagnant time. The USSR was facing an
enormous amount of conflict between its enemy the United States of America. The United
States is very truthful in their ideologies and of course, they were not very fond on what
the Russians were doing under the rule Brezhnev because the Americans were having problems
with their racial inequalities and class differences. Also it became evident that the
Russian Government was becoming weaker and weaker and Brezhnev’s subordinates were
becoming less trustworthy. The greatness the USSR was one was, unfortunate, on the
decline. The USSR had begun to stop spending so much money on military needs due to lack
of funds. The views listed about stagnation a few sentences prior to what I previously
stated are supported in the following paragraph:
The long rule of Leonid Brezhnev (1964-1982) is now referred to in Russia as the "period
stagnation."(Lavigne, Marie. “Problems Facing the Soviet Economy” The Gorbachev Era.
1986:Stanford UP pp. 43-55)

It’s obvious that the country was in a neutral standpoint has far has advancements go.

And to top it off, Brezhnev had a 57% approval rating which was not earning him much
support from the general population. This stigmatism would continue to last throughout
this era for a very long time. It was really just a chase between the United States of
America and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to see who can turn all the Third World
countries onto their side. Both of these countries were more than determined to become the
worlds newest best Superpower and the chance to take control of this was nearing and it
was becoming more and more evident through the years. Time and time again, spys would be
sent from both the countries to see who was doing what and how things were going on each
side. The Nuclear threat was becoming evermore evident and time and time again the appeal
had to be made;
Russia was also having food problems and their dependence on the climate became more
serious. But sooner or later, the tide did turn on their side as the climate did see
improvement. The Russian lands became more moist in parts where it would mostly be dry and
that was very awkward to them. The previous statement is supported in the following
“The CIA report said that a comparison of the climate since 1960 with the long term
average showed the stable period of increased moisture in the late 1960s and early 1970’s
in the steppe and near-desert regions was unusual it also indicated that a steady
improvement of the climate in the grain growing region increased precipitation warmer
winters and cooler summers between 1960 and 1970 but that continued improvement was
unlikely.(Climate Dependence and Food Problems in Russia, 1900-1990: By N. M. Dronin, E.
G. Bellinger)

Russia was also subject to Islamic influences as well. The Muslim population of Russia
have existed their for hundreds of years. The religion of the Mahomet was not unknown
throughout most of Russia’s huge country. The Muslims would do what the could to try to
find their own ways for reform and it is supported in the following paragraph:
“Islam in tsarist Russia has been studied in Cambridge History for more than a century ,
together with more recent scholarships in Russia and abroad these works have produced a
substantial body of literature focusing chiefly on the topics of Muslim resistance to
Russian expansion, and controversies between Islamic reformism (jadidism) and
traditionalism (qadimism) (The Cambridge History of Russia By Maureen Perrie, Dominic
Lieven, Published by Cambridge University Press, 2006)

Despite Russia being multiconfessional, Islamic fundamentalism is still not taken lightly,
even in the 1960’s
A political union was being established and at the forefront was the communist,
non-religious nation led by the president during this era, Leonid Brezhnev
Put it in latent terms and you have a nation who will be forever in conflict with the
opposing parties and will be civil war without end. However Muslim citizens have learned
to live alongside their differing citizens. They go to the same academic colleges has and
they serve in the army as well. It seems as though things would be distort, with their
religious inequalities however this population has lived here for many and many years and
it’s not like their going to change much anytime soon. The great time has only begun for
Russia and with continuing support and great presidents a sure force to be reckoned with
will be established and under the new presidents hopefully a new world order will be
established for Russia and all its politically corrupt leaders who lead it into the
backburner be expelled and removed from the country to insure that the Russia population
will forever thrive regardless of whomever the ruler of that country may be. Give Russia
six more years and it will not be recognizable by today’s standards.