anyone recall 2004?

You won't see me cry. I'm not voting for McCain. That's just your imagination again.

It does not, however, discount the gap closing in CO which was my point.

yes in your "internal polling".

and if mccain won,(he won't)You’d have the same reaction you had after your organization kept the union out. You played that really cool too. Well, cool enough so that you were probably the only one surprised the next day, when the vote went your way, and you “hadn’t realized how much this meant to you”.
You fool yourself. I bet your coworkers knew how much it meant to you.
I didn’t say that they didn’t. I was just wondering of some republicans believe that God was going to give them the white house for their entire lives, that they were entitled, that they’re the real Americans…or is it, the real Christians? Well, whichever.

I was just wondering if some republicans believed that they American people were going to beg for more of this.

I find it a mildly interesting psychological phenomenon.

Some might. My wife doesn't.....and isn't a republican either. The last paragraph of my previous post explains her thinking.
yes in your "internal polling".

and if mccain won,(he won't)You’d have the same reaction you had after your organization kept the union out. You played that really cool too. Well, cool enough so that you were probably the only one surprised the next day, when the vote went your way, and you “hadn’t realized how much this meant to you”.
You fool yourself. I bet your coworkers knew how much it meant to you.
I don't think Colorado would pull McCain into the winners category. I'd laugh a bit, but I wouldn't be nearly as relieved as I was when I found out I wouldn't be forced to pay for DNC ads.
If it makes you happy, Darla, when Obama wins you can imagine me crying and laugh. It won't matter to me.
You know I really hope you believe this. I know you’ve got everyone fooled, but not me. I know you’re hard thinking about this. I hope you keep it out until election night, fool.

I hope all of the repukes, but most especially the closet repukes, really believe that the race is tightening.

God, I hope you believe it.

i want to see you fuckers cry.

you forget to take your pain killers this morning? You seem a tad hostile.
Hey, you can't win 'em all. The GOP has won the last 2 Presidentials by very close margins; if they win again, it will almost definitely be another squeaker, which will be a lot tougher for Dems to handle at this point than it would be for conservatives.

If I'm conservative, I'm seeing a real silver lining on McCain losing. To start with, he'll be no champion of conservatism; a McCain win would surely lead to even bigger majorities for Dems in the '10 mid-term, and probably a Dem win in 2012, unless he really shocks everyone & can turn this thing around quickly. Frankly, I don't see him as having the ideas to do it.

If Obama is as bad as conservatives seem to think, it will ultimately be very good for the conservative cause; I don't think he will be, but if I was a conservative, that's how I'd be thinking...

this is exactly my logic and has been so for a while. A mccain loss is GOOD for conservatism long term. If he were to get elected repubs would be so fucked in 2012 it's not even funny.

There is no way obama will live up to his hype.
you guys are seriously dreaming if you think mccain is going to win this one.

here is how it stands now, keeping in mind that obama has 6 pt leads in ohio and virginia -

If you give mccain:

north dakota
north carolina


I listed out pretty much EVERY STATE that mccain COULD POSSIBLY have a shot at. All the other states are pretty much solidly strong for either candidate and there isn't going to be a shift being 12 pts up one week to go.

The only way mccain can win (and this is a win by 5 electoral votes) is if he wins EVERY SINGLE STATE i mentioned above PLUS Colorado... which he is down by 6 in as well.
barring the fact that mccain pulls off some amazing miracle in a state where he is down by 10%, if mccain loses any of the above states, he cannot win the election.
I would be mildly surprised if McCain pulled it out at this point. Not shocked but mildly surprised. I just can't see him winning. I have been trying to tell my wife not to expect a miracle so she won't be so upset when Obama wins.

I'm with you on this. I really don't care for Obama, on many levels. I'm also not shocked at anything going on with his campaign, I've observed his tactics on the local level, being from Chicago area. He's smart, but many of the 'fears' of him are justified. On the other hand, actually assuming the presidency has had a sobering effect on others, so I'll wait and hope.