Anyone Suprised the Ramsey Murder suspect is a religous whacko from Alabama?

Anyone surprised that he can't have done it as his hitting arm and strangulation technique can't work from Alabama?

And BTW, where is he following a religion? I can write all sorts of Atheist dogmatic crap down but that doesn't make me an Atheist.
I actually don't think he did it either at this point. I'm guessing the ex-wife wouldn't lie about it, especially when he's confessing.

(note: just my 2 cents)
but isn't it weird that he wrote in his yearbook, Shall Be the Conquerer and that is how the Ramsey kidnapping note ended with SBTC....?
I am not saying the dude was following the baptist religen when he confessed to this murder. I also doubt he did it, but I am not shocked he is a fucked up southern baptist.

They make people, especally people who are different than "norm" for some reason, hate themselves. It comes out in weard ways.
Yeah, I do see you're point Care, but I don't know, if your husband was gone a year for Christmas, wouldn't it vaguely ring a bell especially if he were there every other Christmas? But I can't pretend I've been paying that much attention to the case. My reservations end at the ex-wife.
No. I see no correlation. The guy supposedly was with his brother who worked for Ramsey (no record of this ever being reality) and therefore at a party in Boulder at the Ramsey's (couldn't be, he was with his new bride that he married that very year). He then picked her up from school (This is CHRISTMAS) in one story, in another he leaves to re-enter and hide near her room...

Problem here. The Ramseys were not home that night, they were out to dinner, there was no party at their house...

Another problem. He wasn't in Boulder and his brother didn't work for Ramsey.

Another problem. He fails to describe the actual murder weapon, strangulation was not the cause of death...

Another problem. School is OUT on Christmas....

and so forth. This is another HUGE bungle by Boulder who can't seem to learn from the past. It must be because it is run by Liberals.
He also says he drugged her in one variation of his story, that is also rubbish she was not drugged.
Just because his confession is likely not true, it is not a reason to seriously investigate this person. I am glad they arrested him and apperantly bringing him in for questioning.

There clearly is PC for an arrest and this lead sould be investigated.
No. I see no correlation. The guy supposedly was with his brother who worked for Ramsey (no record of this ever being reality) and therefore at a party in Boulder at the Ramsey's (couldn't be, he was with his new bride that he married that very year). He then picked her up from school (This is CHRISTMAS) in one story, in another he leaves to re-enter and hide near her room...

Problem here. The Ramseys were not home that night, they were out to dinner, there was no party at their house...

Another problem. He wasn't in Boulder and his brother didn't work for Ramsey.

Another problem. He fails to describe the actual murder weapon, strangulation was not the cause of death...

Another problem. School is OUT on Christmas....

and so forth. This is another HUGE bungle by Boulder who can't seem to learn from the past. It must be because it is run by Liberals.

errrrr ummmm.....what he said......
Yes except for the liberal part. Everyone knows that liberals are souless sinners and not SBTC :)
That was just to poke a little fun... ;)

Anyway, this guy isn't good for the Ramsey Murder. He is good for the child pron charges in CA though and I am glad we have him in custody before he got a job teaching kids English, like he wanted.
That was just to poke a little fun... ;)

Anyway, this guy isn't good for the Ramsey Murder. He is good for the child pron charges in CA though and I am glad we have him in custody before he got a job teaching kids English, like he wanted.

That's how I feel. I'm hoping he gets locked up and they still keep looking for JB's killer.
I heard the child porn charges are just mistermeanor charges... I have never heard of such a thing.

Child Porn should always be a FELONY.
I am not saying the dude was following the baptist religen when he confessed to this murder. I also doubt he did it, but I am not shocked he is a fucked up southern baptist.

They make people, especally people who are different than "norm" for some reason, hate themselves. It comes out in weard ways.

Where do you get that he is a Southern Baptist, or any religious persuasion? Is this just your stereotyping ability talking, or do you have access to information the rest of us don't know about? Some Athiest blogger must've found where he once worked as a volunteer church counselor or something?

From what I heard, the guy was 'pulling a Robdawg' in Bangkok, and he was probably being a little 'Maineman' too, not your typical 'Christian-like' behavior. Perverts like this, often prey on church youth groups, they are not a part of "God's Flock" at all, and have no intentions of it, they just see kind-hearted easy victims. He's a piece of shit monster they should put out of his misery, but that's just my opinion. I don't believe he killed the little girl in Boulder, but I think he has probably harmed some kids in his travels. He is obviously a disturbed person, and doesn't deserve to be out on the street, but we shall see what ACLU liberal makes certain that this is exactly what happens.
