Anyone watching the GOP convention?

Its a shame that we dont have competent honest historians.....we could ask when was the last time that a convention mattered.
Funny. Nonetheless, I was surprised people reacted with hysteria.
I guess I'm not surprised but do think the hysteria was way overblown. Biden was way ahead of trump on issues but his voice was hoarse. trump was as loud and obnoxious as usual to make up for his deficient knowledge of actual topics.
I guess I'm not surprised but do think the hysteria was way overblown. Biden was way ahead of trump on issues but his voice was hoarse. trump was as loud and obnoxious as usual to make up for his deficient knowledge of actual topics.
Yes, he was a bit hoarse. I had sound off because I just cannot listen to Trump talk. Makes my brains cells commit suicide.
Rod Serling should have kicked off the RNC event with the prelude...

You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of dumb-downed minds. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. You unlock this door with the key of imagination and MAGA gimme' hat. Beyond it is another dimension — a dimension of the sound of bullshit, a dimension of the sight of people kissing ONE MAN'S ass, a dimension of mindless cult worshiping. You're moving into a land lacking any moral or substance, but of crazy ANTI-DEMOCRATIC ideas. And it lies between the pit of ones fears, and the limit of one's knowledge. You are now traveling through a dimension of imagination, a false reality, conspiracy theories, what-about-isms, FAKE NEWS, projections, and BAT-SHIT-CRAZY... You're here now- the Twilight Zone!
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Biden says he's "the most pro-union president in history," and the Teamsters won't vote for him? Looks like Biden was spewing another 'fish story.'

Teamsters president Sean O'Brien savages big business in RNC speech​

Teamsters president Sean O'Brien delivered a fiery address to close out the first night of the Republican National Convention, castigating big businesses and corporate lobby groups for "waging a war against American workers" — and calling for labor law reform.

  • He called for bipartisan action on labor reform. A stunning move at a partisan event — amid a party traditionally opposed to unions. He even called out the GOP for its opposition to labor.

  • "Labor law must be reformed. Americans vote for a union, but can never get a union contract," he said.
  • "Companies fire workers who try to join unions and hide behind toothless laws that are meant to protect working people but are manipulated to benefit corporations. This is economic terrorism at its best, an individual cannot withstand such an assault."
