AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsely claims historic turnaround

[FONT=&]WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump falsely claimed he's pulled off "an economic turnaround of historic proportions." Fibbing again?



Yahoo....hiding from the reality of a sustained 1.9% annual GDP? The economy indeed demonstrated "signs" of recovery from a market correction during Obama's entire administration over an 8 year period. But the reality of the FACTS in evidence prove one thing. Obama reigned over the "SLOWEST" recovery in US HISTORY since the great depression. The economy was primed to take off just like it has during the TRUMP reign over his first 18 months.....the problem with OBAMA'S SLOWEST RECOVERY IN HISTORY? Overregulation, Over taxation, Keynesian attempts to BORROW and SPEND your way into prosperity. It failed the first time it was attempted.....during the life and breath of the FDR administration. It failed then, it failed to produce a vibrant economy under Obama, an administration that remains the only presidential administration in US HISTORY (since such stats began under the Hoover administration) that never......NOT ONCE.....produced an annual GDP growth percentage of 3% or more.

Facts are Facts.....bull shit is nothing but "propaganda". Obama never produced an annual GDP of 3% or more. www.politifact.com/illinois/statements/2017/mar/16/peter-roskam/rep-roskam-gdp-growth-obama/

Obama reigned over the slowest RECOVERY of an economic recession since THE GREAT DEPRESSION. www.washingtonexaminer.com/report-w...30s-salaries-fall-17000-short/article/2598311

Keynesian Economics did not work with FDR and his new Communist deal....any more than they worked with Obama when he attempted to borrow and spend his way to recovery. History proves such as confessed by the Sec. of the Treasury under FDR. Henry Morgenthau declared that spending money on credit produced nothing but more historical debt, never producing the JOBS promised in order to bring down the unemployment rate over the first 8 years of FDR. It was the Industrial Military Complex and its need for weapons of mass production that ended the great depression (thanks Hitler and Toe Joe) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Morgenthau_Jr.