AP: Water Makes US Troops in Iraq Sick


Villified User
AP: Water Makes US Troops in Iraq Sick

Mar 9, 11:38 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Dozens of U.S. troops in Iraq fell sick at bases using "unmonitored and potentially unsafe" water supplied by the military and a contractor once owned by Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, the Pentagon's internal watchdog says.

A report obtained by The Associated Press said soldiers experienced skin abscesses, cellulitis, skin infections, diarrhea and other illnesses after using discolored, smelly water for personal hygiene and laundry at five U.S. military sites in Iraq.

The Defense Department's inspector general's report, which could be released as early as Monday, found water quality problems between March 2004 and February 2006 at three sites run by contractor KBR Inc. (KBR), and between January 2004 and December 2006 at two military-operated locations.

It was impossible to link the dirty water definitively to all the illnesses, according to the report. But it said KBR's water quality "was not maintained in accordance with field water sanitary standards" and the military-run sites "were not performing all required quality control tests."

Capitalism at work. To think some expect contracting out necessities like city water, electricity, and other utilities would result in anything different.
Yeah if history has proven one thing, it's that capitalism is a collosal failure.

That's why the majority of countries today use Marxist economic systems.
Yeah if history has proven one thing, it's that capitalism is a collosal failure.

That's why the majority of countries today use Marxist economic systems.
But Capitalism was NOT used in this matter. There was no free market. KBR was picked because they reside in that area of Cheney's body where his small intestine intersects his large intestine. KBR was not
necessarily the best at what they do and they did not win a bidding process. This is the same sort of cronyism that the Democrats have been historically guilty of in Chicago as just one example.
Capitalism is not a failure. Fiat currency based capitalism gives the money creating entity inordinate power. They can create money for their whims and make the people pay it back.
Yeah if history has proven one thing, it's that capitalism is a collosal failure.

That's why the majority of countries today use Marxist economic systems.

Pushing to an absurd extreme to discredit ?

I am sure there is a term or phrase for that.
Now that did not make much sense at all.

Pushing something to the point of asbsurdity is a fairly common tactic on here.
AP: Water Makes US Troops in Iraq Sick

Mar 9, 11:38 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Dozens of U.S. troops in Iraq fell sick at bases using "unmonitored and potentially unsafe" water supplied by the military and a contractor once owned by Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, the Pentagon's internal watchdog says.

A report obtained by The Associated Press said soldiers experienced skin abscesses, cellulitis, skin infections, diarrhea and other illnesses after using discolored, smelly water for personal hygiene and laundry at five U.S. military sites in Iraq.

The Defense Department's inspector general's report, which could be released as early as Monday, found water quality problems between March 2004 and February 2006 at three sites run by contractor KBR Inc. (KBR), and between January 2004 and December 2006 at two military-operated locations.

It was impossible to link the dirty water definitively to all the illnesses, according to the report. But it said KBR's water quality "was not maintained in accordance with field water sanitary standards" and the military-run sites "were not performing all required quality control tests."


Fuck this.

No company should make a penny of profit off a war.

This war would end tommorow, if the war profiteers were excluded from making a profit. And the rightwing tools who wrap themselves in the american flag and proclaim this war to be some great patriotic mission, know it. Its all about $$$$.
There was a time in our nation's history when our elected public officials knew what to call businessmen/women who profiteered off of war: Traitors.

aka, the Truman Commission.

yeah now they are just called succesfull corporations.

there was an interesting show about corporations on LINKTV last night.
There was a time in our nation's history when our elected public officials knew what to call businessmen/women who profiteered off of war: Traitors.

aka, the Truman Commission.

Yep, listen here.

Any coporation that sells or provides anything to the government is a TRAITOR, and their board of directors will be HANGED.

That is all.
Fuck this.

No company should make a penny of profit off a war.

This war would end tommorow, if the war profiteers were excluded from making a profit. And the rightwing tools who wrap themselves in the american flag and proclaim this war to be some great patriotic mission, know it. Its all about $$$$.

Well obviously Cypress. Our troops would get no supplies, no planes to fly the back home. They'd sit there and die, but the war would end.