Appeasement, blaming America first and other conservative lies


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Since 9/11 & the start of the Iraq war, there has been a concerted effort on the part of many Bush supporters & pundits to silence dissent & frame any attempt to debate in the most dishonest terms possible. If you don't want to bomb the crap out of Bagdhad, you want to "sing kum-ba-yah" with the terrorists. If you try to talk about what really motivates attacks against us, you're blaming America first. If you thinking talking to foreign leaders -whether they are allies or not - is a good idea, you're appeasing & weak. Dissent is part of the proud history of being American; it is not traitorous.

The conservative movement has dumbed down a great deal in recent years; I guess that happens when your spokespeople devolve from William F. Buckley to Ann Coulter, and your national leaders are people like Bush.

For the record:

1) Talking is NOT appeasing. I know a lot of people think Chris Matthews is a clown, but the smackdown he put on that right-wing flunkie yesterday was pure gold. These fools don't know history, and don't understand what happened with Chamberlain & Nazi Germany, one iota.

2) American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us. That is NOT justification. If you don't want to talk about that, if it makes you uncomfortable, if the truth is just too much for you to handle...excuse yourself from the conversation on national security. You don't belong in it, and your feeble attempts to say "they attack us for our freedoms" prevents a truly honest conversation on terrorism.

3) The options in both Iraq and the "WOT" (as you like to call it) are not Bush's bomb first & ask questions later, or surrendering. I'm so tired of apologists asking me "what were we supposed to do after 9/11?" when challenged about Iraq. It's embarassing.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
- Theodore Roosevelt
Since 9/11 & the start of the Iraq war, there has been a concerted effort on the part of many Bush supporters & pundits to silence dissent & frame any attempt to debate in the most dishonest terms possible. If you don't want to bomb the crap out of Bagdhad, you want to "sing kum-ba-yah" with the terrorists. If you try to talk about what really motivates attacks against us, you're blaming America first. If you thinking talking to foreign leaders -whether they are allies or not - is a good idea, you're appeasing & weak. Dissent is part of the proud history of being American; it is not traitorous.

The conservative movement has dumbed down a great deal in recent years; I guess that happens when your spokespeople devolve from William F. Buckley to Ann Coulter, and your national leaders are people like Bush.

For the record:

1) Talking is NOT appeasing. I know a lot of people think Chris Matthews is a clown, but the smackdown he put on that right-wing flunkie yesterday was pure gold. These fools don't know history, and don't understand what happened with Chamberlain & Nazi Germany, one iota.

2) American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us. That is NOT justification. If you don't want to talk about that, if it makes you uncomfortable, if the truth is just too much for you to handle...excuse yourself from the conversation on national security. You don't belong in it, and your feeble attempts to say "they attack us for our freedoms" prevents a truly honest conversation on terrorism.

3) The options in both Iraq and the "WOT" (as you like to call it) are not Bush's bomb first & ask questions later, or surrendering. I'm so tired of apologists asking me "what were we supposed to do after 9/11?" when challenged about Iraq. It's embarassing.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
- Theodore Roosevelt

Yeah the Matthews thing was incredible. I was actually watching with my mouth open at one point. I simply could not believe that guy had not the first clue even, of what happened at Munich. All he could keep shouting over and over is "we're talking about appeasement" And matthews would keep saying, I know but what is appeasement, what did Chamberlain do that was considered Appeasement? And he'd scream again. I honestly could not believe it. But you know, that's a great representation of the f'ing morons who are voting in this country, and also of who is controlling the narrative in this country. And it's not encouraging.

Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama is crying like a little girl who got caught with their proverbial hand in the cookie jar...Hamas did in fact give their support to Obama...quite telling!
The more he cries the deeper the pit becomes!
I've already heard about a half dozen conservatives characterize Obama's response today as "whining" and "crying."

They're not used to Democrats actually responding to their lies. Gear up, BB - it's gonna be a fun fall season....
"All he could keep shouting over and over is "we're talking about appeasement" "

It was classic. He used every context of "appease"...What did Chamberlain do? He appeased! What did Chamberlain do? It's about appeasement! What did Chamberlain do? He was an appeaser.

I think most of these guys have no idea what "appease" means, much less what Chamberlain did. Their historical knowledge stops at "Bush was right."
"All he could keep shouting over and over is "we're talking about appeasement" "

It was classic. He used every context of "appease"...What did Chamberlain do? He appeased! What did Chamberlain do? It's about appeasement! What did Chamberlain do? He was an appeaser.

I think most of these guys have no idea what "appease" means, much less what Chamberlain did. Their historical knowledge stops at "Bush was right."

I know. You know, if his audience was anything other than the extreme right/low iq crowd, I’d say his career was finished. But, considering his audience, it could make him a star.
However it is.............

I've already heard about a half dozen conservatives characterize Obama's response today as "whining" and "crying."

They're not used to Democrats actually responding to their lies. Gear up, BB - it's gonna be a fun fall season....

not a lie...y'all better gear up...much more comming down the proverbial pike!:eek:
Since 9/11 & the start of the Iraq war, there has been a concerted effort on the part of many Bush supporters & pundits to silence dissent & frame any attempt to debate in the most dishonest terms possible. If you don't want to bomb the crap out of Bagdhad, you want to "sing kum-ba-yah" with the terrorists. If you try to talk about what really motivates attacks against us, you're blaming America first. If you thinking talking to foreign leaders -whether they are allies or not - is a good idea, you're appeasing & weak. Dissent is part of the proud history of being American; it is not traitorous.

The conservative movement has dumbed down a great deal in recent years; I guess that happens when your spokespeople devolve from William F. Buckley to Ann Coulter, and your national leaders are people like Bush.

For the record:

1) Talking is NOT appeasing. I know a lot of people think Chris Matthews is a clown, but the smackdown he put on that right-wing flunkie yesterday was pure gold. These fools don't know history, and don't understand what happened with Chamberlain & Nazi Germany, one iota.

2) American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us. That is NOT justification. If you don't want to talk about that, if it makes you uncomfortable, if the truth is just too much for you to handle...excuse yourself from the conversation on national security. You don't belong in it, and your feeble attempts to say "they attack us for our freedoms" prevents a truly honest conversation on terrorism.

3) The options in both Iraq and the "WOT" (as you like to call it) are not Bush's bomb first & ask questions later, or surrendering. I'm so tired of apologists asking me "what were we supposed to do after 9/11?" when challenged about Iraq. It's embarassing.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
- Theodore Roosevelt

Nicely done.
Since 9/11 & the start of the Iraq war, there has been a concerted effort on the part of many Bush supporters & pundits to silence dissent & frame any attempt to debate in the most dishonest terms possible. If you don't want to bomb the crap out of Bagdhad, you want to "sing kum-ba-yah" with the terrorists. If you try to talk about what really motivates attacks against us, you're blaming America first. If you thinking talking to foreign leaders -whether they are allies or not - is a good idea, you're appeasing & weak. Dissent is part of the proud history of being American; it is not traitorous.

The conservative movement has dumbed down a great deal in recent years; I guess that happens when your spokespeople devolve from William F. Buckley to Ann Coulter, and your national leaders are people like Bush.

For the record:

1) Talking is NOT appeasing. I know a lot of people think Chris Matthews is a clown, but the smackdown he put on that right-wing flunkie yesterday was pure gold. These fools don't know history, and don't understand what happened with Chamberlain & Nazi Germany, one iota.

2) American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us. That is NOT justification. If you don't want to talk about that, if it makes you uncomfortable, if the truth is just too much for you to handle...excuse yourself from the conversation on national security. You don't belong in it, and your feeble attempts to say "they attack us for our freedoms" prevents a truly honest conversation on terrorism.

3) The options in both Iraq and the "WOT" (as you like to call it) are not Bush's bomb first & ask questions later, or surrendering. I'm so tired of apologists asking me "what were we supposed to do after 9/11?" when challenged about Iraq. It's embarassing.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
- Theodore Roosevelt

:doh: Teddy was referring to his second bid for the presidential run...he was addressing his opponent..kinda equates to Obama eh?
Since 9/11 & the start of the Iraq war, there has been a concerted effort on the part of many Bush supporters & pundits to silence dissent & frame any attempt to debate in the most dishonest terms possible. If you don't want to bomb the crap out of Bagdhad, you want to "sing kum-ba-yah" with the terrorists. If you try to talk about what really motivates attacks against us, you're blaming America first. If you thinking talking to foreign leaders -whether they are allies or not - is a good idea, you're appeasing & weak. Dissent is part of the proud history of being American; it is not traitorous.

The conservative movement has dumbed down a great deal in recent years; I guess that happens when your spokespeople devolve from William F. Buckley to Ann Coulter, and your national leaders are people like Bush.

For the record:

1) Talking is NOT appeasing. I know a lot of people think Chris Matthews is a clown, but the smackdown he put on that right-wing flunkie yesterday was pure gold. These fools don't know history, and don't understand what happened with Chamberlain & Nazi Germany, one iota.

2) American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us. That is NOT justification. If you don't want to talk about that, if it makes you uncomfortable, if the truth is just too much for you to handle...excuse yourself from the conversation on national security. You don't belong in it, and your feeble attempts to say "they attack us for our freedoms" prevents a truly honest conversation on terrorism.

3) The options in both Iraq and the "WOT" (as you like to call it) are not Bush's bomb first & ask questions later, or surrendering. I'm so tired of apologists asking me "what were we supposed to do after 9/11?" when challenged about Iraq. It's embarassing.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
- Theodore Roosevelt

Thats pretty funny..."Blame America First" is a Conservative lie...?
and then in the next breathe what do you do...BLAME AMERICA....
"American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us"..?
THATS blaming America you stupid fool....

Talking is NOT appeasing? Bullshit...what are we gonna talk about? the fuckin' weather....the only thing to talk about about is what the hell they, the terrorists/or enemy, what they want and what will make them knock off the stupid talk....

Whats embarrassing is having idiots like you and your comrades ridicule your country and your leaders on a daily basis and then try to justify it as patriotism...
Thats pretty funny..."Blame America First" is a Conservative lie...?
and then in the next breathe what do you do...BLAME AMERICA....
"American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us"..?
THATS blaming America you stupid fool....

Talking is NOT appeasing? Bullshit...what are we gonna talk about? the fuckin' weather....the only thing to talk about about is what the hell they, the terrorists/or enemy, what they want and what will make them knock off the stupid talk....

Whats embarrassing is having idiots like you and your comrades ridicule your country and your leaders on a daily basis and then try to justify it as patriotism...

You're the most ignorant con on here; this response is not surprising.

Motivation is not justification. That's the key differential. If you don't think our actions in the Middle East over 3 decades have inspired anyone to attack us, you're not thinking, period.

And talking is NOT appeasing; it's not even part of the definition. The bonehead on Hardball didn't understand that, and neither do you.

Bush did exactly what Osama Bin Laden wanted him to do after 9/11; was that patriotic, in your estimation?
"You're the most ignorant con on here;"

Onceler, how did you finalize them and come to this conclusion? I have been trying to figure this out ever since we have had this influx of them. What ingredient makes Bravo stupider than say, Meme? I mean, this is some contest. I haven’t yet come up with the champ.
You're the most ignorant con on here; this response is not surprising.

Motivation is not justification. That's the key differential. If you don't think our actions in the Middle East over 3 decades have inspired anyone to attack us, you're not thinking, period.

I didn't call it justification you moron..I said it is blaming America..are you too stupid to grasp the difference?
If we inspired them, its our fault...
If we motivated them, its our fault....THATS EXACTLY what your saying....Its our fault

And talking is NOT appeasing; it's not even part of the definition. The bonehead on Hardball didn't understand that, and neither do you.

...There is absolutely NOTHING to talk about, fool...except the problems we have with them and them with us....and to discuss that with terrorists is appeasing them....and no amount of convoluted bullshit from you or Obama or Chris Mathews will change that

Bush did exactly what Osama Bin Laden wanted him to do after 9/11; was that patriotic, in your estimation?

Yeah, I've been hearing that crap for years...what the fuck do you know about what OBL wants or don't want....that asshole idea came directly from the Democrats, not OBL....and just because you all repeat it over and over don't make it valid in the slightest....
You think OBL wanted us to attack Afghan. and get chummy with Pakistan?
Because THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED as a direct result of 9/11...
Go back to your crayons and coloring book...
"You're the most ignorant con on here;"

Onceler, how did you finalize them and come to this conclusion? I have been trying to figure this out ever since we have had this influx of them. What ingredient makes Bravo stupider than say, Meme? I mean, this is some contest. I haven’t yet come up with the champ.

That's an excellent question. I'm not sure what inspired me to classify Bravo that way; he just seems more sincere in his ignorance than, say, Meme, who clearly wants to just troll once in awhile.

Upon further review, I'd like to revise & amend my remarks. Bravo is among the most ignorant cons on here, a group that exemplifies ignorance in all its forms and who represent a larger group that is among the most ignorant and dim-witted in our society as a whole.

There. I think that works better.
"If we motivated them, its our fault...."

So....would you say our actions in the Middle East over 3 decades had absolutely no effect whatsoever on people there, and plays no part at all in why terrorists do what they do?

"There is absolutely NOTHING to talk about, fool...except the problems we have with them and them with us....and to discuss that with terrorists is appeasing them"

Oh....really? You haven't heard about Iran's nuclear program? That would seem like a good conversation starter with Ahmadinejad. You don't think we should talk to countries about nuclear programs anymore? What's your plan for tough & refuse to meet with them?

"the fuck do you know about what OBL wants or don't want"

He has very detailed writings on the web; ever try google?
As expected, childish name no more clever as Onceler than you were as Lorax.
Game over...
That's an excellent question. I'm not sure what inspired me to classify Bravo that way; he just seems more sincere in his ignorance than, say, Meme, who clearly wants to just troll once in awhile.

Upon further review, I'd like to revise & amend my remarks. Bravo is among the most ignorant cons on here, a group that exemplifies ignorance in all its forms and who represent a larger group that is among the most ignorant and dim-witted in our society as a whole.

There. I think that works better.

Good call. Clearly, the ignorance is so stupefying, it would take further study to declare an absolute number one.
"If we motivated them, its our fault...."

So....would you say our actions in the Middle East over 3 decades had absolutely no effect whatsoever on people there, and plays no part at all in why terrorists do what they do?

Try reading it slower, maybe something will clink in that narrow mind of yours....
I didn't call it justification you moron..I said it is blaming America..are you too stupid to grasp the difference?
If we inspired them, its our fault...
If we motivated them, its our fault....THATS EXACTLY what your saying....Its our fault
If our ACTIONS caused them to attack, then its our fault....

no matter how you slice and dice it, thats what you're claiming....

"There is absolutely NOTHING to talk about, fool...except the problems we have with them and them with us....and to discuss that with terrorists is appeasing them"

Oh....really? You haven't heard about Iran's nuclear program? That would seem like a good conversation starter with Ahmadinejad. You don't think we should talk to countries about nuclear programs anymore? What's your plan for tough & refuse to meet with them?

Are you claiming Iran is engaged in terrorism against the US?
They support Iraqi insurgents, that terrorism in you mind?
AQ is engaged in terrorism
Hamas is engaged in terrorism
Iran is in the same category of as N. Korea, not Al Quada...
but then thats not my call...thats for our government to determine...

"the fuck do you know about what OBL wants or don't want"

He has very detailed writings on the web; ever try google?

...Its quit surprising what OBL comes out with, isn't it...?
He repeats the Dem talking points as if he actually got his own copy of them.
I've seem his writings...he copies them from the US press and sounds like the Dems in Congress...