Are Democrats Really Liberals?


Verified User
If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they oppose the “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights?

If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they promote the food police, the anti-smoking police, the soft drink police, the anti-religion police except for the Islamic religion and they endorse and promote extortion by taxation and the failed policies of communism? What is “liberal” about socialism/communism?

Aren’t Democrats just another brand of authoritarian bastards just like the Republicans?

What’s really “liberal” about Democrats? Why do they call themselves ‘progressives?” What are Democrats “progressing” toward? Aren’t Democrats promoting the “progress” of socialist authoritarianism?

Let’s face it folks, Democrats are today’s neo-communist authoritarians right along with the Republican neo-fascist authoritarians.
to solve problems that keep the country down.

They are trying to keep certain capitalists from having the power to distory our society from the inside.

You know like the people who want to weaken this country enough that they can have the strength to drag our weakened system to the bath room and drown it in the bathtub.

That is why the republican party cheats in elections to keep the majority from getting its way to stregnthen it so it harder for the republican to kill.

I think its traitorous of them.

How do you feel about the republican party who lies and syas one thing to one group of people and another thing to other people while trying to keep people from voting AND tearing everything down while they are in office as a result of cheating Americans out of their vote?
If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they oppose the “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights?

If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they promote the food police, the anti-smoking police, the soft drink police, the anti-religion police except for the Islamic religion and they endorse and promote extortion by taxation and the failed policies of communism? What is “liberal” about socialism/communism?

Aren’t Democrats just another brand of authoritarian bastards just like the Republicans?

What’s really “liberal” about Democrats? Why do they call themselves ‘progressives?” What are Democrats “progressing” toward? Aren’t Democrats promoting the “progress” of socialist authoritarianism?

Let’s face it folks, Democrats are today’s neo-communist authoritarians right along with the Republican neo-fascist authoritarians.

You have hit the nail on the head. It is too bad that the Democratic party has allowed the anti-American socialist authoritarians to take over their party.
If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they oppose the “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights?

If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they promote the food police, the anti-smoking police, the soft drink police, the anti-religion police except for the Islamic religion and they endorse and promote extortion by taxation and the failed policies of communism? What is “liberal” about socialism/communism?

Aren’t Democrats just another brand of authoritarian bastards just like the Republicans?

What’s really “liberal” about Democrats? Why do they call themselves ‘progressives?” What are Democrats “progressing” toward? Aren’t Democrats promoting the “progress” of socialist authoritarianism?

Let’s face it folks, Democrats are today’s neo-communist authoritarians right along with the Republican neo-fascist authoritarians.
Wow.....those are pretty good strawmen. Do you have any more or are you just trolling?
to solve problems that keep the country down.

You mean like sending “the country” to the edge of bankruptcy with left-wing social programming and the support and continuation of the right-wing’s Military Industrial Complex?

They are trying to keep certain capitalists from having the power to distory our society from the inside.

You mean like Solyndra and GM?

You know like the people who want to weaken this country enough that they can have the strength to drag our weakened system to the bath room and drown it in the bathtub.

You mean like the leftist & rightist that have dumped us in the toilet?

That is why the republican party cheats in elections to keep the majority from getting its way to stregnthen it so it harder for the republican to kill.

I didn’t know Lyndon Johnson was a Republican when he got elected to Congress in Texas by more people in his district than were registered to vote.

I think its traitorous of them.

I think its traitorous of ALL of them on both the right and left, what about that?

How do you feel about the republican party who lies and syas one thing to one group of people and another thing to other people while trying to keep people from voting AND tearing everything down while they are in office as a result of cheating Americans out of their vote?

The same way I feel about Democrats that flood the polls with non-citizen illegals to vote for Democrats and Democrat politicians that tell folks Obamacare will actually lower their insurance premiums while they’re going higher with Obamacare and the same way I feel about a President that said he’d have the most “transparent” administration ever, then passes into law an unconstitutional crony capitalist/socialist authoritarian healthcare fraud that nobody even read before they voted for it. The same way I feel about a President that said he’d end the Bush wars then put them on steroids. The same way I feel about a President who’s only real agenda is to crush all opposition with fucking lies, bribery and threats. The same way I feel about a President that’s nothing less than a crooked Chicago crook and G. W. Bush on steroids.
A message from your heir apparent emperor

If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they oppose the “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights?

If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they promote the food police, the anti-smoking police, the soft drink police, the anti-religion police except for the Islamic religion and they endorse and promote extortion by taxation and the failed policies of communism? What is “liberal” about socialism/communism?

Aren’t Democrats just another brand of authoritarian bastards just like the Republicans?

What’s really “liberal” about Democrats? Why do they call themselves ‘progressives?” What are Democrats “progressing” toward? Aren’t Democrats promoting the “progress” of socialist authoritarianism?

Let’s face it folks, Democrats are today’s neo-communist authoritarians right along with the Republican neo-fascist authoritarians.

Classic Liberal, you’ll notice “liberal” is a more subjective rather than an objective word.
We’re expected to recognize your superior expertise on liberalism?

I too am displeased that the entire world doesn’t agree with me. I too am an Island of logic within an ocean of madness. Everyone else, (particularly those such as yourself that try my angelic patients) are all out of your minds.

All should appreciate that neither of us has become Emperor of the Universe.
If I were strongly opposed to capital punishment, your posted message would lead me to reconsider my position. Be grateful that you’re not subject to my whim; otherwise you should flee for your life.

Heir apparent emperor of the universe.
Excerpts from the site of
adjective \ˈli-b(ə-)rəl\ …

…a: marked by generosity : OPENHANDED <a liberal giver>
b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a liberal meal>

: not literal or strict : LOOSE <a liberal translation>

… : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

…a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism
…b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives

— lib•er•al•ly \-b(ə-)rə-lē\ adverb
— lib•er•al•ness noun

Liberals mostly spawn within the Democrat ranks, but I wouldn't blanket them all. Some Democrats actually seem genuinely interested in the welfare of this country.
Nope, real Liberals (and this is a generalization) are found in the Libertarian party, or possibly the Green.
Classic Liberal, you’ll notice “liberal” is a more subjective rather than an objective word.
We’re expected to recognize your superior expertise on liberalism?

I too am displeased that the entire world doesn’t agree with me. I too am an Island of logic within an ocean of madness. Everyone else, (particularly those such as yourself that try my angelic patients) are all out of your minds.

All should appreciate that neither of us has become Emperor of the Universe.
If I were strongly opposed to capital punishment, your posted message would lead me to reconsider my position. Be grateful that you’re not subject to my whim; otherwise you should flee for your life.

Well darling, what I really expected was a rational attempt to answer the questions I proposed in the OP. You’ve nicely proven that you have no rational “subjectivity” or you simply wish to cover it up with irrational ramblings.

adjective \ˈli-b(ə-)rəl\ …

…a: marked by generosity : OPENHANDED <a liberal giver>
b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a liberal meal>

: not literal or strict : LOOSE <a liberal translation>

… : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms

…a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism
…b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives

— lib•er•al•ly \-b(ə-)rə-lē\ adverb
— lib•er•al•ness noun


And what part of all of that, if any, do the Democrats fit into?
Nope, real Liberals (and this is a generalization) are found in the Libertarian party, or possibly the Green.
Oh yea.....the only "real" anything are members of the libertarian party.

The only thing real about the libertarian party is it's membership made mostly of internet warriors who sit around in their under wear bitching about everything and doing nothing about it.
If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they oppose the “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights? ...

Classic Liberal, I foremost try to respond to discussion threads that are of greater interest to myself.
There are I suppose, many threads related to gun control issues. I additionally suppose that within some, if not all f those threads, someone has expressed my viewpoint in a manner that’s no less than what I’m capable of writing. If you initiate a thread that approaches logically expressing your view point on this topic, I’ll probably respond. If you do so, please post notice of your new thread’s title so I’ll be aware of it.

I’ll state this now, but if you want to further argue gun controls, you’ll have to open a thread devoted to the issue. The issue deserves its own thread.

Requiring background checks and validation of ALL prospective fire arms purchasers is not unconstitutional.
Severely criminalizing “straw men” sales transactions of guns, limiting the number of rounds a gun or gun magazine can hold, or prohibiting private ownership or control of weapons deemed ONLY suitable for warfare is not unconstitutional.

We need federal gun control l laws because other states' unregulated guns travel into my state and we’re not aware of it until we recover the weapon during a crime investigation.

Respectfully, Supposn
Requiring background checks and validation of ALL prospective fire arms purchasers is not unconstitutional.

There is no constitutional power granting any government, (Federal or State), a power to regulate privately owned arms. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” (Amendment 2, United States Constitution)

Severely criminalizing “straw men” sales transactions of guns, limiting the number of rounds a gun or gun magazine can hold, or prohibiting private ownership or control of weapons deemed ONLY suitable for warfare is not unconstitutional.

There is no constitutional power granting any government, (Federal or State), a power to regulate privately owned arms. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” (Amendment 2, United States Constitution)

Relative to “weapons, (supposedly, according to you), ONLY suited for war,” Somebody should have told our founding fathers that crap when they fought for our independence. You should try that absurd argument with the people of Syria and other nations that won their independence with your so-called “weapons of war.” Then there’s peaceful gun collectors. What about their right to pursue their hobby in a “pursuit of happiness?”

We need federal gun control l laws because other states' unregulated guns travel into my state and we’re not aware of it until we recover the weapon during a crime investigation.

Respectfully, Supposn

We don’t need any more gun laws Federal or State. What we need is armed Americans packin their ability to protect themselves from the freggin nut cases and criminals. If we really want to protect our children in our schools, we’ll provide “ARMED SECURITY” in our schools. What we “positively” don’t need is more bastard gun grabbing authoritarian politicians and their Wuzzy ass lappers making more laws that never get enforced and only injure law-abiding citizens revoking their constitutional rights.

WTF! Our own Federal government is guilty of selling “Weapons Of War” to Mexican Drug Cartels. That alone tells us the freggin insanity and corruption of a government that wants to regulate the gun ownership of law-abiding citizens. If you want something fucked up, just get the idiot corrupt Feds involved in it.

Classic Liberal, Republican leadership still fear the Tea Party but they are beginning to realize what their obedience to the NRA is costing them. Republican voters are less pleased with the NRA and the majority of them now approve of gun control legislation. By this November the difference between the two parties’ voters concerning gun control will be a difference with little distinction.

I am opposed to permitting “convenient” filibusters. If any issue justifies the prevention of a senate vote, that should be of sufficient importance for the senate to acknowledge it by halting almost all other floor votes and for the filibusters to take full credit or pay the full political price for their action.

Filibusters should continuously hold the floor, or temporarily adjourn the senate until the filibusters’ decide to stop, or their opponents agree the vote should not be taken, or some new senators are sworn into office.

Here again there’s little or no differences between the major parties. The leaders of both parties and the voters of both parties are in agreement. Unfortunately the voters of both parties are in disagreement with their parties’ leaders upon the issue of filibusting.

I blame the U.S. Senate’s majority leader, Senator Reid for not debating the federal budget and taxes on the U.S. Senate floor prior to the 2010 elections. It was cowardly disservice to his party and his nation. The Democrats deserved their 2010 defeats.
I blame Senator Reid for accepting Senator McConnell’s handshake deal that almost every U.S. Senate floor vote will no longer require a super 60% majority. Why do the Senators make agreements they know cannot and/or will not be kept?

Senator Reid would have not refused the president’s public request for open senate debates forcing Republicans to openly filibuster against voting on the senate floor with regard to then issues. President Obama failed to do so prior to the 2010 elections and after the 2012 elections.
Obama’s failure to lead on domestic issues has been detrimental to our nation.

The Senate by a simple majority vote will again have an opportunity to change senate rules after the next senate elections in 2014. Then Democratic leaders’ failures to confront and endure Republican filibusters are responsible for the detrimental effect upon their party and our nation.

Respectfully, Supposn
Classic Liberal, Republican leadership still fear the Tea Party but they are beginning to realize what their obedience to the NRA is costing them. Republican voters are less pleased with the NRA and the majority of them now approve of gun control legislation. By this November the difference between the two parties’ voters concerning gun control will be a difference with little distinction.

Any politician that would/will abandon his/her principles for the sake of capturing or retaining a seat in government has NO principles! Those types in a nut shell are exactly what is wrong with America.

Should the Democrats recapture both Houses of the Congress in the midterm election, that would be, an abomination for America but in the longer run it will be the resurgence of the Republicans because total control of government by Democrats always makes Republicans look like the new savior of the nation. Nobody can fuck this country up more than Democrats and when they have total control of government even the nation’s voting morons recognize the stupidity of that.
With regard to our generalizations, what I’m stating below is my opinions and I do not pretend to have personally taken public opinion polls:

Democrats are not particularly anti-religion but they generally do respect for the ENTIRE U.S. Constitution including all ten of the first amendments.

The religious right wing of the Republican Party seems to have less respect for the separation of church and I believe that’s due to their certainty that this is a Christian nation. It accounts for their resenting islamics or any others unlike themselves being treated as their equals.
It’s natural to judger others harder than we judge ourselves but hopefully we should develop the wisdom to realize what comes easily and/or naturally is not always what is correct.

Classic Liberal, both major parties have their full share of the “lunatic fringes". THE majorities of Democrats are not socialists nor are the majority of Republicans plutocrats.

What you or I conceive as is or is not liberal are opinions rather than facts. I’m not strongly concerned about many of the issues you refer to except when in my opinion it’s related to the underlying issues of freedoms such as speech or self determination.

As a protest, I changed my party registration from Democrat to Green Party prior to the 2010 elections because there’s so little differences between the Democratic and Republican Parties. Until the Democrats return to their populist core, I will not vote for them.

Refer to the discussion threads of “Why I was dissatisfied with Democratic leadership”
And “Medicare, USA’s platinum standard of healthcare insurance”.

Respectfully, Supposn
With regard to our generalizations, what I’m stating below is my opinions and I do not pretend to have personally taken public opinion polls:

Democrats are not particularly anti-religion but they generally do respect for the ENTIRE U.S. Constitution including all ten of the first amendments.

It’s my experience that most Democrats only respect free speech when the speech belongs to Democrats, otherwise they gave us “political correctness” & “hate crimes.”

Democrats respect religion only when they belong to a particular religion. Their growing camp of agnostics and atheist have an agenda to rid America of all religious display, teach the ”THEORY” of evolution in schools while denying any mention in schools of the ”THEORY’ of a Supreme Being.

The majority of Democrats would have it that government has the authority to regulate private arms ownership, while the Second Amendment guarantees the freedom thereof and nowhere else in our Constitution is government given any power to regulate private arms ownership. A growing % of Democrats would ban and confiscate all privately owned arms and leave government and other criminals to be the only people who have arms, because government does whatever it wants, “the Constitution be damned,” & criminals don’t give a rat’s ass about the government’s laws and they also do whatever they want.

Democrats generally don’t respect privacy most support the right-wing unconstitutional Drug War. Democrats generally support, (and when they’re in power), write anti-smoking laws, create the food police, the soft drink police, and the anti-trans fats police.

I never knew a Democrat that respected the 10th Amendment. Every single one I know babbles the horseshit that the “General Welfare Clause” makes the 10th Amendment null and void and most preach that the General Welfare Clause overrides the entire Constitution. In better words, they think the following from the originator of the Democrat Party, Thomas Jefferson was full of shit.

“To lay taxes to provide for the general welfare of the United States, that is to say, to lay taxes of providing for the general welfare. For the laying of taxes is the power, and the general welfare the purpose for which the power is to be exercised. They are not to lay taxes ad libitum for any purpose they please; but only to pay the debts or provide for the welfare of the Union. In like manner, they are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase, not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please, which might be for the good of the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please.” (Thomas Jefferson to George Washington)

Those are simply a “few” of the Democrats disrespect for our Constitution, there are many, many more. Democrats are NOT Constitutionalist, they're exactly like the Republicans are, authoritarian busybodies, progressive socialist, BIG massive government violators of our Constitution.
The religious right wing of the Republican Party seems to have less respect for the separation of church and I believe that’s due to their certainty that this is a Christian nation. It accounts for their resenting islamics or any others unlike themselves being treated as their equals.

The Republican Party has it’s “religious rightwing.” The do have a valid point that our nation was ”basically” founded by Christians. Their argument that America is a “Christian Nation” is horseshit. Our founders knew the horror of a Theocracy and thereby institutionalized in our Constitution the prohibition for government to “Respect The Establishment Of Religion” but also guaranteed the “Free Exercise Thereof.” Some Republicans would have it that their Free Exercise authorizes them to govern by the Bible and shove their particular brand of Christianity down the nation’s throat. Again, like the Democrats, many Republicans are BIG government authoritarian busybodies with little to no respect for our Constitution.