Are Democrats Really Liberals?

Classic Liberal, both major parties have their full share of the “lunatic fringes". THE majorities of Democrats are not socialists nor are the majority of Republicans plutocrats.

I disagree! The majority of the duopoly parties are dyed-in-the-wool progressive BIG government authoritarian busybody socialist, neo communist & or neo-fascist. They’re willfully ignorant of our Constitution and willful violators thereof!
What you or I conceive as is or is not liberal are opinions rather than facts. I’m not strongly concerned about many of the issues you refer to except when in my opinion it’s related to the underlying issues of freedoms such as speech or self determination.

Well I’m concerned for my country and concerned about the National Debt, the undeclared unconstitutional wars, the massive world police force, the Military Industrial Complex, Americas irrational and just plain stupid foreign policy, the idiot & violent unconstitutional Drug War, our borderline bankruptcy, the unconstitutional Federal Socialist Programs, Wall Street & Special Interest/Government cronyism, unconstitutional subsidies & bailouts, trillions of $ in unfunded future liabilities and our dwindling freedoms.
As a protest, I changed my party registration from Democrat to Green Party prior to the 2010 elections because there’s so little differences between the Democratic and Republican Parties. Until the Democrats return to their populist core, I will not vote for them.

In my opinion the Greens are a gang of environmental kooks with little to no regard for constitutionalism. They’re simply a “Special Interest” party. The Green’s brand of “populism” is simply a progressive environmentalist brand of more socialism.
Refer to the discussion threads of “Why I was dissatisfied with Democratic leadership”
And “Medicare, USA’s platinum standard of healthcare insurance”.

Respectfully, Supposn

There is absolutely NO authority/power designated to our federal government to create, tax for or enforce any kind of “socialist” healthcare program. All federal social programs not enumerated in the Constitution as a power of the federal government are unconstitutional and the constitutional authority of THE STATES Read Amendment 10 of our Constitution.

“The powers not delegated by the Constitution to the United States nor prohibited by it to the States are RESERVED TO THE STATES respectively, or to the People.” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution.)
Classic Liberal, Republican leadership still fear the Tea Party but they are beginning to realize what their obedience to the NRA is costing them. Republican voters are less pleased with the NRA and the majority of them now approve of gun control legislation. By this November the difference between the two parties’ voters concerning gun control will be a difference with little distinction.

I am opposed to permitting “convenient” filibusters. If any issue justifies the prevention of a senate vote, that should be of sufficient importance for the senate to acknowledge it by halting almost all other floor votes and for the filibusters to take full credit or pay the full political price for their action.

Filibusters should continuously hold the floor, or temporarily adjourn the senate until the filibusters’ decide to stop, or their opponents agree the vote should not be taken, or some new senators are sworn into office.

Here again there’s little or no differences between the major parties. The leaders of both parties and the voters of both parties are in agreement. Unfortunately the voters of both parties are in disagreement with their parties’ leaders upon the issue of filibusting.

I blame the U.S. Senate’s majority leader, Senator Reid for not debating the federal budget and taxes on the U.S. Senate floor prior to the 2010 elections. It was cowardly disservice to his party and his nation. The Democrats deserved their 2010 defeats.
I blame Senator Reid for accepting Senator McConnell’s handshake deal that almost every U.S. Senate floor vote will no longer require a super 60% majority. Why do the Senators make agreements they know cannot and/or will not be kept?

Senator Reid would have not refused the president’s public request for open senate debates forcing Republicans to openly filibuster against voting on the senate floor with regard to then issues. President Obama failed to do so prior to the 2010 elections and after the 2012 elections.
Obama’s failure to lead on domestic issues has been detrimental to our nation.

The Senate by a simple majority vote will again have an opportunity to change senate rules after the next senate elections in 2014. Then Democratic leaders’ failures to confront and endure Republican filibusters are responsible for the detrimental effect upon their party and our nation.

Respectfully, Supposn

Trust me, anti-gun legislation is not a winning position in this country, and Dems will learn once again the truth of this when it costs them the next midterms.
[f Democrats are “liberals,” how come they oppose the “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights?

Liberals do not oppose “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights?" That's radical right wing propaganda fed to you by those who make money from the sale of guns. The more fearful you are the more money they make. You really don't see this?

If Democrats are “liberals,” how come they promote the food police, the anti-smoking police, the soft drink police, the anti-religion police except for the Islamic religion and they endorse and promote extortion by taxation and the failed policies of communism? What is “liberal” about socialism/communism?

More propaganda that you believe. Your ideas of 'socialism and communism' equating to American liberalism is laughable. When times are good and people are working the middle class laughs at communists. When conservative policies (money over people) drive the middle class and poor into deeper poverty then it's 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', you don't understand this either. Socialism and communism are Pavlovian terms used by multinational corporations to make you drool. And you do it every time they tell you too. You scream about communism but your best buds in business are communist Chinese, explain that one to us please.

Aren’t Democrats just another brand of authoritarian bastards just like the Republicans?

Most Blue Dogs are.

What’s really “liberal” about Democrats? Why do they call themselves ‘progressives?” What are Democrats “progressing” toward? Aren’t Democrats promoting the “progress” of socialist authoritarianism?

Liberals, unlike conservatives still believe in American society. Unlike conservatives liberals believe in social mobility,i.e. working to get into the middle class or upward on the social ladder. Labor is like lettuce, the more you have the cheaper the cost and we all know that conservative ideology is to make as much profit as possible and pay labor subsistence wages, like your buds in China.

Bottom line... conservative ideology is all about keeping wages low, sucking up the wealth accumulated by the middle class, driving them into poverty in order to maximize profits off the backs of the working poor. Sounds like the Old South, or maybe communism doesn't it?

Let’s face it folks, Democrats are today’s neo-communist authoritarians right along with the Republican neo-fascist authoritarians.[/QUOTE]

Well... you got the neo-fascist thing right.
There is absolutely NO authority/power designated to our federal government to create, tax for or enforce any kind of “socialist” healthcare program. All federal social programs not enumerated in the Constitution as a power of the federal government are unconstitutional and the constitutional authority of THE STATES Read Amendment 10 of our Constitution.

“The powers not delegated by the Constitution to the United States nor prohibited by it to the States are RESERVED TO THE STATES respectively, or to the People.” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution.)

Article I, Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Please don't cherry pick things from the constitution like you do with the bible.
I'm getting sick of the same ol' gibberish from both sides. Republicans run the gamut from strict fundamentalist teabaggers and worse to Jefferson-worshipping economists to Ayn Rand loving leave-me-out-of-it libertarians. Democrats run the gamut from tree-hugging, PETA loving greenpeace Code Pink radicals to social liberals with fiscally conservative views to gun loving moderates.

Anyone trying to criticize either group as one thing or another is ignorant.
While I'm at it, quit interpreting the constitution to fit your agenda. That's the job of the SCOTUS and the judicial system. We have enough problems when they do that themselves.
Trust me, anti-gun legislation is not a winning position in this country, and Dems will learn once again the truth of this when it costs them the next midterms.

ThreeDee, it would be disgraceful if Senator Read and the Democrats would permit a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate for anything less significant than a declaration of war, until the senate is adjourned or there’s a floor vote regarding a federal gun control bill with real teeth in it. Should the Democrats do otherwise, there will not again be a Democratic s president for a very long time.

Should a gun control bill be voted upon on the senate floor, the party that would kill the bill would be a minority party for no less than a full dozen years. If a gun control bill passes the senate and the Republicans kill gun control in the House, The Republicans will be the minority party for no less than 20 years.

I believe that the passage and enactment of an actual federal gun control law will almost certainly be passed and enacted prior to this fall.

Respectfully, Supposn
Liberals do not oppose “right to keep and bear arms listed in our liberal Bill Of Rights?" That's radical right wing propaganda fed to you by those who make money from the sale of guns. The more fearful you are the more money they make. You really don't see this?

But I already know that the “classical liberals/constitutionalist” are the purist and strongest supporters of our Second Amendment. It’s the “neo-liberals/authoritarian/neo-communist leftist” like Obama, Barbra Boxer and the MAJORITY of congressional Democrats who are “neo-liberals/authoritarian/neo-communist leftist who are the anti-Second Amendment bastards.

Liberals, unlike conservatives still believe in American society. Unlike conservatives liberals believe in social mobility,i.e. working to get into the middle class or upward on the social ladder. Labor is like lettuce, the more you have the cheaper the cost and we all know that conservative ideology is to make as much profit as possible and pay labor subsistence wages, like your buds in China.

Your leftist opinion of labor is fitting. You fucking lefties do believe “labor is like lettuce,” You fed it shit then you eat it and shit it out into the ranks of the unemployed use it to fed and produce more lettuce that you can bribe for votes.

Bottom line... conservative ideology is all about keeping wages low, sucking up the wealth accumulated by the middle class, driving them into poverty in order to maximize profits off the backs of the working poor. Sounds like the Old South, or maybe communism doesn't it?

(CONSERVATIVE) in favor of preserving the status quo and traditional values and customs, and against abrupt change. ENCARTA ENGLISH DICTIONARY

The “traditional values” of America are enshrined in our Constitution. Modern conservatism/neo-conservatism/neo-fascism, is not “traditional conservatism.” Therefore the only true conservatives are the “classical liberals/constitutionalist.” Classic Liberals oppose government/special interest cronyism.

Well... you got the neo-fascist thing right.[/I]

And rightist believe I have the neo-communist thing right and “Lovin Eyes” never see their own whore.
Article I, Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Please don't cherry pick things from the constitution like you do with the bible.

Then of course you can explain to me and Thomas Jefferson, (the originator of the Democratic Party), why we’re wrong about the “General Welfare” clause and if you’re right about it why it doesn’t make the rest of the Constitution null and void and a pure waste of pen, paper and good ink.

“To lay taxes to provide for the general welfare of the United States, that is to say, to lay taxes of providing for the general welfare. For the laying of taxes is the power, and the general welfare the purpose for which the power is to be exercised. They are not to lay taxes ad libitum for any purpose they please; but only to pay the debts or provide for the welfare of the Union. In like manner, they are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase, not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please, which might be for the good of the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please.” (Thomas Jefferson to George Washington)
I'm getting sick of the same ol' gibberish from both sides. Republicans run the gamut from strict fundamentalist teabaggers and worse to Jefferson-worshipping economists to Ayn Rand loving leave-me-out-of-it libertarians. Democrats run the gamut from tree-hugging, PETA loving greenpeace Code Pink radicals to social liberals with fiscally conservative views to gun loving moderates.

Anyone trying to criticize either group as one thing or another is ignorant.

And why should anybody give a flying fuck if you’re getting sick of the “same ol gibberish?”
While I'm at it, quit interpreting the constitution to fit your agenda. That's the job of the SCOTUS and the judicial system. We have enough problems when they do that themselves.

Oh yeah! The fucking good ol boys and girls on the Supreme Court! Those bastards that sanctified the unconstitutional Obama-Care. Those crooked ideologue partisan bastards that get selected by ideological crooked politicians and get confirmed by other crooked ideological politicians. The fucking “Gang Of Nine” who couldn’t give a fuck less about the Constitution but care truck loads about their own particular political ideological prejudices, biases and perversions. Their majority tainted by European Fascism/Socialism and their minority tainted by European Socialism/Communism. Their totally unbiased, (not), decisions always 5-4 with one or the other side switching sides from time to time to brainwash the brain-dead into believing they actually “deliberate” rationally & constitutionally.

Three Cheers for the corrupt ideologue bastards! Rah, Rah, Rah!!!!!!!!
Why do you use that term? Fascism is socialism y force. Isn't this what Democrats do?

Neo-Fascism is World Dominance, Special Interest Capitalist Cronyism, Militarism and Government Social Engineering as opposed to Freedom.

Does this NOT define the neo-conservative Republicans?
Oh yeah! The fucking good ol boys and girls on the Supreme Court! Those bastards that sanctified the unconstitutional Obama-Care. Those crooked ideologue partisan bastards that get selected by ideological crooked politicians and get confirmed by other crooked ideological politicians. The fucking “Gang Of Nine” who couldn’t give a fuck less about the Constitution but care truck loads about their own particular political ideological prejudices, biases and perversions. Their majority tainted by European Fascism/Socialism and their minority tainted by European Socialism/Communism. Their totally unbiased, (not), decisions always 5-4 with one or the other side switching sides from time to time to brainwash the brain-dead into believing they actually “deliberate” rationally & constitutionally.

Three Cheers for the corrupt ideologue bastards! Rah, Rah, Rah!!!!!!!!

wow dude you need to find a new country to go live in,

You are not going to be happy unless its the Koch brothers who get to be the final arbitors of the constitution.

That will not happned.

You see its not the united states of classical liberal douche who is an Obama hater from twisted I hate democracy land.

Its the United States of American

You dont get to demand the rest of us fall in line with your insanity.

Oh yeah! The fucking good ol boys and girls on the Supreme Court! Those bastards that sanctified the unconstitutional Obama-Care. Those crooked ideologue partisan bastards that get selected by ideological crooked politicians and get confirmed by other crooked ideological politicians. The fucking “Gang Of Nine” who couldn’t give a fuck less about the Constitution but care truck loads about their own particular political ideological prejudices, biases and perversions. Their majority tainted by European Fascism/Socialism and their minority tainted by European Socialism/Communism. Their totally unbiased, (not), decisions always 5-4 with one or the other side switching sides from time to time to brainwash the brain-dead into believing they actually “deliberate” rationally & constitutionally.

Three Cheers for the corrupt ideologue bastards! Rah, Rah, Rah!!!!!!!!
Let's not forget it's these same Gumbies who legalized baby killing vis a vis Roe in 1973.
wow dude you need to find a new country to go live in,

You are not going to be happy unless its the Koch brothers who get to be the final arbitors of the constitution.

That will not happned.

You see its not the united states of classical liberal douche who is an Obama hater from twisted I hate democracy land.

Its the United States of American

You dont get to demand the rest of us fall in line with your insanity.

Ahh yes, the typical totalitarian Leftist response. Listen. It is Liberals like you who'd be better served in N. Korea or Cuba. And Obunghole, the Head Numbnuts In Charge, deserves every ounce of scorn, contempt, and big fat "WE TOLD YOU SO" from every decent American (re. Conservative).