Are Leftists sinking in the U.K.?

Hello!, i'm back having had a nice drink.

Even though you were a little coy about answering my question, in previous threads, i will give you an honest answer here.

Are Leftists sinking in the UK?

Not really, as there haven't been any "Leftists" in the UK since around the late 80's. (i didn't read any of your links - a well trodden path of so many who have gone before me)

You see, indisputible, we all know that, over here, they all lie to us and all politicians have ditched the "Left"/"Right" thing in order to shaft the public in a more efficient manner.

One day you may wake up to the stark truth surrounding you. In the meantime, perhaps you could try thinking of something original to say, which hasn't already been written by someone else.
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Categorizing the creature known as "Indisputable", specimen 1337512b.

Subject appear to exhibit unreasonably strong reaction to post by persons of non-US nationality on internet message board "". Subject responds to such posts by pulling random internet posts from across the web which attack said non-US persons country of origin. Also, spams messageboard with wikipedia articles of random southern conservatives, in an apparent attack on conservatism. Hoping to find cure for "indisputable disease", however, as of now it is easily ignorable.
Leftists "ignoring" my posts

Funnily enough, when most people ignore something, they don't even acknowledge it, much less respond....

As for the fatuous assertion that there are no leftists in the UK, I offer the following evidence re: the sad little tourist trap that Charver inhabits:


Charver's fellow travelers must not have obeyed his edict to pretend they don't exist...

Thanks for the laughs!
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I've seen the error of my ways and admit that, yes, the UK is plagued with Leftists.

Just looking around there's one in bread bin, there's one in the cupboard under the stairs and there's one under the bed (they love it in there, don't they?)

Sorry i haven't responded sooner, we are in a different time zone and i've been collectivizing farms all morning.
I've seen the error of my ways and admit that, yes, the UK is plagued with Leftists.

Just looking around there's one in bread bin, there's one in the cupboard under the stairs and there's one under the bed (they love it in there, don't they?)

Sorry i haven't responded sooner, we are in a different time zone and i've been collectivizing farms all morning.

I've seen the error of my ways and admit that, yes, the UK is plagued with Leftists.

Just looking around there's one in bread bin, there's one in the cupboard under the stairs and there's one under the bed (they love it in there, don't they?)

Sorry i haven't responded sooner, we are in a different time zone and i've been collectivizing farms all morning.

Uh-oh the Percy Thrower People's Horticultural Brigade. Are they at it again? How's the tractor factory output going? I didn't see a word about it in Comrade Murdoch's various rags.
Uh-oh the Percy Thrower People's Horticultural Brigade. Are they at it again? How's the tractor factory output going? I didn't see a word about it in Comrade Murdoch's various rags.

Revolutionary salutations to you Comrade Diuretic.

I am pleased to report that tractor output is growing at previously unheard of levels thanks to the Stakhanovite efforts of our brother workers. The looming spectre of the national tractor shortage of 1967 plays heavy on our collective mind but we are confident that, by the year 2025, every British family will have unfettered tractor access at least once a week and twice on Sundays.

Well, i can't sit around this festering hive of class oppression all morning. After all, those counter-revolutionary capitalist running dogs aren't going to liquidate themselves you know.

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism
Much appreciated Comrade charver. Ah, 1967, yes, a dreadful time for the agricultural collectives in Airstrip One. Of course the anti-Lysenko movement in the Weald didn't help either. But thankfully they were purged and relocated to the turnip acres in Suffolk. As I remember they were successfully re-educated and performed stirling work all without the aid of tractors. The agrarian revolution, once seeded, delivers a harvest of joy to our peasant collectives and to our urban heroes.

It's been a while but I actually teared up thinking about that purge. Times were good then, very good. Still, as you say, musn't live in the past, we in the vanguard must march forward in the quest to bring the revolution to the world.

Oh, by the way, if you happen to travel to London and meet this Boris character, just a bit of advice. He's not one of ours, no, the "Boris" thing is a bit of a put-on, bloody third columnist I'm reliably advised. Is there anything these counter-revolutionaries won't try on?
Categorizing the creature known as "Indisputable", specimen 1337512b.

Subject appear to exhibit unreasonably strong reaction to post by persons of non-US nationality on internet message board "". Subject responds to such posts by pulling random internet posts from across the web which attack said non-US persons country of origin. Also, spams messageboard with wikipedia articles of random southern conservatives, in an apparent attack on conservatism. Hoping to find cure for "indisputable disease", however, as of now it is easily ignorable.

Yeah, that's exactly right. It infuriates this thing that some stinking foreigner is on here talking. Who do they think they are? How did they get here? The internets are for Americans.

Shoot a commie for mommy.

Step right up repukes, and claim him. It must feel great to have all the idiots on your side. But don't feel that is indicative of anything.
Much appreciated Comrade charver. Ah, 1967, yes, a dreadful time for the agricultural collectives in Airstrip One. Of course the anti-Lysenko movement in the Weald didn't help either. But thankfully they were purged and relocated to the turnip acres in Suffolk. As I remember they were successfully re-educated and performed stirling work all without the aid of tractors. The agrarian revolution, once seeded, delivers a harvest of joy to our peasant collectives and to our urban heroes.

It's been a while but I actually teared up thinking about that purge. Times were good then, very good. Still, as you say, musn't live in the past, we in the vanguard must march forward in the quest to bring the revolution to the world.

Oh, by the way, if you happen to travel to London and meet this Boris character, just a bit of advice. He's not one of ours, no, the "Boris" thing is a bit of a put-on, bloody third columnist I'm reliably advised. Is there anything these counter-revolutionaries won't try on?

My dear Comrade, all this talk of the old days has warmed the heart of this grizzled old Commissar of Vegetables to such an extent that i have decided to commute the death sentence of sub unit 7 of the Lincolnshire (North) zemstvo and i'm even considering allowing the blackguards to keep their undeclared potato.

Yes, the good old days when a revolutionary couldn't move for tripping over starving kulaks and cellars were full to bursting with bloodstained monarchies.

I fondly recall my days as a stevedore during the great uprising at Tyne Dock, which brought down the curtain on the capitalist oppression. Oh, they thought they'd taken us unawares, those navy boys, but a docker knows, from bitter experience, never to turn his back on a sailor. I'll never forget the look on their faces when we wheeled out our mighty cannon, a fearsome looking weapon, one shot of which had the desired effect of scattering seamen everywhere.

Those naval lackeys came to a sticky end and no mistake.

Oh well, it's back to the grind of requisitioning turnips for me.

Brotherhood and Freedom.
Hush now, Charver, and continue sinking. We can still hear you and that means your head is still above the surface...
Hush now, Charver, and continue sinking. We can still hear you and that means your head is still above the surface...

You may silence my voice but with my patented waterproof keyboard i shall plague this beastly bourgeois board until the day of reckoning, or until my oxygen runs out, whichever is sooner.
Yes, we all know Gordon Browns is very, very unpopular. I don't like him either.

However, he isn't so much a 'leftist' as a useless cunt.
Nothing better to show that the word just doesn't hold the power Americans give it than to see it used to describe the PM of the UK...
Nothing better to show that the word just doesn't hold the power Americans give it than to see it used to describe the PM of the UK...

I think we do give it less weight over here and i'm not usually one to bandy it about willy, and indeed, nilly, but on this occasion i really think it is called for.
My dear Comrade, all this talk of the old days has warmed the heart of this grizzled old Commissar of Vegetables to such an extent that i have decided to commute the death sentence of sub unit 7 of the Lincolnshire (North) zemstvo and i'm even considering allowing the blackguards to keep their undeclared potato.

Yes, the good old days when a revolutionary couldn't move for tripping over starving kulaks and cellars were full to bursting with bloodstained monarchies.

I fondly recall my days as a stevedore during the great uprising at Tyne Dock, which brought down the curtain on the capitalist oppression. Oh, they thought they'd taken us unawares, those navy boys, but a docker knows, from bitter experience, never to turn his back on a sailor. I'll never forget the look on their faces when we wheeled out our mighty cannon, a fearsome looking weapon, one shot of which had the desired effect of scattering seamen everywhere.

Those naval lackeys came to a sticky end and no mistake.

Oh well, it's back to the grind of requisitioning turnips for me.

Brotherhood and Freedom.
