Are Military Retirees "burdens" on our country?

After reading DY's posts from the other thread... The tone seemed to me to suggest that "Burden" was used to convey an "unfair debt" and not a "responsibility" but only DY knows what his real intention was. I suspect he was trying to get MM's goat and did not really think out his statement.
After reading DY's posts from the other thread... The tone seemed to me to suggest that "Burden" was used to convey an "unfair debt" and not a "responsibility" but only DY knows what his real intention was. I suspect he was trying to get MM's goat and did not really think out his statement.

I think he was probably baiting MM, and MM bit.
So basically, you're defending an ad hominem attack on one poster.from another because the attacker has a similar political viewpoint as yours and the victim of the attack does accomplish this by using semantics.

I think you should back off, to suggest Winter and DY have similar political views is a bit absurd. Winter probably has more in common with Maineman.
When I opened this thread, I was trying to get a sense about people's views about military retirement pay. I wanted to start a discussion about whether or not people begrudged career military personnel their retirement pay. looked a lot more like "Look! We have an asshole in our midst!".........
And STY.

Folks who get kicked out of the military with a Bad Conduct discharge don't qualify as heroes.

What if they won a bunch a medals, saved a bunch of lives, and served valiantly in several armed conflicts prior to being kicked out?
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