Are Republicans Really Conservatives?


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If Republicans are conservatives, how come they hate the Bill Of Rights? How come they let Tricky Dick Nixon create the idiot, violent Drug War? How did the Republicans let the bastard get away with it when past Congresses knew they had to pass a constitutional amendment to prohibit the transportation and sale of alcohol to create alcohol prohibition but made no such attempt or requirement of Nixon to prohibit some drugs?

If Republicans are conservatives, what the fuck is conservative about creating and supporting along with the leftist Democrats the Military Industrial Complex, the World Police Force and the offensive foreign policy that the REPUBLICAN President Eisenhower warned us about?

If Republicans are conservatives why do they oppose the Bill Of Rights 4th & 9th amendments by wanting to deny some agreeable adults their right to make marriage contracts with each other? How does that conserve the Bill Of Rights?

If Republicans are conservatives, how come whenever they get elected to political offices they approve more unconstitutional growth and taxpayer’s loot for the left’s unconstitutional socialist programs and even add on more of them?

If Republicans are conservatives, what the hell are they trying to conserve besides MORE BIG SOCIALIST AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT?

Oh yeah! And if Republicans are conservatives, let’s not forget the National Debt. They’re in a godless race with the Democrat neo-communist left to see who can add more to it. Look it up! Check it out! Both major parties of the duopoly are simply BIG GOVERNMENT spend & bribe, bribe & spend two-bit lying phonies.
Maybe 10% of republicans are fiscal conservatives.
Maybe 70% of them are social/religious conservatives.

Maybe 90% are corporatists.
Maybe 10% of republicans are fiscal conservatives.
Maybe 70% of them are social/religious conservatives.

Maybe 90% are corporatists.

So then the only real difference between Republicans & Democrats is “homophobia” or the lack thereof, huh?
If Republicans are conservatives, how come they hate the Bill Of Rights? How come they let Tricky Dick Nixon create the idiot, violent Drug War? How did the Republicans let the bastard get away with it when past Congresses knew they had to pass a constitutional amendment to prohibit the transportation and sale of alcohol to create alcohol prohibition but made no such attempt or requirement of Nixon to prohibit some drugs?

If Republicans are conservatives, what the fuck is conservative about creating and supporting along with the leftist Democrats the Military Industrial Complex, the World Police Force and the offensive foreign policy that the REPUBLICAN President Eisenhower warned us about?

If Republicans are conservatives why do they oppose the Bill Of Rights 4th & 9th amendments by wanting to deny some agreeable adults their right to make marriage contracts with each other? How does that conserve the Bill Of Rights?

If Republicans are conservatives, how come whenever they get elected to political offices they approve more unconstitutional growth and taxpayer’s loot for the left’s unconstitutional socialist programs and even add on more of them?

If Republicans are conservatives, what the hell are they trying to conserve besides MORE BIG SOCIALIST AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT?

Oh yeah! And if Republicans are conservatives, let’s not forget the National Debt. They’re in a godless race with the Democrat neo-communist left to see who can add more to it. Look it up! Check it out! Both major parties of the duopoly are simply BIG GOVERNMENT spend & bribe, bribe & spend two-bit lying phonies.
I think you meant to ask "Is the "right wing" of the Republican party conservative? The Republican party is a broad coalition party (though not as broad as the Democratic party apparently) and asking if Republicans are "really" conservative is a rhetorical question cause the obvious answer is "no". Not all Republicans are conservative.

Now if you were specifically addressing the right wing of the Republican party the answer would again be no. A conservative is a person who has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo (whether that be social or economic). The right wing members of the Republican party are not conservatives but political reactionaries. That is they hold political views that favor a return to a previous state. They are anti status quo and thus not conservative.
I think you meant to ask "Is the "right wing" of the Republican party conservative? The Republican party is a broad coalition party (though not as broad as the Democratic party apparently) and asking if Republicans are "really" conservative is a rhetorical question cause the obvious answer is "no". Not all Republicans are conservative.

Now if you were specifically addressing the right wing of the Republican party the answer would again be no. A conservative is a person who has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo (whether that be social or economic). The right wing members of the Republican party are not conservatives but political reactionaries. That is they hold political views that favor a return to a previous state. They are anti status quo and thus not conservative.

The only true “classical” conservatives are the 1 to 2 % of Republicans and (point) 5 % of one time Democrats that promote constitutional conservatism, i. e. the strict construct of the Constitution and voted for Ron Paul and Barry Goldwater and mostly vote now days for the libertarian candidate. The vast majority of Republicans today are neo-con, neo-fascist authoritarians. 99.9% of all Democrats today are neo-communist, neo-socialist fucking whack jobs or the morons that are being duped by the crooked bastard Democrat Party.
If Republicans are conservatives, how come they hate the Bill Of Rights? How come they let Tricky Dick Nixon create the idiot, violent Drug War? How did the Republicans let the bastard get away with it when past Congresses knew they had to pass a constitutional amendment to prohibit the transportation and sale of alcohol to create alcohol prohibition but made no such attempt or requirement of Nixon to prohibit some drugs?

If Republicans are conservatives, what the fuck is conservative about creating and supporting along with the leftist Democrats the Military Industrial Complex, the World Police Force and the offensive foreign policy that the REPUBLICAN President Eisenhower warned us about?

If Republicans are conservatives why do they oppose the Bill Of Rights 4th & 9th amendments by wanting to deny some agreeable adults their right to make marriage contracts with each other? How does that conserve the Bill Of Rights?

If Republicans are conservatives, how come whenever they get elected to political offices they approve more unconstitutional growth and taxpayer’s loot for the left’s unconstitutional socialist programs and even add on more of them?

If Republicans are conservatives, what the hell are they trying to conserve besides MORE BIG SOCIALIST AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT?

Oh yeah! And if Republicans are conservatives, let’s not forget the National Debt. They’re in a godless race with the Democrat neo-communist left to see who can add more to it. Look it up! Check it out! Both major parties of the duopoly are simply BIG GOVERNMENT spend & bribe, bribe & spend two-bit lying phonies.

Maybe your post is a sign or mental illness in that not even one of your accusations has any must be growing strawmen by the acre.
The only true “classical” conservatives are the 1 to 2 % of Republicans and (point) 5 % of one time Democrats that promote constitutional conservatism, i. e. the strict construct of the Constitution and voted for Ron Paul and Barry Goldwater and mostly vote now days for the libertarian candidate. The vast majority of Republicans today are neo-con, neo-fascist authoritarians. 99.9% of all Democrats today are neo-communist, neo-socialist fucking whack jobs or the morons that are being duped by the crooked bastard Democrat Party.
Well that's your definition and it's a damned arbitrary definition. A conservative is by definition a person that wants to preserve the status quo. You're just throwing out gross generalizations and hoping the stick....guess what? They aren't.
I agree with almost all of the points, and disagree with one, so I will pose a question to it.

What is marriage?

What is it now, or what is it if you look throughout history? Currently, it's just a casual union important to both religion and government. The main problem with that is it's undermining of separation of church and state. If it's a religious institution, allow religions to dictate it. If it's a government institution, allow the government to dictate it. You can't choose both. It just doesn't make sense that we prohibit SSM, prohibit polygamy, and provide financial benefits for married couples.

Historically, I agree with Robert Owen. It was a subjagatory practice and deserved to be abolished.
Well that's your definition and it's a damned arbitrary definition. A conservative is by definition a person that wants to preserve the status quo. You're just throwing out gross generalizations and hoping the stick....guess what? They aren't.

No! You’re defining a NEO-conservative A true traditional classical conservative is one that wishes to “preserve, conserve, protect and defend” the Constitution of these United States, most especially the very liberal Bill Of Rights as it pertains to individual liberty and the very conservative restrictions on the federal government therein.

Neo-cons wish to conserve undeclared unconstitutional wars, the World Police Force, American Foreign Intervention, The Military Industrial Complex, the unconstitutional Drug War, Homophobia and some even want to create a religious Theocracy. Oh yes, that is the status-quo, but it’s not traditional classical American conservatism, its way more akin to authoritarian fascism.

Democrats on the flip side of the authoritarian coin are not in any way traditional classical liberals. Democrats couldn’t care less about The Bill Of Rights or State’s Rights. The Democrat agenda is BIG Federalism neo-socialism neo-communism enforced by the mighty arm of a humongous forceful federal government. Democrats only support the first amendment when it protects the Democrats right to free speech. Democrats hate the right of religious freedom. Most Democrats hate the right to keep and bear arms. Democrats hate the 10th Amendment State’s Rights. Democrats are not ”liberals” they’re BIG government phonies operating a bribery scam and contributing to at least half of the national debt and curtailment of America’s freedoms. The other half of that belongs to their twin sister the neo-con Republicans.
Nope not even that, many dems are homophobes too.

Then of course there is absolutely no difference between Democrats and Republicans. You have a point! When it comes to corruption , authoritarianism and humongous government, they surely are twin sisters.
Maybe your post is a sign or mental illness in that not even one of your accusations has any must be growing strawmen by the acre.

How simple it must be for you to respond to my post with nothing more than insulting insinuation and no obligation of rational argument, huh? Surely the mindless babblings of the mindless, huh?
No. Neither party is conservative, just that the Democrat Party is an anathema to conservatism whilst the GOP at least has some conservatives.

The Republicans are about 1% libertarian minded and 99% neo-con authoritarian. The 99% are a gang of lying bastards that pay lip service to the Constitution that they either hate or avoid. Their “limited government” rhetoric is a fucking joke. They love humongous government authoritarianism as much as the commie Democrats.
The Republicans are about 1% libertarian minded and 99% neo-con authoritarian. The 99% are a gang of lying bastards that pay lip service to the Constitution that they either hate or avoid. Their “limited government” rhetoric is a fucking joke. They love humongous government authoritarianism as much as the commie Democrats.

Communism is radical libertarianism.
The Republicans are about 1% libertarian minded and 99% neo-con authoritarian. The 99% are a gang of lying bastards that pay lip service to the Constitution that they either hate or avoid. Their “limited government” rhetoric is a fucking joke. They love humongous government authoritarianism as much as the commie Democrats.
Not according to There are 23 members of the House that score 90% or better in their criteria. Overall in the House the GOP scores only 66% though, and that's where the problem lays.
Not according to There are 23 members of the House that score 90% or better in their criteria. Overall in the House the GOP scores only 66% though, and that's where the problem lays.

“The Heritage” is a neo-con think tank. I’d be more interested in congressional ratings by maybe the “Cato Institute.”