Are there any dems here that are disgusted with their party?

the closest i've ever seen a die hard leftie come out against a democrat politician is when they were shown how Obama strengthened the patriot act with NDAA.........that was only 'disappointment', but they will still support him.

todays politics is not about what's best for America, but what they can do to destroy the other side, America be damned.
I suppose their lack of support for Biden and Harris is them being against their party.

Their popularity levels are at all time lows and most of the people think the nation is heading in the wrong direction under them.

But they still support democrats overall.
I suppose their lack of support for Biden and Harris is them being against their party.

Their popularity levels are at all time lows and most of the people think the nation is heading in the wrong direction under them.

But they still support democrats overall.


Democratic approval stands at 44.8%, up quite a bit from last November.

Republican approval is at s39.8%. Significantly worse than Democrats.

You continue to be wrong about absolutely everything.

Democratic approval stands at 44.8%, up quite a bit from last November.

Republican approval is at s39.8%. Significantly worse than Democrats.

You continue to be wrong about absolutely everything.

these polls are obviously fucking meaningless and only serves to show that all democrats hate republicans and all republicans hate democrats............using them to illustrate someone doing a good/bad job is idiocy

Yes, me. The Democratic party, as all Americans parties, is a corrupt power consolidating machine that rewards manipulative measures to subvert the direct will of the people and grift power to specific people for the mutual benefit of a small group of powerful people.
Yes, me. The Democratic party, as all Americans parties, is a corrupt power consolidating machine that rewards manipulative measures to subvert the direct will of the people and grift power to specific people for the mutual benefit of a small group of powerful people.

yet you continually vote Dem...............or are simply a coward that has to vote against republicans so they don't win?

I don't consider myself a Democrat, although that's how I'm registered. I have voted for Republicans and Independents for every major office, both state, federal and local. That being said, I align much closer to the platform of the Democratic party, in large part because the Republicans do not have a platform. Literally. They are a white nationalist grievance party. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now, to the question. I am disgusted with politics in general, although disgusted might be the wrong word. We need to get money out of politics. Easier said than done. The Democratic party suffers from what any major party in their position would suffer. It's a much larger tent than the white Christiaan male tent of the GOP. So there are factions that are working against one another, and the Dems are the worst messengers in the world. Just awful. So, I'll answer this with a somewhat rhetorical question, because the answer is obvious. Given the choice of Democrats winning a supermajority at the National, State and local levels or Republicans doing the same, which party would be best for the country. The answer is obvious. But the current political divide does not permit anything to get done. So we are in a mud-slinging contest where policy is meaningless. Against that backdrop, the Democratic party, with razor thin majorities, managed to pass more significant legislation than any President since LBJ.

So no, I am not disgusted with the party per se. I don't approve of the way some representatives conduct themselves, and I would like to see the party further left on social issues, but I will take the good with the bad. I am realistic. The Democratic party is the only party that is currently positioned to make a difference in the lives of Americans, and at the end of the day, THAT is the mission statement.

Libertarians are not the answer. No Labels is not the answer. The answer is to start by getting rid of Donald Trump and his cult. Expel them forcefully from the public debate. They are un American. Second, make grass roots changes, get rid of these gerrymandered states (that favor only one party) and make peoples votes actually count for something. I will criticize the party when it is warranted (like the Clinton/Sanders debacle) and I will praise those in the party when they deserve praise. Biden has been incredibly effective given the circumstances. I will NEVER fill out an easier ballot than the one in 2024. If you have GOP next to your name, I will not vote for you under any circumstances. We can go back to policy debates, and I will even consider alternatives to the two party, but NOT RIGHT NOW. We are on the gurney suffering cardiac arrest. I'm not about to start bashing the doctor, even if he isn't my first choice.
these polls are obviously fucking meaningless and only serves to show that all democrats hate republicans and all republicans hate democrats............using them to illustrate someone doing a good/bad job is idiocy

Hey, pipe down private. I was responding to a specific assertion that the Democratic party approval was at an all time low. Can you read, or do you need some help with that too?
yet you continually vote Dem...............or are simply a coward that has to vote against republicans so they don't win?

I think the Democrats in general are the lesser of two evils by a long shot these days.

When the structure we have limits us to two viable options I often feel compelled to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Generally its not the candidate who is the corrupt party leader. Neither Biden or Trump were party leaders.
I think the Democrats in general are the lesser of two evils by a long shot these days.

When the structure we have limits us to two viable options I often feel compelled to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Generally its not the candidate who is the corrupt party leader. Neither Biden or Trump were party leaders.

the two party structure is maintained by those two parties in order to prevent any other candidates. so what you're saying is that you're not strong enough, courageous enough, or smart enough to go outside that two party box they keep you in
Dems want America to continue. We do not want many times crooked Trump to have power. He wants to change everything ala Mussolini. Biden is just a typical president following the rules. We need someone to stand up to the power of corporations and the wealthy. That is not Daffy Donald.

And this is serious.

The Dems are in large part responsible for all this ongoing republican criminality up and down the board, and all the attempts to undermine America by the right by trying to 'both sides' it, in an attempt to be civil in discourse.

So ya i am disappointed that Dem administrations did not, much earlier take more aggressive steps to route out it out.

Tolerating DJT and the right, only emboldens them to do worse and worse that is why we are, were we are now.

Next is the GOP continued push to ruin US credit ratings worldwide, a deliberate tactic to weaken America, to make us pay significantly more interest on debt, and to balloon debt, that they then will say is the Dems fault.

This current form of the republi'can' party needs to be stopped.

And this is serious.

The Dems are in large part responsible for all this ongoing republican criminality up and down the board, and all the attempts to undermine America by the right by trying to 'both sides' it, in an attempt to be civil in discourse.

So ya i am disappointed that Dem administrations did not, much earlier take more aggressive steps to route out it out.

Tolerating DJT and the right, only emboldens them to do worse and worse that is why we are, were we are now.

Next is the GOP continued push to ruin US credit ratings worldwide, a deliberate tactic to weaken America, to make us pay significantly more interest on debt, and to balloon debt, that they then will say is the Dems fault.

This current form of the republi'can' party needs to be stopped.

Wait till this Fall when the Trump advocates in the House play brinkmanship and put the US economy in jeopardy with the budget, pretty certain they are planning to shut down the Government regardless of the consequences