Are you a birther?

While I do not doubt Obama's country of birth, I do believe the issue itself has brought out the need for a standardized method of assuring ANY political candidate is legally qualified for the position they seek. (Actually qualified is too much to hope for these days.)

I also believe that the use of any formal government record which is not considered adequate for any other legal purposes should not be legally acceptable to qualify a person for political office. A certificate of live birth is NOT considered adequate proof of one's status for ID's, drivers licenses, passports, or any other situation which normally requires a birth certificate. The fact that Obama won't allow his original to be viewed only extends a stupid controversy that could very easily be resolved. To avoid this ridiculous nonsense in the future, a standardized process of assuring a candidate's legal qualifications that includes a legal copy of an original birth certificate should be emplaced.

This issue helps Obama by making his opponents look like whacks, that's why he does not release the official document. The bigger an issue this is for the lunutic 30% the worse it reflects on Obama's more Mainstream opponants.
So Damo, what was your position on Bush releasing his Alabama National Guard records?
So Damo, what was your position on Bush releasing his Alabama National Guard records?
Bush did release his military records. That was not the issue.

At issue was whether he had fulfilled his obligation to the Guard despite an honorable discharge, due to records indicating a lack of performance his last year of enlistment.
So Damo, what was your position on Bush releasing his Alabama National Guard records?

Bush did release his military records. That was not the issue.

At issue was whether he had fulfilled his obligation to the Guard despite an honorable discharge, due to records indicating a lack of performance his last year of enlistment.

This. Also at issue was the faked documents presented to us by an over excited news source ready to report what they wanted to believe rather than what was verified.
Uh, I never said "they do it too", I simply asked Damo a question!
Riiiight. LOL

And what was the purpose of that question? Why bring in Bush's military records into a discussion about the release of records which would prove the constitutional requirements for president are met?

And a bogus question at that.
Good Luck, nothing Obama does will ever end the issue. However, he is right to give the birthers the finger, because it generates more noise and helps him politically. I don't like the man's politics, but its exactly what I'd do. Actually, I'd probably be less restrained, and openly mock them and call them names.

If you believe the matter can be ended, you are unfamilar with the JFK Assassination, the Lunar Landing, the tales of Sasquatch/Bigfoot, The 9/11 Hitjob, and a host of other conspiracy theories.
LBJ killed JFK, you idiot.
They could have denied him a place on the ballot then. Without direct knowledge, and because of the very specific requirements, they could have simply said, "If you don't prove it, you don't get on this ballot."

If they were doing their job, just one or two even, this would be moot. Instead they eventually caved.

Personally I believe he is a citizen with something that would embarrass him on his original copy. Along with all the other documents he holds back...

The problem for me isn't the belief he was born in some African nation or some other nonsense... it is more the determined effort to delete the personal history of somebody we are hiring (have hired) to be one branch of our government. If I had tried to hide even one piece of the stuff he gets "pshaws" about when I tried to get my clearance I'd have been sent haze gray and underway rather than worked at a very rewarding job in the Navy.

Nobody suggests that he put it all out there, they simply ask for something they've all had to give at one point in their life or another. I don't care if he ever gives it. Although I do find the fight interesting, and believe that eventually we'll see those documents and know what he tried so desperately to hide (and the "birthers" or "proofers" will be disappointed.)

We have a President that 42% of the nation, not some tiny group or "fringe" 42%, are not sure he was born where he said he was.

Basically we are in agreement, just not in the means to get the job done. He is running in 51 separate (actually 53 if you count the territories) elections, he should have to provide information to the satisfaction of each of the governing bodies that are running those elections. I don't like the immediate idea that we should centralize even this. While I think we should have assurances so that this will not happen in the future, I think we just need to get at least some of the states to require it to get on their ballot.

Why would it matter, if he was born in Hawaii or Africa, his mother was clearly a citizen....
Why would it matter, if he was born in Hawaii or Africa, his mother was clearly a citizen....

Indeed. The requirements at the time to impart citizenship at birth regardless of place of birth were she had to be a citizen, lived in the US for at least 10 years 5 of which had to happen after her 14th birthday. Now, if she actually had Obama in Kenya (she didn't but let's say she did) the question these people had were if she had lived in the US for 5 years after her 14th birthday....
Indeed. The requirements at the time to impart citizenship at birth regardless of place of birth were she had to be a citizen, lived in the US for at least 10 years 5 of which had to happen after her 14th birthday. Now, if she actually had Obama in Kenya (she didn't but let's say she did) the question these people had were if she had lived in the US for 5 years after her 14th birthday....

Do you still think he's determined and desperate about trying to hide something? is more the determined effort to delete the personal history of somebody we are hiring (have hired) to be one branch of our government...

...I do find the fight interesting, and believe that eventually we'll see those documents and know what he tried so desperately to hide (and the "birthers" or "proofers" will be disappointed.)
Do you still think he's determined and desperate about trying to hide something? is more the determined effort to delete the personal history of somebody we are hiring (have hired) to be one branch of our government...

...I do find the fight interesting, and believe that eventually we'll see those documents and know what he tried so desperately to hide (and the "birthers" or "proofers" will be disappointed.)

I still believe the birthers and the proofers will be disappointed.
It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the certificate of live birth that was presented by Obama was a forgery.

I believe that what us being hidden is who his real father is. I don't believe his real father is Obama
I still believe the birthers and the proofers will be disappointed.

"CNN Poll: Quarter doubt Obama was born in U.S....

...poll indicates some Americans continue to doubt the president was born in the United States.

According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, more than a quarter of the public have doubts about Obama's citizenship, with 11 percent saying Obama was definitely not born in the United States and another 16 percent saying the president was probably not born in the country..."

"Crash K" bait....

I'd love to see a pool about how many of that group are now supporting Ted Cruz who actually was not born in the United States.
It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the certificate of live birth that was presented by Obama was a forgery.

I believe that what us being hidden is who his real father is. I don't believe his real father is Obama

Why would that matter?
Indeed. The requirements at the time to impart citizenship at birth regardless of place of birth were she had to be a citizen, lived in the US for at least 10 years 5 of which had to happen after her 14th birthday. Now, if she actually had Obama in Kenya (she didn't but let's say she did) the question these people had were if she had lived in the US for 5 years after her 14th birthday....

Remember when Donald Trump was going to release proof that Obama was not born in Hawaii?