Are you sorry yet ? You should be.

God and Country Festival began in 1967

70 recruits sworn in to serve the military at the event....obviously means the military is well represented at this event in large numbers....

42 years of flyovers at this event, including 8 years under George Bush....

2009, same event,...flyover denied...Whats changed ?...only one thing...a new President (Obama)

End of story.

Keep ignoring the DoD's rules on the subject. It confirms your position of being a total conservative hack. :rolleyes:

Isn't it funny that a conservative website like American Family Ass'n. hasn't even blamed this on Obama?

The God and Country Family Festival in Nampa, Idaho, has had an Air Force flyover every year for the last forty years. However, this year the Air Force turned down the festival's flyover request. Courtesy of Hot Air. Why?

An Idaho community had secured an Air Force flyover for its local festival every year for more than 40 years, organizers say, but this year, the Air Force turned the request down over the festival’s religious focus. [emphasis mine.]

The God and Country Family Festival in Nampa, Idaho, applied to the Pentagon for the flyover but was denied in an e-mail, board member Patti Syme told KTBV. Syme said the e-mail from a defense official informed her the Pentagon prohibited support of special interest groups.

A defense department official told FOX News the Air Force denied the request because it violates a Pentagon policy against supporting any event “that provides a selective benefit to any individual, group, or organization, including any religious or sectarian organization, ideological movement, political campaign or organization, or commercial enterprise, to include a shopping mall or motion picture promotion.”

See also FOX News. Board member Patti Syme said an email from a defense official told her that the Pentagon prohibits support of special interest groups. Syme says "I called him immediately and just said, you know hey we've been doing this for 42 years, we've had flyovers, what is the problem?" "And he said, well we have looked up your Web site and everything on your Web site seemed to focus on Christianity, ministry booths. And he said, in fact, ma'am it sounds like it focuses on Christianity. And he said, in fact, it would be great to go to, in fact, if I personally, could come I would, but we can't endorse such an endeavor, so they couldn't do the flyover."
If you want to register a complaint:


Tech. Sgt. Roy Utley

Aviation Support
703-695-9664 Phone
703-693-9601 Fax

Just so you know, this action is a direct result of an atheist organization Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) who do not care about soldiers or the military per se, but only of preventing the military from any association with religion. The specific person responsible is Chris Rodda from ....the Daily Kos.

This specific event falls on a patriotic holiday and its focus was on honoring soldiers two reasons why it was always approved in the past. It was denied because it is a Christian organization and the military now have rabid groups of atheists applying pressure against programs like this one that honor our men and women in uniform.
The poor Tech. Sgt. It wasn't his sole responsibility.
Man, I had no idea the J-man would be down with weapons of war, or would be honored with a military fly by. I thought he was the Prince of Peace, or whatever.

You learn something new every day!