Are you swayed by scare tactics?

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Well-paid business lobbyists are working overtime to defeat health care reform in Congress. Large sums have been paid in an attempt to frighten Americans into opposing reform.

While inaction will preserve the obscene profits of huge multinational corporations, the result will be catastrophic for ordinary Americans.

Doing nothing would impose a huge cost on ordinary families. Doing nothing means that you’re going to lose what you have , because on the current trajectory, your premiums are going to double again over the next five to 10 years

This is about every family, every business and every taxpayer who continues to shoulder the burden of a problem that Washington has failed to solve for decades.

If somebody told you that there is a plan out there that is guaranteed to double your health-care costs over the next 10 years, that's guaranteed to result in more Americans losing their health care, and that is by far the biggest contributor to our federal deficit, I think most people would be opposed to that. Well, that's the status quo. So if we don't change, we can't expect a different result.

Health-care reform is not just about the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance at all.

Reform is about every American who has ever feared that they may lose their coverage if they become too sick, or lose their job, or change their job.

The Republican-led effort to distort the facts on health care reform is a prime example of politicians propagandizing for pay putting profits before people.

Will we let them block efforts to provide access to all Americans, and give more choice and stability to those who already have health care?

Or, will we let the GOP impose their profits-at-all-costs vision of health care on America once again and do nothing to fix the high costs and instability that are causing hardship for millions of hard-working Americans?

Contact your Congressional representatives and Senators today and tell them you want change on health care!
A comprehensive overhaul of the health care system, eliminating inefficiencies and wasteful practices, will be crucial in correcting the nation’s unsustainable fiscal excesses.
No I am not swayed by scare tactics. But please feel free to continue trying.
Fortunately, more people are not falling for the scare tactics of "Hugo"..

this man if friggen insane..overhauling our entire Health care system in 2 wks and over a 1000 pages long.....
Legislation like this always reminds me of cheap salesmen.

They don't want you to know all the facts and there is always a time restriction.

If this is being pushed without giving people time to read and research it, then someone doesn't want it to be read about or researched.
Legislation like this always reminds me of cheap salesmen.

They don't want you to know all the facts and there is always a time restriction.

If this is being pushed without giving people time to read and research it, then someone doesn't want it to be read about or researched.

Just what was hillarycare? Was there ever actually a plan put forward? Or was it like the republicans SS reform?
Just what was hillarycare? Was there ever actually a plan put forward? Or was it like the republicans SS reform?
Bob Dole with over 40 R cosigners put forward legislation that would have given over 80% of what the Ds wanted. Instead of supporting it she worked to tank that one and nothing was done at all.

Awesome "politics" played there...
Legislation like this always reminds me of cheap salesmen.

They don't want you to know all the facts and there is always a time restriction.

If this is being pushed without giving people time to read and research it, then someone doesn't want it to be read about or researched.

there are plenty of real reasons to not favor a ramrodded bill. pinhead rep talking heads - limbaugh - are all over the whole 'end of life' counseling thing claiming soylent green type outcomes, but if he read it, he would FAVOR. Durable power of attorney, advanced medical directives, and all those instructions = no more Teri Schiavos!
Bob Dole with over 40 R cosigners put forward legislation that would have given over 80% of what the Ds wanted. Instead of supporting it she worked to tank that one and nothing was done at all.

Awesome "politics" played there...

And then the repubs did nothing for the next 20 some years on healthcare reform.
We've been talking about health care reform since the days of Harry Truman.

How could it be too soon? I don't think it's too soon for the families who've seen their premiums rise faster than wages year after year.

It's not too soon for the businesses forced to drop coverage or shed workers because of mounting health care expenses.

It's not too soon for taxpayers asked to close widening deficits that stem from rising health care costs, costs that threaten to leave our children with a mountain of debt.

Reform may be coming too soon for some in Washington, but it's not soon enough for the American people. We can get this done.

We don't shirk from a challenge.
Yeah, it's not too soon to give the total decision making on our Heath Care and lives over to THE GOVERNMENT..

lets get her done now...don't be afraid..
One of the frustrating things about how this issue gets reported is that as soon as you get a draft bill out there, suddenly that's the bill, when the working assumption has always been you're going to end up having five bills, all of which have to be reconciled.

On Friday, President Obama said that the imminent passage of a health care reform bill will not compound the nation's deficits.

In response to the scare tactics of the health care industry's paid lapdogs, President Obama repeated "We're not going to set up something that's not fully paid for. That's been my criteria from the start."

Those who want to deny coverage to 47 million Americans decry "government-run health care," when in fact 60 percent of Americans already receive government-provided health care under Medicare, Medicaid and veterans' benefits.

Even workers with employer-provided insurance plans benefit from a costly government subsidy that excludes those benefits from taxation.

The GOP, desperate for health care industry cash, continues to paint health care reform as "socialist" while ignoring the facts.

We need to build on the system we have, which blends government programs with a strong private marketplace to achieve a uniquely American result.

While inaction will preserve the obscene profits of huge multinational corporations, the result will be catastrophic for ordinary Americans.

Doing nothing would impose a huge cost on ordinary families. Doing nothing means that you’re going to lose what you have , because on the current trajectory, your premiums are going to double again over the next five to 10 years


Or, will we let the GOP impose their profits-at-all-costs vision of health care on America once again and do nothing to fix the high costs and instability that are causing hardship for millions of hard-working Americans?


Like the above?
One of the frustrating things about how this issue gets reported is that as soon as you get a draft bill out there, suddenly that's the bill, when the working assumption has always been you're going to end up having five bills, all of which have to be reconciled.

doesn't it make sense to point out the stupidities in the draft bills so they don't end up in the bills that need reconciliation?
This barrage of innuendo is starting to sound like the foolishness we heard from "conservative activists" decades ago when Medicare was being discussed.